SEDA eDAT Project

Staffordshire University and Hull University are working together on a SEDA-funded project from April 2018 – Dec 2019

Helping designers design: Proving learning designs using eDAT and Learning Analytics methods 


Learning analytics offers opportunities to evaluate the effectiveness of blended and online learning designs to develop and improve guidance for tutors and learning designers. Learning analytics can include analysis of VLE data, student data including retention and attainment together with blended and online learning design data. However, quantifying learning designs is challenging and obtaining consistent and shareable learning design data is difficult.

This project aims to provide a proof of concept for the eDAT as an effective tool to provide quantifiable feedback on blended and online learning designs. The project will test the usefulness of the eDAT when categorising a variety of learning activities and representing the learning design in a quantified, shareable and understandable format.

The blended and online learning designs will be compared to student retention and attainment data. This will provide an effective and reproducible evaluation of the design for tutors and learning designers that will inform further development.

See further information about the eDAT here


Project Activities:

Nov 2020: SEDA blog with summary of project

Dec 2019: Final report produced

Nov 2019: eDAT, guide and Excel tool updated

Oct 2019: Presented at JISC Student Experience Experts Group, presentation available here

March 2019: Interim report to SEDA

Oct 2018: Hull partner unable to continue with project

Sept 2018: Ethical approval confirmed

Jan 2018: Workshop for distance learning tutors to use eDAT tool to analyse own courses.