Stress and you


Stress is a very common thing everyone experiences, sometimes people experience stress and they won’t even realise it or notice that is stress and put it down to something else. For me recently I’ve experienced a huge amount of stress and for a few weeks I didn’t realise it was stress until I spoke about it with family. Which brings me to reason for writing this post, just like mental health or bullying, stress is something that people need to talk about because left untreated or spoken about it can lead people to horrible thoughts, moods and even losing friends and grades they may have achieved had they said something sooner.

Stress can come out on a person in many different forms, for me I’m not ashamed to say brought up my eczema which for weeks I put down to washing up powder or a shower gel but later I found that talking about issues and sharing them meant they could be solved a lot sooner and easier, that I wasn’t constantly thinking about them because I knew other people were aware of my struggles and I would get the support I needed. So perhaps reading this you don’t realise you’re suffering from stress try phoning someone and just sharing issues you might have on your mind, they might be deadlines, relationship issues, friendships, work or even money troubles.

Don’t suffer in silence, there is always someone to help you, the university has many people on hand to help you. No matter how small you might think the issue is or might seem to other people, if its bothering you say something people won’t laugh, for me my person is my grandma she listens to me weekly now no matter what my worries she listens.

At Staffordshire University, we have student well-being advisors who are there to listen, they cater for many different issues suffering from stress is just one of them but they are completely confidential and professional but equally happy to have an informal chat, you can even bring a friend or someone with you to make you feel more comfortable. Below I have included a link to their web page which includes there contact details and more information on how they work.

In my experience combating stress can be as easy as finding an outlet or time to be just you and do something for yourself, be selfish honestly you can be selfish. This could be going to the gym, doing a sport or going to the cinema or laser quest once a week, time to wind down relax and just forget all your worries and focus on you making you happy. I decided to make time in my week to go to the gym 2/3 times a week where I am by myself with my music, I go and enjoy working out to make myself healthy and that makes me happy. I also go to the cinema alone (weird I know) once a week where I watch a film I want to watch, it’s my escapism and keeps me calm.

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About Zach 37 Articles
Hi, I'm Zach - your typical Yorkshire lad. I chose Staffs because of the links to Engineering, and because of Alton Towers (I live and breathe roller-coasters!). I'm also pretty obsessed with sport, and spend my spare time watching football, rugby, F1 and BTCC. My dream career will be to work for Bentley Motors; it combines my love on engineering and cars! I'm most proud of my car, I take so much pride in it!

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