Finally after months of setting up interviews and praying it would work out: I completed my dissertation.
It is the single most stressful, horrible, lengthy process ever. But when it’s done it is totally worth it.
Besides genuinely seeing hundreds (that may be an exaggeration) of “IVE FINISHED MY DISSERTATION” posts and photos in the space of a few days, it is a great feeling.
It feels as though the words are never ending, though if I’m honest people with an academic dissertation probably found it a lot harder.
Weirdly it has taking me a good week or so to finally realise that I don’t have to feel guilty for watching the TV anymore, or going out to see my friend who I now won’t see until graduation.
Unlike most people though my dissertation wasn’t my biggest weighted piece of work, that was my StaffsLive portfolio which I feel more confident with.
I am proud of my dissertation though, it took a lot of my own time and effort and although I feel it could have been improved it is as good as it was possible for me to get it.
Now I’ve got to focus on moving all of my worldly possessions to Manchester, and I am very sad to be leaving Staffordshire University, but it is on a high.
Like everything I’ve done for the last few months I do realise that this post is a little late to the party.
However I do not care and I am off to celebrate at a party. I’m kidding I’m off to watch Netflix and eat pizza.