Applied Business Research: Small Brewers Relief

by Geoff Pugh, Professor of Applied Economics


Small breweries face a two-fold disadvantage in competition with larger breweries: (i) by their relative lack of scale economies in production; and (ii) by facing powerful buyers in the market for beer (e.g. national wholesalers and pub chains). Our contribution was to theorise and quantify the latter source of disadvantage – whereby powerful buyers can force down prices for the products of small breweries – as a “market access cost”. This new evidence contributed to HMT’s recent reform of Small Brewers’ Relief, which was designed to enable small breweries to compete in the market for beer by creating a more level playing field.


For more than 20 years a group of Staffordshire colleagues have analysed business support measures for small breweries in cooperation with the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) and contributed to policy reviews conducted by HMT.[1] The contribution and demonstrable impact of this work on introducing Small Brewers’ Relief (resulting in the remission of up to 50% of excise duty to small breweries) in the 2002 Budget was submitted as an Impact Case Study for the Business and Management Unit of Assessment in REF2014. Impact on HMT’s recently completed review of Alcohol Taxation (2019-2021) continues the story. To date, the main developments and evidence of impact are as follows.

  1. HM Treasury’s Small Brewers Relief: Technical Consultation (January 2021) (henceforth HMT 2021a) cites our research at length, fully referencing two of our publications:[2] see Paragraph 3.11 and Footnote 3 (p.16); Paragraph 3.24. (p.19); and Paragraphs 3.31 – 3.36) (pp.21-22). Our research is accurately summarised and introduced as follows: “The review team considered academic research by John Wyld, Geoff Pugh and David Tyrrall on the impacts of SBR on the brewing industry. Treasury officials met with the authors to discuss their research in August 2019.”
  2. HM Treasury’s Small Brewers Relief: Technical Consultation Response (November 2021) (henceforth HMT 2021b) references the submission we made to HMT’s review, which developed the previous research referred to in HMT (2021a): “Along with feedback from brewers, the Government also received a paper from Geoff Pugh and David Tyrrall, the economists whose previous work on SBR was discussed in the technical consultation document. While produced independently, the paper was endorsed by SIBA and attached to their response” (HMT 2021b, ppp.10-11; see also p.26).
  3. The particular impact of the Staffordshire research on HMT’s revision of Small Brewers’ Relief was endorsed by SIBA. The nature of the impact was summed up in SIBA’s public response to the changes in Small Breweries’ Relief announced by HMT on November 2021: “It is welcome that the Treasury has listened to SIBA’s representations on behalf of small brewers, and the views of MPs from across the political divide, to increase the 50% threshold from the proposed 2,100 hectolitres to 2,500hl … our worst fears have been averted and the rate is more manageable than was proposed in the consultation.” SIBA responds to Treasury publication of Small Breweries’ Relief changes – SIBA – The Voice Of British Brewing, 30-11-2021). In turn, a direct link to our research was made both by HMT policy makers and by SIBA.
    1. In a letter made available to the Staffordshire research team, Kemi Badenoch, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, replied to a communication regarding SBR from Owen Thompson MP: “The new academic research referred to in your letter was recently brought to my attention, and I have asked my officials to consider it within the scope of our review of the SBR scheme”.
    2. In an email of November 30th 2021, Barry Watts, SIBA’s Head of Public Affairs and Policy, thanked the Staffordshire team, noting that “your research really helped to make the case to the Treasury and convinced them to alter course”.
  4. Additional evidence of impact is that I was contacted by Paul Hegarty, Honorary Secretary of the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Committee, to discuss wider issues “about the economics of the cask beer sector”.

The main contribution of our research was to demonstrate that small breweries face a two-fold disadvantage in competition with larger breweries: (i) by their relative lack of scale economies in production, which are well known, if not reliably quantified; and (ii) by facing powerful buyers in the market for beer (e.g. national wholesalers and pub chains).

Our contribution to the literature and to the policy debate was to theorise and quantify the latter source of disadvantage as a “market access cost”, an effect arising from goods market monopsony. This new evidence contributed to HMT’s decision to retain SBR, which benefitted all small breweries and their employees.

