My Final Year Results ?

As of writing this I am currently blasting some tunes and dancing around in nothing but a hoodie and my undies, celebrating my final year results. I could not be happier right now!

Let me set the scene for you. It’s the hottest day of the year so far, in the middle of the May heat wave, and if I wasn’t sweating already… I am now. Today is the day I found out for sure what my dissertation score is, and while I had been given my provisional marks for my dissertation a few days ago, I needed to see the feedback and know for sure what I got. A solid 70 = 1st for this ecstatic 3rd year!

But that’s not all. Oh no! A mere half an hour after checking my dissertation results, an email pings through out of the blue, saying that the exam results had just gone live. No warning, nothing. Usually I can prepare myself for the mental gymnastics I go through of self doubt and anxiety, having normally given a date ahead of time of when we would be getting our results. This time however caught me off guard.

Going into the module folders on Blackboard however, I am oddly calm. Being the neurotic person that I am, I had already pre-calculated what I would need in order to get through the other end with a degree, and with a respectable 2:1 overall. Assuming my dissertation score was not going to change (which thankfully it didn’t) I would literally only need a passing grade in the exam to scrape a 2:1. So long as I didn’t fail, I would be a-ok, and while I felt I had failed one of the essay questions, the other I thought I had done well enough to at least pass…

I received a 70. WHAAAAAA?!?! I saw the number and was in a state of disbelief, checking my score over and over again, just in case I had read it wrong in amongst the grid of everyone else’s scores. But no, I got a 1st in my exam. This meant I had averaged out at a high 2:1, just shy of a 1st Class degree overall. Being so close, it was a little disappointing that had I got a couple better marks here and there on a few assignments, I would have reached it. Or so I had thought! Cut to a few weeks later and I have been notified that:

Due to my dissertation reaching a 1st, and averaging out a high 2:1 for the rest of my modules, the award board boosted my degree to a First Class, to recognise the hard work I had obviously put in. As I read the notification, I actually began to tear up knowing that the plucky first year who was aiming for a 1st all along, and over the years had struggled and lost faith in their abilities, was finally getting what they had worked so hard for.

Roll on Graduation!! ?

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About Drew 34 Articles
• MSc Health Psychology post-grad student, and BSc Psychology and Counselling Graduate • Appreciator of good food, a makeup enthusiast, and lover of all things that sparkle • A massive nerd aspiring to become a chartered psychologist (Dr. Keating sounds good right?!) • Proud member of the LGBT+ community, with a desire to educate and help others as best I can

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