Choosing your path

Making the right career choice is obviously a very important decision, it’s not something the majority can just decide on overnight, personally I think I have had my heart set on over a dozen career paths throughout my life. When you think about it, choosing a career isn’t simply picking a job; it’s picking something that will suit you and the lifestyle you seek to have, this is tough to do at young age as you don’t even know who you are yet; let alone what you want to become. Thus it is essential that you establish who you are before you go making decisions on what you want to be, if this means you take a year or two out to really find yourself then so be it!

Would you rather make the right decision or risk choosing something you will not enjoy in later life?

Unfortunately even when you have found yourself, deciding on a career is still going to be a tough process, If I am honest it’s a process that I seem to be stuck in at the moment. I feel that it is easy to make a decision based on superficial factors: which career is going to make the most money, what offers the highest ‘social status’ etc. The fact is although it may seem beneficial to have all these things, you may miss out on one crucial element that all careers should provide you with; happiness.

What is a career if you don’t enjoy it?

After speaking to a few people, especially my final year project supervisor, I have come to realise that following a career as a medical practitioner really isn’t for me, I just don’t feel that I would be happy later on in my life; I don’t want to become something just for those superficial things I have previously mentioned.

Instead I am taking the advice that I have been given and following a life in something that I love to do. I guess in the end no matter what you end up doing as long as you try hard, always push for more and enjoy life to its fullest then you can’t go wrong.

(I will write something on what I plan on doing next soon)