Although the precise impact of our research on HMT’s overall policy decision to retain SBR can be little more than conjectural – as one influence among many – the impact of our research on a particular feature of the reformed SBR can be precisely identified. This particular contribution – as attested to in Point 3 above – was to persuade HMT to “alter course” to retain the full SBR remission (50%) for all breweries producing up to 2500 hectolitres (hl) p.a. rather than up to the originally proposed 2100 hl (HMT, 2021a: Paragraph 1.4). This change will help to secure the future viability of almost 100 breweries employing more than 500 full-time and more than 200 part-time [3]. The importance of retaining the full SBR for these breweries is confirmed by the responses to the following question included in the 2019 SIBA Industry Survey: “How important is Small Breweries Relief to your ability to work and compete as a small business?” On a five-point Likert scale – from “Not important” to “Extremely important”, 86% responded “extremely important”.[4]

Professor Geoff Pugh – Linkedin Google Scholar

Geoff Pugh, Professor of Applied Economics
Geoff Pugh, Professor of Applied Economics


[1] The original Staffordshire team comprised Geoff Pugh, David Tyrrall and John Wyld. Geoff (still 0.5 FTE at Staffordshire) and David (now retired) have continued this long-standing project, in part as a scholarly memorial to our colleague and friend John Wyld who passed away in January 2021. In the most recent phase of our research, we have been joined by Dr Dragana Radicic, currently an Associate Professor at Lincoln University and a former Staffordshire PhD student.

[2] Pugh, G., Tyrrall, D. and Wyld, J. (2001). Will progressive beer duty really help UK small breweries? A case study in profit appropriation, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol.8, No.4 (Winter) pp.311-338.

Wyld, J., Pugh, G. and Tyrrall, D. (2010). Evaluating the impact of progressive beer duty on small breweries: a case study of tax breaks to promote SMEs, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, Vol.28 (2) pp.225-40.

[3] This calculation is based on the most recent data available. In 2019, SIBA’s annual Industry Survey yielded a sample of 280 breweries, each reporting their current annual production of beer (in hl). Of these, 14 produced between 2100 hl and 2500 hl p.a. (5%), employing an average of 5.43 full-time and 2.23 part-time employees. In the same year, according to HMT (2021a: Annex A), there was a total of 1900 breweries in the UK. Hence, scaling up from the SIBA sample size to the population size (5% of 1900) yields 95 breweries producing between 2100 and 2500 hl p.a. which, when multiplied by the mean employment for the breweries in this production range, yields total employment of 516 full time and 212 part time. Of course, we cannot know how representative the SIBA survey is of all breweries. However, these indicative calculations suggest modest but not insignificant consequences of the decision to include breweries in the 2100 hl to 2500 hl range in the full rather than in the initially proposed reduced rate of SBR.

[4] 12 from the 14 breweries producing in the range 2100 to 2500 hl responded “Extremely important”, which scaled up from the sample (280) to the population (1900) gives 81 breweries (rounded) (86%).

Protecting The Magic With Linzi Ticehurst

Lucy Moseley, Visitor Attraction and Resort Management Student

On Friday the 26th of November 2021, Year 2 of the Visitor Attractions and Resort Management (VARM) students attended an in-person guest lecture with Linzi Ticehurst (Health and Safety Manager at Alton Towers Resort) on the importance of Safety in the workplace.  

Linzi has been working within Health and Safety at Alton Towers for 15 years as part of a close-knit team of 5 and worked on the ‘Protecting the Magic for Managers’ training with a collective team from numerous Merlin Entertainments UK Theme parks and Legoland Resorts. This interactive training session taught us that safety at Merlin is a whirlwind; it spans from rides, hotels, and restaurants, to the work-shops, contractors and events of every attraction.  As Linzi detailed the responsibilities of the HSE, EHO, and ORR at the park, she included relevant guidance documents and legislative works that must be abided by within each corner of every department – relevant to our own Law and Legislation module that we’re currently studying at Staffordshire University.

Safety should always be a moving target  – it is never complete.”

Linzi Ticehurst, 2021

During the session, the one-and-only Francis Jackson (Alton Towers Resort Operations Director) stopped by for a couple of minutes to offer a few words on the topic – “the ability to foresee; therein lies the challenge.” (Francis Jackson, 2021). Agreeing with what Francis has said, protecting our guests and staff is the primary focus of our safety department. The responsibilities lie not only in rectifying an incident, but to prepare and take away the hazard in order to maintain the magic for our guests.

I, myself (Lucy Moseley) have been a part of the Health and Safety team at Alton Towers for 2 months up to this publication and working close with the rides department as a fresh pair of eyes on the resort has been an incredible, and rare, opportunity. It is my responsibility to complete administrative work, inspect the rides on resort and bring forward solutions to any arising issues – it’s the kind of role where no two days are the same.

Finally, I would once again like to thank Linzi for taking the time to come and speak with us and share her knowledge on the significance of keeping safe at all times whilst working at the resort. The session that she provided was incredibly informative and well structured, so thank you, Linzi.

The FdA Visitor Attraction and Resort Management course is taught in partnership with Alton Towers Resort, part of the World renowned Merlin Group. It includes 20 weeks paid work experience, and the opportunity to top up to a BA (Hons) degree in your third year.

Need help with Digital marketing in 2022?

