Ways to relax/ destress

My dog loves to play and it is a great way to de-stress

Life can be stressful generally, but especially around exam and result time. Knowing how to relax and de-stress even for a short amount of time can really help to keep you focused and healthy. Too much stress is never a healthy thing. Here is a list of things I find relax me – they won’t be the same for everyone, but hopefully you will get the idea. They don’t have to be big things or even things that typically other people would find relaxing, find something that works for you and stick to it.

Playing with my dog – I have a gorgeous Cocker-Spaniel-Labrador cross who loves to play and generally have a fuss made of her at all times, even when she sleeps (the fuss not the playing), so that helps to calm me down. She has so much energy, you really don’t have time to think of anything else except the current game.

My dog loves to play and it is a great way to de-stress.

Reconnecting with nature – Talking a walk out in nature helps me to clear my head. I usually do this when I am stuck in a rut with a problem and it helps me to come at the problem from a different angle. So often I feel like there is no way out of the problem I am in and often the walk, as well as nature and seeing my dog run free and splashing around in the river, makes me realise that I’m only as confined as I make myself.

Finding bargains – I love finding bargains on anything really, for me I guess it is a bit of an adrenaline rush. The problem is you can’t use this if you get addicted to shopping or don’t know your bank account limits, especially as a student.

Learning a new skill – I enjoy learning new things and knowing that in the future they could serve me. Also looking at increasing my CV, as it is nice being able to put extra skills or courses on there. I find that helps particularly when I am worrying about the future and finding a job.

Harry Potter – This one is probably my favourite as I love everything harry potter. Absolutely everything and anything. I collect harry potter memorabilia, watch the films, read the books etc. When all else fails to help me relax, something harry potter related is my go to de-stress remedy.

A fun photo from my trip to the Harry Potter Studios

Listening to music – I think music is the best relaxation there is. There is a piece of music for every mood you are in. If you are sad, you can either listen or sing along to happy songs to cheer you up or listen to sad songs which often feel like they were written about your exact situation and it can help a lot.

Seeing friends – I often don’t even do anything particular when I’m with my friends, we just sit and chat, watch a movie and have pizza, or go for a drive. It doesn’t need to be something big but you can either find it a distraction or talk to them about what is bothering you such as exams or exam results.

This photobooth with my friends randomly made my day, we had so much fun

Exercise/yoga – Exercise is a good stress reliever particularly yoga because it focuses so much on breathing and letting the stress flow out of the body and focusing on nothing but the present moment.

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About Alexandra 49 Articles
Hi, I’m Alexandra! Studying Psychology (BSc) in my second year, but in my spare time I enjoy baking, reading and walking in the countryside! I’m a member of the Psychology Society, and I hope to study a Masters and PhD when I graduate and then one day, to be a Psychology Researcher – it can really help to change people’s lives! My guilty pleasure is chocolate, I love it too much!

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