Please Welcome Your Hosts… #StaffsAwards

Wondering what myself and fellow Ambassador Gee were thinking before we hosted the 2018 #StaffsAwards?

Check out our original announcement video below, and don’t forget, if you want to watch any of our Facebook Live coverage to see what it’s like to graduate at Staffordshire University, you can find all the videos on our official Facebook page at!


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About Hayley Towns 31 Articles
Hi! I’m Hayley and I study Photojournalism! I love all things animals and hope to one day start my own business as a pet photographer. I have a dog called Louis and a tortoise called Tortilla. My vlog title is “Diaries of a Sober Student”, so my content will all be based around days out rather than nights as that's just more me. Expect gallons of tea, tonnes of chocolate and animals. Lots and lots of animals.

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