We are now offering again the opportunity for a student placement to assist you with your digital marketing needs. This placement is credited as part of their course MSc in Digital Marketing Management

To get our Masters students ready for the industry we have two modules:

  1. ‘The Management of a Digital Marketing Project’ – this module will prepare a tri-partite agreement between the student, the academic staff and the organisation as to the focus of the project, existing benchmark measures, what is to be achieved and how to make the project sustainable (so that it can continue after the student leaves). This is carried out between January to March/April
  2. The Work Based Digital Marketing Project – a credit work experience (450 hours) to deliver the project with the organisation concerned. (April to August)

The project can be in any type of organisation e.g. private sector, public sector, charity or a university. It is not essential for the work project activity to take place at the premises – many of the projects have been remotely delivered due to COVID.Here’s a blog with examples of previous projects our students have completed.

We have built in flexibility to the work-placement so it could be that you would like a portfolio of tasks to be completed rather than just one main project. Examples could be – creation of a digital marketing strategy, SEO audit, PPC campaign and re-launch of social media, budget and investment plan for marketing, devising and implementing a training plan for existing staff.

Below are some of the current students – either reach out to them directly or contact me

Felix O’Gorman

After studying a BA(Hons) in Sound Design in London, which I received a 2:1 in. Before that I obtained all Distinctions in Digital Media at College. I am now working towards achieving a MSc in Digital Marketing Management. I have a range of experience creating various forms of digital content whether that has paid or volunteer. With this, I have been able to sharpen my skills in Adobe, Microsoft Office and other industry standard software, such as Pro Tools. I’ve always had a keen interest in technology, as well as social media which has given me excellent computer skills.

Felix O'Gorman
Felix O’Gorman

While I am currently working in C.E.X, I have also worked in a variety of small businesses which have given me multiple transferable skills such as time management, ecommerce, efficiently managing duties, dealing with customers, suppliers and administration.

I am looking for a placement that will challenge me, help me continue to sharpen my skills in digital marketing as well as keep me on my toes! Feel free to send me an email: or send me a message on my LinkedIn!

Sophie Allen

Sophie Allen - her first degree was in Sports Journalism
Sophie Allen – her first degree was in Sports Journalism

I am currently studying Digital Marketing Management at masters level after completing my degree in sports journalism. I have extensive knowledge on different Adobe softwares- including Indesign and Photoshop. As well as these softwares, I am fully capable of doing video and sound editing- just a couple of skills that were put to the test at the local football club Kidsgrove Athletic whilst completing my work experience for my degree.

As I aspire to pursue a career in the marketing industry, I am looking for experience to add to my existing knowledge to ensure I am the ideal candidate once my masters course is completed. Email .My linkedin profile is here

Mikey-Lee Armitage

In 2018, I graduated from Staffordshire University with a 1st Class (Hons) in Events Management.  I’m currently studying a MSc in Digital Marketing Management.

I have previously managed my own business, social media; I Built my own website and became a member of a networking group.  I made many amazing connections whilst networking.  A previous student and I represented Staffordshire University in the tourism awards at both Drayton Manor (2016) and the Alton Towers Resort (2017). 

I have also got over ten years’ experience in the hospitality industry, 2-3 years’ experience working within the University Hospital (Newcastle). I have also worked within the care industry, warehouse industry and pride myself in working with local businesses to contribute towards the economy.

Has experience of running his own events company

I have also started to build my own Gift Shop and event accessories business; where I will be linking the business to work and raise more awareness within the mental health sector. My business will start by creating magical Christmas Eve boxes for families, attend wedding and event fayres and much more.  I am very passionate about mental health and a placement in that industry would be especially welcome. Please email to

Redhwan Ahmed

In 2019 I graduated with an MSc in International Business Management at Staffordshire University and I am now studying an MSc in Digital Marketing Management. 

I have gained over five years of experience working with various fast food takeaway shops in the UK. During this time, I have learned to develop ways to improve my soft skills such as Emotional Intelligence, having cultural awareness and the ability to communicate within part of a team and showed good problem solving skills that is important in business. Although my experience is mostly in customer facing roles, more recently, I have put myself forward to help a small but dedicated digital marketing team for Mitchell Arts Centre (MAC) as part of voluntary work.

Redhwan Ahmed
Redhwan Ahmed

I have a passion for Digital Marketing and my interest in the sector is within SEO, website management, email marketing and gaining hands on experience with PPC and other digital marketing tools.

Overall I have good computer skills that include Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and have good understanding in using social media. I am looking for a placement which can enable me to enhance my experience in digital marketing and develop my skills and pursue a career in the future within the industry. If you would like to discuss how we can benefit each other please email me  

Elizabeth Bromley

I would love to work in marketing consultancy however, I am very open to all different kinds of opportunities

I completed my Marketing Management bachelor’s degree with a First-Class honours and have continued my studies with Staffordshire university in MSc Digital Marketing.

I am passionate about marketing and would be open to challenge myself in any area of marketing. After completing my marketing degree, I took a part time marketing job where I create content and manage the social media and website for a local business. The business is primarily in the hair and beauty sector but have very recently opened up a restaurant/bar, this meant me adapting my existing marketing techniques with the business to target a different demographic. Alongside this job and my degree, I have been working at Tesco. I have very good time management skills and know how to prioritise certain tasks.

Elizabeth Bromley
Elizabeth Bromley – would love to work in a marketing consultancy

Throughout my degree I gained skills and experience in using different software’s including: Canva, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint. I also obtained Microsoft office specialist certificates and Google Digital Garage certificates in 2019.

I also acquired a level 4 CIM qualification and gained experience working alongside different businesses including Plush hair lounge for my final year project. During my final year I achieved extremely high grades including 90% in a Corporate Brand and Reputation assignment.

Overall, I am hard working, have a keen eye for detail, I’m a fast worker and thrive under pressure. I work well individually and, in a team, and I can be relied upon to meet deadlines. I would love to work in marketing consultancy however, I am very open to all different kinds of opportunities. Email

Humad Majid

Interests in helping charities maximise donations and minimise costs.I’d like to think of myself as an entrepreneur. Someone who seeks out new opportunities, managing high risk strategies in order to achieve life changing results.

Humad Majid
Humad Majid – wants to work with charities

I have now set my site on launching an online Marketplace website that will donate all profits to charitable causes worldwide. will allow retailers and private sellers to list their items for sale. A monthly subscription will be charged as well as a varying commission fee. With each item sold, both buyer and seller will be directly contributing to charitable causes. What’s more is that users will be able to see just how much their spending has raised for charity as well as where the money is being spent.

I am now open to new opportunities to help and support any charities looking to improve their marketing performance. For enquiries please contact me via email: Alternatively you can connect with me on LinkedIn.

Rebekka Boulton

I recently completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Events Management, in which I achieved a First-Class Honours. I am now studying a Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing Management.

Key areas I studied during my Events Management degree include Event Planning, Contemporary Issues Affecting Events, Accounting, Customer Service and Digital Marketing.

Rebekkah Boulton
Rebekkah Boulton

During the summer I volunteered at a Cancer Research UK charity shop. Where I gained experience of working in a fast-paced environment, meeting customers, building rapport, as well as using the till and working with money.

I am a hardworking, determined, and organised individual with a keen interest in travel and tourism, events, and hospitality. I believe that Digital Marketing is the way forward in the fast pace of the 21st Century, and especially as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, and face an uncertain future where climate change needs to be at the forefront of all of our thinking.

If you would like to contact me, email me at or message me on LinkedIn.

Hirune Rajaguru Senadipathige

Graduated with a 2:1 in BA (Hons) International Business Management and currently undergoing a Postgraduate degree (MSc) in Digital Marketing Management, to broaden my knowledge with globally recognize digital tools in the Digital Marketing industry. I’ve two years of experience working in the Tourism Industry with a Tour Operating Agent in Italy. My experience provided me with a broad understanding of diversified cultures and ethnicities.

Hirune Rajaguru Senadipathige
has experience of working in the tourism industry

I am skilled with providing good customer care, team working, a practical approach to problem-solving, good interpersonal skills and confident use in social media and Microsoft Office. I work energetically with an exceptional work ethic to deliver the best interest to my employer.

Overall, I am looking for a work placement that helps me further broaden my knowledge in digital marketing with any industry as I’m adaptable and open to working in any new environment, with a willingness to learn and develop my skillset in pursuing a career within the industry. Email

Amy Smith

I am a recent graduate from Staffordshire University, where I studied Games Studies. In my final year I was looking at more community-based modules as well as my final year dissertation project observing Consumer Awareness of Accessibility in Games which had an underlining of observing how games are marketed.

Amy Smith
Has studied Games Studies as an undergraduate

During my final year I was also an academic note taker for a student who was studying the MSc Digital Marketing Management course, I realised through this I had alot of transferable skills, coming from a design and tech orientated background with an interest in User Experience and Accessibility, that I could utilise for marketing purposes.

I have started to write for Heywood Inclusion – who provide a range of website based services and blogs relating to accessibility. My linkedin profile is here, my email is

Winniefred Solomon

I graduated with a second class upper (2:1) degree in Computer Science and I am now pursuing a MSc in Digital Marketing Management.  Prior to that, I started a small-scale business in the early stage of my entrepreneurship career. I needed to find out more about digital marketing, how promotion could put my business at the top and everything that would positively impact my business in general.

Since I was mostly interested in how the search engine could rank a website above their competitors and get customers to the door, I decided to go for a paid course in SEO where I gained a technical knowledge of the digital marketing industry. 

Winniefred Solomon
Winniefred Solomon

I have acquainted myself with knowledge on search engine optimisation, content marketing, web development and e-commerce marketing.

Over the years, I have worked as an SEO specialist for organizations globally and this has helped me gain insights on the importance of data applications to businesses. During this time, I have applied extensive knowledge on keyword research, link building and content writing in building client satisfaction.

At the moment, I am looking for a placement that would enable me hone my skills and gain more expertise in digital marketing. Email me at

Folagbade Ajileye

I have a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science, while undertaking my degree, I worked for an IT firm as a Network Administrator and Engineer. After my graduation, I worked for a tertiary institution in Nigeria as a Network Administrator.

I have always had a passion for business and eCommerce. So, in 2019 I left my role at the tertiary institution to venture into the eCommerce world. Venturing into e-commerce gave birth to my passion for digital marketing. I learned and developed in Paid advertising using Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Instagram, etc.., which also led me to float a digital marketing agency “Fola Ajileye Digitals”.

Fola already has expereince in many areas of digital marketing

I have done paid digital marketing promotions for a lot of companies and individuals.

My background in Computer Science has afforded me a lot of experience and edge in building websites, advertising, and catching up with digital trends.

Owning my own business has given me the opportunity to work with various clients across many industries. I have made it my duty to identify the most efficient ways to grow a business or brand.

Contact Information: LinkedIn –

Liam Paterson

I am a creative, motivated and aspirational individual, a natural with technology, quick-to-learn new software and I instinctively study trend analysis. Over the course of the last 4 years I have obtained additional qualifications to further my knowledge within marketing and business operations. I graduated with First-Class honours  in 2021 after completing my bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management. After this, I have continued with my studies at Staffordshire University, currently studying MSc Digital Marketing Management.

For my Work Placement module I would like to work within a marketing consultancy agency to enhance both my skills and development within a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. However, I am available for various types of prospects in a wide range of industries. In addition to this, I would like to assist a company with the skills that are already developed through my previous experience.

Liam Paterson
Liam Paterson already working in the digital marketing industry

Currently, I work at DePe Gear Company as the Digital Marketing and Communications Officer. I am responsible for content creation, the management of both social media platforms and website (through WordPress and a social media management tool), email marketing campaigns, Google Adwords analysis, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Industry reports and analytics and leasing with external marketing agencies. DePe Gear is a company within the manufacturing/engineering industry which is an industry, that until recently, I was unfamiliar with. Entering this new industry has allowed me to expand my own marketing knowledge to effectively generate both engagement and leads.

My degree allowed me to gain skills and knowledge in a variety of different platforms and softwares to assist within a marketing role. These include: Canva, Hootsuite, MailChimp, Google Analytics, Social Media Analytics, and more. In addition to these skills, over my life at University I have also obtained a level 4 certificate in Professional Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), an accredited certificate in the fundamentals of Digital Marketing and additional completed courses from LinkedIn Learning. Furthermore, I gained more practical industry knowledge through my Work Placement module at level 6 For Raven Black House in Leek. Within my level 6 placement, I assisted Raven Black House with the production of an omni-channel social media marketing strategy.

If you would like to contact me regarding placement opportunities or any other queries, please contact Or alternatively, contact me via LinkedIn:

Volunteering at the Stone Food Festival

By Grace Hurst L6 Events Management student

As the first weekend of October approaches, it’s not just the locals who anticipate The Stone Food and Drink Festival every year. After going virtual in 2020, with no live events taking place at all, it was a pleasure to volunteer at this year’s 2021 festival. Volunteering opportunities have been sparse over the last 18 months and many small businesses have taken a huge hit, meaning many events need all the help they can get, so I’m here to talk about my experience and how to get involved as an event volunteer yourself!

Stone Food and Drink Festival is located at Westbridge park in Stone and has been running since 2004. It’s a not-for-profit community event that supports local businesses, giving them a platform to showcase what they do and providing a fun filled event celebrating all things food and drink. The festival has a wide range of options to suit anyone, from local craft beers and liqueurs to street food and desserts in the Gourmet Marquee (which can all be enjoyed alongside volunteering!).

Grace (centre) in the Chefs demonstration tent
Grace (centre) in the Chefs demonstration tent

I represented Staffordshire University as an event marshal and as a third-year events management student. I spent the majority of the day networking with local businesses in and around Stone or helping out at the Demonstration Kitchen and the Talks and Tastings tent. This included encouraging guests to join the live events in each tent, handing out samples and being a friendly face for attendees to approach and ask general questions to.

The vendors and organisers were grateful to have a helping hand on the day and it was a lot of fun being able to watch demonstrations from business owners and to gain an insight to what an event looks like behind the scenes.

