Online funding systems needing Research Services approval

A number of external funding organisations use online sites to upload funding applications. Some of these sites require a bid to be signed off by Research Services as part of your application process.

This includes Je-S. This site provides electronic application forms for the following funds: AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC, NERC, STFC, the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)

To apply for funding on Je-S you need to set up an account. You can do this here:

Once you have requested an account Research Services must confirm you are a member of staff at Staffordshire University before you can get started.


In addition Research Services also acts as approver on the following:

Royal Society (E-GAP)

British Academy (E-GAP2)

Leverhulme Trust

European Commission (Participant Portal)

When you are submitting a bid to these funds you need to make sure you leave enough time for the Research Services to review and submit your project after you have pressed submit. We work to the same application deadline as you.

Opportunity for scientists to meet Indian partners

This fund is for British and Indian scientists to have meetings in either India or the UK. The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

Funding Body: Royal Society

Scheme: India-UK scientific seminars

Overview: Funding enables groups of early to mid-career scientists from India and the UK to organise scientific seminars in order to promote collaboration and knowledge transfer. The meetings may address any area of the life and physical sciences, although applications focusing on the following priority areas are particularly encouraged:

•sustainable cities and urbanisation;

•public health and well being;

•water, food and energy nexus.

The meetings must take place in either India or the UK and serve up to 20 attendees, five from the visiting country and up to 15 from the host country. All attendees must have a PhD or equivalent research experience. UK attendees must hold a permanent or fixed term contract at an eligible organisation, excluding industrial, private and commercial organisations, university spinout companies, governmental bodies and research institutes and research councils. Indian attendees should be scientists or faculty members working in regular capacity in universities, deemed universities or academic institutes recognised by the University Grants Commission, or in national research and development laboratories or institutes. Applications should be submitted by the UK scientists.

Budget: Between 12 and 20 awards, worth up to £12,000 each, will be granted to support meetings of up to three days’ duration between October 2014 and March 2015. Awards will cover international airfares for up to five scientists, local travel costs, accommodation for up to four nights and organisational support.

The grant does not cover bench fees, conference fees, departmental costs.

Deadlines: 10 June 2014

Further Information:


Fund an international academic to work at Staffs Uni

If you know a star academic working abroad that you would like to work at Staffordshire University for two years, this fund from the Royal Society and British Academy should be of interest.

Researchers can work in a broad range of fields including natural and social sciences and humanities.

Funding Body: Royal Society and the British Academy

Scheme: Newton International Fellowship

Overview: The Royal Society and the British Academy invite applications for the Newton international fellowship. This enables early-stage postdoctoral researchers from all over the world to work in the fields of natural and social sciences and the humanities at UK research institutions. Contact between the applicants and their UK sponsor must have been established prior to application.

Applicants must have a PhD and up to seven years of active full time postdoctoral experience. They should be working outside the UK and be competent in oral and written English. UK citizens may not apply.

Budget: The fellowship lasts for two years and provides £24,000 per year for subsistence costs, up to £8,000 per year for research expenses and a one-off payment of up to £2,000 for relocation expenses. In addition, fellows may receive up to £6,000 per year for up to 10 years following the tenure to support networking activities with UK-based researchers.

Deadlines: 10 March 2014 –This is an annual call

Further Information:


Prestigious Awards Releasing Scientists from Teaching

The Royal Society has launched a call for Research Professorships. These awards come up highly infrequently and they are extremely prestigious. The aim of these awards is to release the best scientists from teaching and administration, allowing them to focus on research. There is plenty of time to consider an application, as bids are due in on 13 March 2014.

Funding Body: Royal Society

Scheme: Research Professorship

Overview: These prestigious posts provide long-term support for internationally recognised scientists of outstanding achievement and promise. The Professorships may be awarded in any field across the natural sciences. Applicants can be of any nationality, and applications are particularly welcomed from scientists currently resident outside the UK.

Budget: The scheme provides salary costs, a one-off start-up grant and research expenses. Appointments are usually made for up to 10 years.

Deadlines: 13 March 2014

Further Information:

