Horizon 2020 Condensed Factsheet

A new factsheet outlining the new European Research Programmes –Horizon 2020 has been launched by UKRO today.

The factsheet nicely condenses the programme to show what research areas will be covered by the funding, who should apply and what is funded.

The External Projects Team will be getting out lots of information on the new programme over the coming weeks in preparation for the launch in January 2014.  This document provides a good starting point to give an overview of the new scheme.

For a copy of this fact sheet contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

Getting up to Speed on European Funding

Special guest, Eevi Laukkanen, will be coming to Staffordshire University on 11 December 2013. Eevi is from UKRO in Brussels and will be talking about the new European funding streams being launched in January 2014.

The new funds include:

  • Horizon 2020, the replacement for FP7 which funds research and innovation
  • Erasmus+, funding education and vocational training scheme.


Horizon 2020 is the EU funding programme for research and innovation. The official start for the programme is 1 January 2014. There are opportunities for individual researchers and groups of researchers to apply for funding.

Erasmus+ consolidates education and vocational training schemes into one programme, with the addition of Sport. Erasmus+ will replace the Lifelong Learning Programme, Youth in Action, Erasmus Mundus, ALFA III, TEMPUS EDULINK in one over-arching scheme.

The Universities External Projects Team will be hosting the event in the Ashley Building Stoke. We do not have full details of the schedule yet, but for now we would like you to save the date in your diary.

For further details email externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk


UKRO Horizon 2020 Event – Kings College London


The External Projects Team attended a “Train the Trainer” Horizon 2020 event yesterday at Kings College, London. The session was hosted by Edward Ricketts (Pictured with Jose Beech) one of UKRO’s European Advisors. With over 100 HEI’s represented this was a key session for European Officers as institutions prepare for the new Horizon 2020 calls in January 2014.

A full briefing with details will be sent next week. Needless to say, there are still changes being made to the calls for proposals…

For further information please contact the external projects team at externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk


Support with European Funding


The University is also a subscriber to the UK Research Office (UKRO). This specialises in European funding and events. You can subscribe to get emailed when funding calls and events are open in your research area.

To join use this link http://ims.ukro.ac.uk/UKRO/login.aspx and click on the option ‘If you do not yet have a profile’. The site will use your email address to identify you are a member of staff at Staffordshire University and give you free access to it. You subscribe to emails using the ‘My Profiles’ section at the top of the page.

If you want to visit the main UKRO website you can access it here: www.ukro.ac.uk

UK Research Office Visit – 13th Feb – Book your place now!


The External Projects Team are delighted to be hosting the Annual UKRO event on the Wednesday 13February 2013

The event is aimed both at colleagues who have experience of, and those who would like to know more about EU funding

This is an opportunity to hear about the new EU Funding Programmes (2014-2020) with UKRO European Advisor Jo Frost as well as first-hand experience of running EU partnerships and projects from Professor Nachi Chockalingam and Enterprise Reader Jon Fairburn

ProgrammeAll sessions are being held in BG21 Brindley Building, Leek Road, Stoke Campus

Session 1

9.00am Horizon 2020: the new EU research and innovation funding programme (2014-2020)

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

11.00 am Coffee/ networking

Session 2

11.30am Working with EU partners: Staffordshire University experience Nachi Chockalingam, Professor of Clinical Biomechanics, School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise; Faculty of Health Sciences

Session 3

12.00pm How to make the most of UKRO services (repeated at 3.00pm)

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

Session 4

2.00pm Erasmus for all: replacing the Lifelong Learning Programme, includes education funding and funding related to Sport  

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

Session 5

2.30pm Working with EU partners: Staffordshire University experience Jon Fairburn: Enterprise Reader, Business School – Research & Enterprise. Faculty of Business, Education and Law

Session 6

3.00pm How to make the most of UKRO services (repeat of 12.00pm)

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

Session 7

3.30pm-4.30pm Marie Curie Individual Fellowships: session for all or 1-2-1 individual slots.

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

Please register by 6 February via externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk , specifying which sessions you wish to attend.

Event: UK Research Office (UKRO) Visit

Save the date!!!

The External Projects Team will be hosting our annual UKRO visit on the 13th February 2013. The session will be based around the latest EU news and oppoortunities for funding.

This is your chance to hear firsthand about the preperation for Horizon 2020 and recieve advice on EU funds.

The team are still preparing the agenda so if you have any requests or areas of EU funds that you would like to be covered please do get in touch with us at externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

More details on times and venue will follow in the new year