The e-Design Assessment Tool (eDAT) is a tool to help tutors represent and evaluate effective blended or distance learning designs. The eDAT combines a simple analysis of the learning activities with reflections on the teaching and learning perspective that underpins the design.

It is easy to use and most people will get the same results so you can compare the retention data of different courses to see the effect of the learning activities.

The eDAT includes a simple categorisation for each activity in your online course. For each activity identify if interaction is present and which type:

  1. With the tutor, e.g. online webinar/ lecture, 1-1 tutorial, coaching session, email, phone etc.
  2. With other students, e.g. forum discussion (may include tutor), group work, peer assessment, adding comments to peer wikis/blogs etc.
  3. With interactive content, e.g. computer simulation, multimedia interactions etc. NB, don’t include interaction with text/video (count these as ‘other’)

For each activity identify if feedback is present and which type:

  1. From the tutor, e.g. formative or summative feedback or grades etc.
  2. From peers, e.g. structured peer-assessment exercise, grading activity etc.
  3. As self-feedback e.g. using model answers, self-reflection, trial and error exercises etc.
  4. Automatic feedback e.g. from computer simulation, computer-marked test etc.

If no interaction or feedback for an activity, add a tick to the Other column

Your teaching perspective influences the way you design learning activities.

The eDAT is based on the same pedagogic principles as the Best Practice Models for eDesign

Follow #edatdata and #staffstel for updates

Publications and Presentations

Machin, L., Walmsley-Smith, H., & Walton, G. (2018). The E-Design Assessment Tool : An evidence-informed approach towards a consistent terminology for quantifying online distance learning activities. Research in Learning Technology [coming soon] Available from https://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint::View&eprintid=5072 

2018 May SEDA Leeds ‘Using teacher perspective metrics to reflect on learning

2017 Sept ALT-C ‘Using the eDAT (e-Design Assessment Tool) to Analyse Online Learning Designs’

2017 May Staffordshire University Research Conference:  Reflecting on Blended and Distance Learning

2016 Learning Design CIN: Issues in Categorising Learning Designs

2015 Birmingham Conference Presentation ‘Comparing DL and BL learning designs

Walmsley, H. (2015). The e-Design Template: A Pedagogic Guide for e-Learning Designers. In M. Maina, B. Craft, & Y. Mor (Eds.), The Art & Science of Learning Design. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

2014 BERA Conference  Does constructivist learning design affect online distance learning retention?

Persico, D., Pozzi, F., Anastopoulou, S., Conole, G., Craft, B., Dimitriadis, Y., … Walmsley, H. (2013). Learning Design Rashomon I – Supporting the Design of One Lesson Through Different ApproachesResearch in Learning Technology21.

Walmsley, H., & Yorke, J. (2010). eLearning Models: a Web 2.0 approach to staff development in Higher Education. In D. Parkes, L. Hart, & G. Walton (Eds.), Web 2.0 and Libraries: Impacts, Technologies and Trends. Oxford: Chandos Publishing Ltd.