How Volunteering Can Help YOU Get Ahead!

So, you’ve always done your best in your exams, but you can’t help but feel there’s gotta be a way to sell yourself on top of that, right? A way to benefit other people whilst bulking your CV? There is! Give volunteering a go!

Volunteers come in all different forms and for all different reasons, but taking any voluntary position can benefit you in a variety of ways.

I initially started volunteering to bulk up my CV to try to get a part time job when I was fourteen, but ended up continuing up until when I left for university at nineteen because of how much I enjoyed it! So here are my top reasons to get into voluntary work!

1 – So, firstly, it’s the previously mentioned point of how volunteering helps you sell yourself. A study has shown that nearly 80% of employers are more likely to hire people with voluntary experience! It shows motivation and compassion. It also provides a talking point in interviews!

2 – It fills up your empty time! Voluntary work is especially good (and usually more in demand) during the summer months when you’ve got nothing to do all day. It gets you out of the house, and moving, which makes you feel good!

3 – It can teach you to appreciate money. After working voluntarily in a charity shop for two years, getting a job that paid me was a big surprise! I was used to working for the enjoyment of it, and then suddenly I was being given money for doing stuff I’d previously done for free. It made me feel rich!

4 – It improves your people skills. Most voluntary positions put you in situations where you have to interact with people of all ages and backgrounds. This helps you get used to communicating in a bunch of different ways, which can make life easier in all kinds of areas!


So why not go for it?! Check out your local charity shops, search up some voluntary animal care positions, look into NCS! Give voluntary work a go and see what it can bring to you!

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About Maxie 27 Articles
Hi! I’m an Esports Masters student, who previously studied Cartoon and Comic Arts. So you’ll guess that I love reading comic books, going to conventions and cosplaying and my dream career would be to write for Marvel or DC comics! But what you wouldn’t guess is that my guilty pleasure is listening to cheesy 2000’s pop music. Students - Expect the unexpected!

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