There is a huge amount of cover at the festival which means even with rain people can have a great time
Flamin’ Rooster is just one of many great food stalls at the event

Small Business Spotlight

  • Joules –Joules Brewery are the main sponsor for the festival, who have recently opened a new venue called The Crown Wharf which opened in July 2021 and is located on Crown Street in Stone. The taphouse has become extremely popular with locals due to the friendly staff, lively atmosphere and of course, great beer! The new project also aims to bring a community theatre to the establishment calledThe Crown Wharf Theatre as there is currently no purpose-built event space in Stone where local arts and community groups can join to enhance their creativity and passions. They are looking for volunteers here.
  • Ten Green Bottles – Ten Green Bottles is a gin and craft beer bar who currently have two venues in Newcastle-Under-Lyme and Stone. The business attended the festival to talk the latest drink trends alongside Stafford Distillery, sharing their knowledge of quality cocktails and recommending the best ingredients. As well as handing out samples of their cocktail containing lychee gin infused with passionfruit liqueur and tonic (yum!), they also had a pop-up bar and a stall to purchase their products from. To check out all things cocktail, visit their websites linked.
Gin bar
Gin bar

Community events such as this one are so rewarding to volunteer at, as well as being a lot of fun to be a part of, particularly for students interested in areas such as events management like myself. At the event I gained valuable experience to put into practice at future events I either volunteer at or host myself and am looking forward to the next project! If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer for next year or just want to attend yourself as a guest, visit Stone Food and Drink Festival’s website

If you’re a student at Staffordshire University looking for volunteer opportunities ask your tutors and try the Careers service

Get in touch with Grace through her linkedin profile

Business Research Seminar Series 2021-2022

The Research Seminar Series during the period October 2021 – January 2022 will be centered around the topics of innovation and entrepreneurship and will include the talks by Ema Talam, Dr Frederick Nyakudya, Professor Geoff Pugh and Dr Nebojsa Stojcic.

All our research seminars will be held on the last Wednesday of the month (detailed schedule is provided below) between 12.00 – 13.00 via Microsoft Teams

12.00-13.00, 27th October Innovation policies: How to enable firms to innovate more? – Speaker Ema Talam, Lecturer in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Staffordshire University

12.00-13.00, 24th November The effect of gender and resources on entrepreneurial activitySpeaker Dr Frederick Nyakudya, Senior Lecturer in Innovation and Entrepreneurhip, Staffordshire University

12.00-13.00, 15th December Promoting innovation by SME’S in traditional manufacturing industries: Why and how? – Speaker Geoff Pugh, Professor of Applied Economics, Staffordshire University

12.00-13.00, 26th January The spatial impact of entrepreneurial zones: Firm, city and inter-city evidence – Speaker Dr Nebojsa Stojcic, Vice Rector for Business affairs, University of Dubrovnik and Visiting Professor Staffordshrie University

Please contact Ema Talam (organiser of the series) if you have any queries

Ema Talam and Dr Frederick Nyakudya both work on the new Help to Grow project linking research with knowledge exchange to regional businesses. Sign up now if your business would benefit from training and mentoring.

New Air Quality Guidelines from the World Health Organization

The World Health Organization has released new air quality guidelines (the first since 2005) which show that most people live in areas with poor air quality for one or more pollutants.

The new standards are the result of an enormous scietific review which has taken place over the last few years. The headline changes can be seen in Table 1 below

New Air quality stanards from WHO

I’m pleased to say I had a small part in the process attending a couple of international meetings to discuss and report on a systematic review that was carried out for WHO namely:

Fairburn, J.; Schüle, S.A.; Dreger, S.; Karla Hilz, L.; Bolte, G. Social Inequalities in Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution: A Systematic Review in the WHO European Region. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health201916, 3127.

The UK along with many other European countries had already been struggling to meet air quality standards agreed years ago with actions by the Commission against 18 member states.Of particular note are the new standards set for Nitrogen oxides and Particulates (PM2.5) which will be especially challenging.

The situation is already so bad in many UK cities that Clean Air Zones are either in place or being planned for many cities including Stoke on Trent, Bristol, Birmingham , and Manchester.

A large number of research programmes are examining ways to deal with this issue including Transitions Network (I chair the Advisory Board of this project), BioAirNet, Breathing City, CleanAirV, HEICCAM, and TAPAS.

The EU has already stated that they will be placing greater empahsis on the WHO standards and have recently opened a consultation on cleaner air.

Good practice exists particularly for some cities in continental Europe – the problem in the UK has long been a lack of political will to deal with the problem BUT radical measures will be needed to get the UK anywhere near to these standards and so reduce the 40,000 premature deaths due to air pollution which happen in the UK every year.

