Bal is running for NUS Disabled Students’ Officer

Bal Profile picture

Bal Profile pictureThis week Bal DeolStaffordshire University Students’ Union’s current President will be running for NUS Disabled Students’ Officer. We caught up with her before she travels to the NUS Disabled Students’ Conference to find out some more.

How you feel about running for NUS Disabled Students’ Officer?

I am really excited and a little nervous about running for NUS Disabled Students’ Officer. I can’t wait to get to Manchester and meet all the delegates. It is a huge responsibility, with over 600 Unions affiliated to NUS. If elected I cannot wait to get stuck in and start fighting for issues that matter to disabled students.

What do you believe that you will do to make disabled students lives better?

I will fight for every penny of extra funding available to students and ensure disabled students and Students’ Unions are better supported regardless of whether they are in Further Education or Higher Education.

How has Staffordshire University helped you?

If someone had told me during my first week at Staffs, that I would be sat here as President, let alone be running for a National Officer position, I probably would have laughed in their face. Staffs has helped me so much, I have gained so much confidence, developed my public speaking and so much more. The support I have received from lecturers and support staff has been incredible. My degree, BA (Hons) Business Management has helped me to run my Students’ Union, but now I feel it’s time to put Staffs on a national map.

What have you done at Staffordshire University that has made you really proud?

During one of my campaigns, I went undercover for the BBC and exposed Hackney taxi drivers who were overcharging wheelchair users. As a result of this campaign, three drivers are now no longer allowed to drive a taxi in the UK and Stoke on Trent City Council have now changed their policy to ensure this doesn’t happen to future members of the community.

What it will mean to you of you get elected?

It would mean the world if I was elected. This is something I have been working towards since I attended my first disabled students conference during first and I helped the Disabled Students’ Officer win her campaign.


What do you think about the EU referendum do you think it is better to stay in the EU or leave? *NB I cannot comment on behalf of all Staffs students.

In my personal opinion, I feel that staying within the EU is the way forward. Being a disabled young person, and doing A LOT of research on this issue. Europe’s non-discrimination law for people with disabilities is one of a string of EU actions that have brought many benefits for those who live with a disability in Britain.

Discrimination doesn’t stop at borders. Europe’s non-discrimination law for people with disabilities is one of a string of EU actions that have brought tangible benefits for those who live with a disability in Britain.

We wish Bal the best of luck and if you want to follower campaign you can do so using the hashtag #Bal4DSO

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