Latest funds on Research Professional 14/01/2016

Bi-weekly highlight of new funds posted on Research Professional.

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks

Fellowship and doctoral-level research in sport and exercise medicine bursary
British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine, GB
This supports population, community, primary care or hospital-based research that relates to the role of physical activity in preventing and managing disease. The bursary is worth up to £20,000 over a maximum period of two years. Funding covers research and study costs.
Maximum award: £20,000
Closing date: 31 Jan 16

John, Margaret, Alfred and Stewart Sim fellowship
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, GB
This supports research into the causes or treatment of depression, with the aim of fostering mental health research and the academic careers of early or intermediate researchers. The fellowship is worth up to £300,000 over a maximum period of three years.
Maximum award: £300,000
Closing date: 01 Feb 16 (recurring)

Jean Davies Award
Iolanthe Midwifery Trust, GB
This award is made available for midwives working to address the impact of social inequalities on the well-being of pregnant women, new mothers and their babies. Award is worth up to £5,000 per year.
Maximum award: £5,000
Closing date: 05 Feb 16 (recurring)

Research for understanding, mitigating and countering security threats
Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats, GB
Funding supports innovative and forward-looking economic, behavioural and social science research that will contribute to our understanding of contemporary security threats, or research that enhances the UK’s capacity to detect and mitigate such threats. The total budget is worth up to £1.25 million at 100 per cent full economic cost, of which 80 per cent is available to successful applicants.
Maximum award: Not known
Closing date: 05 Feb 16

International partnership and mobility scheme
British Academy, GB
This scheme aims to support the development of partnerships between the UK and other areas of the world where research excellence would be strengthened by new, innovative initiatives and links. Grants are worth up to £10,000 per year for a period of one or three years.
Maximum award: £30,000
Closing date: 10 Feb 16

Mid-career research fellowship
Independent Social Research Foundation, GB
These support original interdisciplinary research across the range of social sciences. Grants of up to £60,000 are available.
Maximum award: £60,000
Closing date: 19 Feb 16

International exchanges scheme – standard programme
Royal Society, GB
This stimulates new collaborations within the natural sciences between scientists in the UK and overseas. Grants are worth up to £12,000 over a maximum period of two years. Researchers may also receive the Colin Pillinger international exchanges award of £1,000 to communicate their research to the general public.
Maximum award: £13,000
Closing date: 23 Feb 16 (recurring)

Newton mobility grants – Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey
Royal Society, GB
These enable international researchers to undertake short-term visits to the UK and develop networks, research projects and research partnerships with UK scientists in order to develop their skills and knowledge. Grants are worth up to £12,000 each over two years.
Maximum award: £12,000
Closing date: 02 Mar 16 -The world’s leading provider of news and funding information for research professionals.

Learn how to manage your research

The best free way to manage your research

Organize, share, discover


Mendeley is a desktop and web program for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data and collaborating online. It combines Mendeley Desktop, a PDF and reference management application (available for Windows, OS X and Linux) with Mendeley Web, an online social network for researchers.


Nachi Chockalingam and Aoife Healy will provide an introduction to Mendeley software on Wednesday 20th January from 1 – 1.45pm.


They will demonstrate how the software can be used to store and organise research articles and how it can be used to create citations and bibliographies.


Places are limited, to attend the event please register at:


For more information see


Leverhulme – Research Fellowships


Offering up to £50,000 over three to twenty-four months for experienced researchers to conduct a programme of research in any discipline. Research Fellowships are open to experienced researchers, particularly those who are or have been prevented by routine duties from completing a programme of original research. Awards are not limited to those holding appointments in higher education.


The maximum value of a Fellowship is £50,000. The awards provide research expenses over and above normal living costs and/or provide a contribution towards reasonable replacement costs or loss of earnings.


Fellowships are tenable for between 3 and 24 months, and the current round of awards must commence between 1 June 2016 and 1 May 2017.

The 2016 round opens on 1 September 2015. The closing date for applications is 12 November 2015 at 4pm.

Eligibility and application information


Anna Grundy (020 7042 9861), Bridget Kerr (020 7042 9862) or Andreas Heiner (020 7042 9863)

Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions: MSCA Individual Fellowships Call



Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions: MSCA Individual Fellowships Call

The 2015 Individual Fellowships (IFs) call, which includes the European Fellowship and the Global Fellowship strands, has been published on the Participant Portal.

The IF Guide for Applicants can be found on the Portal through the Call Documents tab for the IF call, as can a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for the IF call.

The deadline for the 2015 Individual Fellowships call is 10 September 2015.

To find out more follow this link to the web page MSC Fellowship call 2015

Or see the fact sheet here – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet


Sofja Kovalevskaja award for early career researchers to set up a research group



The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation invites applications for the Sofja Kovalevskaja award. This enables young researchers from abroad to establish their own junior research groups at research institutions in Germany.

Scientists and scholars from all countries and disciplines who have completed their doctorates with distinction no more than six years ago may apply. Applications from young female researchers are particularly welcomed. Applicants must not have been in Germany for more than six months at the closing date for applications.

Scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully; scientists and engineers must have a good knowledge of German or English.

The award is worth a total of €1.65 million for a period of five years and may be used to cover all expenses relevant to their projects including living costs of the applicant.

