Getting results

January 11, 2016 Alexandra 0

  Getting results back from assignments is an important process in university life so I thought I would put down a few things I have found with them. So far on my course I have […]

greenpad website

Finding a house for next year

December 27, 2015 Alexandra 0

A few weeks ago it was coming to that time where it was necessary to start house hunting and finding who to live with next year. The group I will be living with next year […]

Preparing for exams

December 25, 2015 Alexandra 0

  Although my excitement around Christmas is totally uncontainable it is essential for me to carry on revising intently. As soon as the Christmas holidays are over it is time for my first set of […]

Decorations on Alexandras ceiling

Decorations in halls

December 21, 2015 Alexandra 0

Decorating the flat was an absolute must for my flat and we had a great time putting up the decorations and waiting for them to fall down again which I find is part for the […]

Student Ambassador T-shirt

Becoming a student ambassador

December 11, 2015 Alexandra 0

On my first open day at staffs uni I found all of the student ambassadors really helpful and great for making me feel welcome and like I could ask questions. Through the next two open […]

My first assignment

November 4, 2015 Alexandra 0

After a gentle introduction to my studies the third week brought the start of my first assignment. The deadline of 30th October seemed so far away and it didn’t seem such a daunting task. For […]

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My welcome week experience

October 26, 2015 Alexandra 0

Welcome week was a complete blur for me but such an experience. Let’s start from the beginning, I arrived mid-morning on Saturday with my parents and a car full of everything I would need to […]

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Introduction to Alexandra

October 14, 2015 Alexandra 0

Name: Alexandra Card Course: Psychology BSc Year: First year   Why did you choose your subject/course?: Rewind to when I was in high school and approaching year 11, I had never heard of psychology or […]

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