Staffs Uni Shortlisted for “Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative”

Staffordshire University have been shortlisted in the “Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative” category in the Times Higher Education Awards. The entry was submitted by ECD and we are one of only six universities within the category – to just get shortlisted is a fantastic achievement! The awards night takes place on Thursday 28th November at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London.

The past 12 months have been an award winning year for ECD-

CIM Marketing Excellence Awards: Best Strategic Marketing project for KTP Associate/Project with GDM Heat Transfer

Praxis Unico Impact Awards: Special Recognition Award for our Spin-out Company Flux Stoke-on-Trent

Unitemps Annual Conference: Innovation of the Year Award for our Internship Scheme


ECD also supported an entry from Wade Ceramics into the Midlands in Business Awards ‘International Manufacturing’ category and they won!
