HEIF 2011-15 App Competition

Enterprise and Commercial Development have opened a new Mobile App call under HEIF.

Have you created a process, toolkit or algorithm? Do you have research that you would like to disseminate to the public? Have you considered turning it into an app?

This is an exciting competition that challenges academics and postgraduate research students from all faculties to come up with an idea and design a mobile app with a viable business model. The aim is to support the development and use of apps, encourage entrepreneurship, enhance research and help create impact and public engagement opportunities.

Prize: The three winning entries will receive funding for the development of their app by a professional software developer, hosting and initial marketing.

The guidelines and application form for this call are now available for download from Drop Box at the below link:

Deadline: 31 October 2014



Mass Media for Public Health

As the NIHR are visiting the university on Wednesday we thought it would be interesting to look at one of their current open calls. This fund looks like it is made for partnership work between FACT and FHS.

Funding Body: NIHR
Scheme:13/163: Mass media for public health messages
Overview: mass media for public health messages – effective uses of mass media to communicate public health messages to local populations in the UK.

This call will commission secondary research to draw together evidence on effective use of mass-media to communicate public health messages as part of local initiatives, used alone or as part of national campaigns. Secondary research methods, which may include a review of reviews, are required to synthesize existing literature across relevant disciplines.

They are particularly interested in effective:

• components of messages

• delivery to different target populations

• use for different aims and outcomes towards changing behaviour to improve health

• fit with other strategies to improve public health

Budget: Costs are based on actual project costs. Staff are funded at 80%.
Deadlines: 22 April 2013
Further Information: http://www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/funding/phr-commissioned