WHO Guidelines for air quality 2021



Air pollution data for every European country 1990-2019

Costs and health aspects of air pollution in the UK

State of Global Air and profiles for lots of countries

I maintain an air quality list on twitter here and you can follow me @profjonfairburn

You can read about some of my recent work with the World Health Organization here

Flying high with Drew

I started my journey at Staffordshire University studying a foundation degree in Visitor Attraction and Resort Management, a unique, bespoke course with Alton Towers Resort. I learnt a lot during my time studying at Staffordshire University, some standout modules for me were business development and hotel and hospitality. I was able to transfer knowledge learnt in the classroom to my placements at Alton Towers. While studying, and since I’ve graduated, I‘ve worked in a wide range of departments such as the Resort Box Office, Sea Life and Guest Excellence as well as working on large events such as Scarefest and Santa Sleepover. I loved working with customers and using my customer service skills to make sure guests had a magical visit at the Resort.

Once I completed my Foundation degree, I then decided to gain the full degree and studied for another year to gain a BA in Events Management. This was a step up and again a huge experience, with stand out memories such as when I got to plan and host my own virtual event to a live audience. We hosted the Staffordshire University Film Night, which streamed over Facebook and had a lot of viewers while raising money for our chosen charity Macmillan Cancer Support. Once I completed my full degree I started to apply for jobs. It has always been a dream to become a member of cabin crew. I used my academic and customer service skills from university and my placements to gain a place at the Ryanair training course. This was an intense training course which included both exams and practical training. After completing the training and becoming qualified to fly, I have now been to a wide range of destinations in Europe, and I really can’t wait to see where my future takes off now. This has been my dream for a long time, I am hugely proud to be flying with Ryanair, as well as being hugely grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have gained while working for Merlin Entertainments as well as studying with Staffordshire University.

Beth’s guide to Stoke and Staffordshire

By Beth Bairstow-Morris

Staffordshire University is my home university, and, in September, I’ll be heading into my third and final year of BA (Hons) Events Management. Having lived in Staffordshire for almost all my life, I’ve tried and tested the best places for students to eat, drink and visit, and I’m here to tell you all about them!

Let’s start with some on-campus student union run facilities and the two favourite hangouts for my uni friends and I: Ember Lounge and Squeeze Box. Ember Lounge serves classic pub food and drinks and is the perfect place to spend a break from studying or grab some food with friends after a day of lectures. Squeeze Box is my favourite place to head for a bite to eat in the morning, along with either a takeout coffee or one of their infamous freshly squeezed orange juices or smoothies!

Lots of individual shops as well as events and gardens to see at Trentham Gardens
Lots of individual shops as well as events and gardens to see at Trentham Gardens

Moving on, we have the lovely Trentham Estate, an important local attraction to mention for many reasons. Firstly, their Event Volunteer programme, if nobody has told you already, it won’t be long before your lecturers and industry pros are emphasising the importance of volunteering to gain experience ready for your placement and graduate job applications, whatever course you’re taking. Trentham have a fantastic volunteer programme and last year I successfully applied and have worked on several events including the Christmas Fairy Lights experience, the summer concerts and market research for Trentham Live 2022!

With so many events, restaurants and attractions on offer, Trentham Estate is a great place to head for a day or evening out with friends and a fantastic place to catch up with family when they come to visit. Who wouldn’t love a trip to the Monkey Forest to get away from assignments for a while!? There’s even a Premier Inn on site you can recommend to your parents so they don’t have to crash in your flat!

A few weeks back, I headed to The Crepe & Waffle House in the Shopping Village for a catchup with my Aunty, which certainly suited both our sweet tastes!

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent are filled with arts and culture, so what better place to take you to next than the Cultural Quarter in Hanley? Piccadilly and the surrounding area are home to a variety of entertainment venues including The Regent Theatre, showcasing phenomenal touring productions, and The Sugarmill, a great place to head to for local music and small gigs, as well as some great restaurants and cafes like The Slamwich Club and The Quarter.

Most recently, I visited The Quarter for lunch with my friend. Their menu is split into a Daytime Menu and an Evening Menu and the range of options is HUGE, with traditional classics, all-day breakfast and brunch and even Mediterranean style platters! I ordered the egg and salmon sourdough from the all-day brunch menu and my friend had the battered cod with chunky chips from the selection of main dishes. (My friend said she was still dreaming of the battered cod days later!)

Just a little further along in the Cultural Quarter, you’ll find the Mitchell Arts Centre, a small local theatre with a Café-Bar and even a dance studio and meeting rooms to hire. As someone who’s heavily involved in the local amateur theatre scene, I’ve spent a LOT of time here: watching performances, taking part in performances and volunteering (yes, more volunteering!) as Marketing & Events Officer for Stoke Amateur Theatre Society.