Closing date: 31/07/2015

Further information:

HEE/NIHR Invitation to Tender for Masters in Clinical Research Studentships

National Institute for Health Research

Health Education England (HEE) and The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) are pleased to announce HEE’s intention to fund 100 masters studentships per year for the academic years 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18.

English HEIs able to offer a masters in clinical research that requires its students to manage and deliver research in a clinical setting are invited to tender for up to 10 studentships per year for each of these academic years.

The masters studentships are an integral component of the clinical academic career pathway provided by the new HEE/ NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme. Only registered non-medical/dental healthcare professionals who deliver NHS services will be eligible to receive the studentships; and supported masters courses must be promoted to, accessible to, and relevant to all of the ICA Programme eligible healthcare professions.

The new HEE / NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme is replacing the previous Clinical Academic Training (CAT) and Healthcare Science Research Fellowships programmes and is open to all non-medical/dental healthcare professionals requiring statutory registration.

Tenders must be submitted by 1pm on Thursday 29th January 2015 and will be assessed in the spring by an expert review panel drawn from the pool of HEE/ NIHR ICA Programme Review Panel Members.

Funding is available to support 3 annual and consecutive cohorts of students, the first cohort being required to take up their studentships in autumn 2015.

For further information go to:

Invitation to Tender document.



11.8 billion Euros for 2014-2020: the European Commission has formally adopted the UK partnership agreement on the 29th October.


The European Commission (EC) has adopted Partnership Agreements with six Member States on the 29th October, including the United Kingdom. The UK Partnership agreement allocates €11.8 billion of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for key thematic investments during the period 2014-2020. The UK government is now waiting for a formal response from the European Commission to its Operational Programmes.

The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) covers the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The funds are concentrated on a limited number of priorities for a better impact on growth and jobs in the UK: research and innovation, ICT, competitiveness of enterprises and low carbon economy represent more than 80% of the total allocations.

Both the European Commission and the United Kingdom are expecting to increase the number of innovative enterprises, including the number of collaborations between SMEs and academic institutions in the UK. Superfast broadband, low carbon economy, sustainable land management, inactivity levels, higher level training and skills are also within the main targets of the UK Partnership Agreement.

Within the ESI Funds Growth Programme, England is being allocated €3.6 billion of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), €3.3 billion of European Social Fund (ESF), and €3.4 billion for Rural Development.

The ERDF and ESF Operational Programmes, which are breaking down the investment priorities and objectives of the Partnership Agreements into concrete actions, are due to be adopted by the European Commission in the next few months. Applications will then be able to be submitted to the relevant Managing Authorities of the programmes for applying to these funds.

To find out more:

Leverhulme research project grants – appications invited


The Leverhulme Trust invites proposals for its research project grants. These support innovative and original research projects on a topic of the applicant’s choice. The trust welcomes applications for research in any academic discipline.

Eligible applicants will already be employed by an institution or be an academic who has maintained close links with that institution following retirement. Institutions eligible to apply are universities, other institutions of higher education in the UK, and registered charities in the UK that have equivalent research capacity.

The scheme is also open to institutions or organisations of similar standing in countries where the provision of research funding is seriously limited. The award is paid directly to the institution at which the applicant is employed. Up to three co-applicants from the same institution or different institutions may apply.

Grants may be held for up to five years for a maximum sum of £500,000. Eligible costs include research staff, postgraduate students and the tuition fees and maintenance costs of one or more PhD studentships, as well as research-associated costs such as travel and subsistence, consumables and technical costs or services.


The trust does not support

  •  Research directly relevant to clinicians, medical professionals or the pharmaceutical industry, as well as policy-driven research where the principal objective is to assemble an evidence base for immediate policy initiatives.
  •  Research aimed principally at an immediate commercial application.
  • Principal investigators may not apply from institutions or organisations located in North America or elsewhere in the EU.

Application procedure

Research Project Grants are assessed via a two-stage process. There are no deadlines for Outline Applications, and their assessment is normally completed within three months. An invitation to progress to the second stage – preparation of a Detailed Application – will be sent to those whose Outline Application has been approved.

Up Coming Funding Events

Now that people are returning from summer breaks it seems a good time to send a reminder out for the three upcoming funding events being run by the External Projects Team.

Find Funding for your Research                        Wednesday 17 September 10:00-11:00

Workshop on using Research Professional to find the latest research funding in your field.

British Academy Visit to Staffordshire University     Thursday 2 October 13:00-16:00

Delegates will learn more about the scheme requirements, success rates, what assessors look for and how best to present applications.

Be a part of European funding    Thursday 20 November various times for each session

Four sessions on various European funding schemes. This year’s visit has a focus on partnering with businesses.

Visit the links above for full details on each event and how to book.


HEIF 2011-15 App Competition

Enterprise and Commercial Development have opened a new Mobile App call under HEIF.

Have you created a process, toolkit or algorithm? Do you have research that you would like to disseminate to the public? Have you considered turning it into an app?

This is an exciting competition that challenges academics and postgraduate research students from all faculties to come up with an idea and design a mobile app with a viable business model. The aim is to support the development and use of apps, encourage entrepreneurship, enhance research and help create impact and public engagement opportunities.

Prize: The three winning entries will receive funding for the development of their app by a professional software developer, hosting and initial marketing.

The guidelines and application form for this call are now available for download from Drop Box at the below link:

Deadline: 31 October 2014