Last but not least, it would be incredibly remiss of me to not mention the UK’s largest theme park, the Alton Towers Resort. Of course, this is a GREAT place to have right on your doorstep, whether that’s for a thrilliant day out with friends or for some fantastical escapism with the family when they visit. You can find some great student offers on admission here!

It’s also a great place to work as student, with plenty of seasonal opportunities on offer, particularly if you are studying Events Management or Visitor Attraction & Resort Management. I currently work as a Team Leader on the Guest Excellence Team and have gained invaluable experience and loved every minute of working at the Resort!

For Events in Autumn 2021 have a look at Jon Fairburn’s blog by clicking here

University wide clearing – 0800 590 830

Courses available in clearing at the Business School

Call our friendly team of Clearing experts on 0800 590 830 who are on hand to support you through the process, or sign up to one of our free events:

Events for Autumn 2021 in Staffordshire

Here’s a pick of some of the great events available if you are joining us at Staffordshire University this Autumn. There’s also a list of venues and other information sources at the end for more events


3-5th Trentham Live featuring McFly, The Vamps and Alfie Boe at Trentham Gardens

7th Nick Cave and Warren Ellis at the Regent Theatre

11th Sept to 17th October British Ceramics Biennial , all things ceramics with events all over the city. The main location is the Good Yard just round the corner from the Stoke campus. (I wrote about the longer term plan for the Goods Yard here).

18th LOL Comedy Club at the Regent Theatre

18th and 19th Balloon Festival at Uttoxeter Racecourse

23rd The Vaccines at the Sugarmill

26th Potteries Arf Marathon get your running shoes on or just watch


1st Manic Street Preachers at Victoria Hall, Hanley

1st – 3rd Stone Food Festival (the best food festival in the region). Take a short train journey from Stoke to Stone or cycle along the canal path weather permitting.

4th Comedian Josh Widdicombe at the Regent Theatre

8th Scarefest at Alton Towers

8th – 9th Oktoberfest in Hanley Park right next to the Stoke campus


9-13th Derren Brown Showman at the Regent Theatre

22-23rd Love Cheese Live at the Staffordshire County Show Ground

23-24th Comedian Jimmy Carr at the Victoria Hall

26th Modfather Paul Weller at the Victoria Hall

Useful entertainment links

University wide clearing – 0800 590 830

Courses available in clearing at the Business School

Call our friendly team of Clearing experts on 0800 590 830 who are on hand to support you through the process, or sign up to one of our free events:

Just one of the many great events on this Autumn
Just one of the many great events on this Autumn

Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Dr Bharati Singh, Course Leader, Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship course is not only about being an entrepreneur or setting up your own business but it is actually understanding how innovation and entrepreneurship should really be at the heart of any business decision. Successful businesses today are the ones who have been really innovative, they have fresh thinking with an entrepreneurial mindset. In today’s dynamic business setting, both small and large companies harness entrepreneurial streaks.  

Business photo created by –

Entrepreneurship and innovation play a very important role within businesses of all shapes and sizes. Employees are expected to think outside the box which can only happen if employees can think innovatively. Today’s world is rather dynamic with the speed of innovation becoming faster, a shorter product life cycle, ever-changing consumer taste, technological advancement, competitor threat, changing government and legal landscape and other external factors not in the control of businesses.

In the face of the current pandemic, it becomes ever so important to be aware of the surrounding economic conditions and the political climate. To explore the ethical and unethical anomalies in the contemporary global political and global economic systems. Such systems can provide both challenges and opportunities.  

Sustainability has become a buzz word today. It is not only about shareholders and profitability anymore. Consumers, suppliers, governments and many other stakeholders now question the practices of businesses. Companies are expected to run their businesses with a social responsibility. The triple bottom line (Elkington 2018); which translates to people, profit and planet, need to be considered.  

Social vector created by freepik –

Creative Destruction (Schumpeter, 1942) has taken a different meaning altogether in todays business environment. We are in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution and ‘disruption’ is at the heart of it. Companies go through continuous organisational change and hence, have to assess how to leverage innovative business models to remain competitive.   

Of course, to innovate or have an entrepreneurial streak and to sustain a competitive edge, it is imperative for individuals and companies to have a strategy. Strategy is key in business planning and entrepreneurial success. 

Thus, to gauge global challenges and opportunities, understand about the social enterprise, develop an entrepreneurial mindset, to be creative and innovative, develop sustainable business practices, leverage change management and have a strategy to maintain competitive advantage, reading for a degree in Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship will enable students to hit the ground running. 


Elkington, J. (2018). 25 Years Ago I Coined the Phrase “Triple Bottom Line.” Here’s Why It’s Time to Rethink It. Harvard Business Review, June 25, 2018  

Schumpeter, J. 1942. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. New York: Harper & Bros.