Looking for help with Digital marketing?

We are now offering again the opportunity for a student placement to assist you with your digital marketing needs. This placement is credited as part of their course MSc in Digital Marketing Management

To get our Masters students ready for the industry we have two modules:

Digital Marketing Strategy in Practice (Jan to April 2024)

This module will prepare a tri-partite agreement between the student, the academic staff and the organisation as to the focus of the project. During this time the student and the organisation will develop the working relationship and the student will receive access to the data and systems needed to carry out the initial assessment

First, the student will assess the existing marketing practice (using analytics, comparison against four competitors, best practice in the sector and discussion with the organisation as to what they are trying to achieve).

From the evidence strategic options will be prepared and discussed with the organisation and the strategy agreed for the placement. Finally, consideration will be given as to how to make the project sustainable (so that it can continue after the student leaves).

Once there is agreement the tripartite form is completed and signed. This work carried out between January to April 2024.

The Digital Marketing Work Placement

A credited work experience (600 hours) to deliver the project with the organisation concerned. (April to August 2024).

The project can be in any type of organisation e.g. private sector, public sector, charity or a university. It is not essential for the work project activity to take place at the premises – many of the projects have been remotely delivered due to COVID.

Here’s a blog with examples of previous projects our students have completed.

Here is the link to profiles of this year’s students. Please contact them direct to start a conversation. If you have any other issues please contact either Prof Jon Fairburn or Craig Holdcroft 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

  1. We’re not sure what we’re doing with our marketing can you help? You are very suited to a placement. The student will first review your activity and then in discussion with you provide you with options depending on what your needs are.
  2. What is digital marketing? Digital marketing covers a very wide range of techniques to both get your messages out and to get customers to engage with you. From website design, SEO optimisation, content creation (including podcasts, films and blogs), email marketing, social media, PPC campaigns and more – digital marketing is so much more than just social media. In fact, we have found that in general in recent years social media has been quite a way down the list of effective strategic approaches that organisations can take to develop their digital marketing.
  3. We need someone to set up and run some social media accounts? This has been a common request but so often it is based on very little. What are you trying to achieve? Which social media channel matches the personas of your customers? What is the size of your marketing budget for paid adverts on these channels? Most social media channels have been tightened so organic growth can be very small without a budget.
  4. We’re a B2B business can you help? Yes, B2B often requires a different approach to a B2C organisation. B2B organisations are often sitting on unused assets.
  5. What resources will the placement need? A line manager who can respond to updates and proposed work to give feedback. To provide a recommendation on Linkedin at the end of a satisfactorily completed project.
  6. Will we need to pay for the placement? We have had paid and unpaid placements on the course (the work-placement is credited). Placements that are paid are likely to have access to a wider range of possible students. Some companies have paid a stiped for satisfactory completion of the project. We would expect any organisation to pay for any transport costs and meal allowance if working on site.

If you are ready to start, please contact the student direct. If you have any other queries, then please contact one of the staff tutors below

Prof Jon Fairburn jon.fairburn@staffs.ac.uk

Craig Holdcroft craig.holdcroft@staffs.ac.uk

MSc in Digital Marketing Management also recruiting for January 2024 intake

Parting Words and Pathways: Learnings and Signing Off at Staffordshire Forensic Partnership (Placement report)

by Zainab Mansoor on the MSc Digital Marketing Management

As my internship journey with Staffordshire Forensic Partnership draws to a close, I stand at the crossroads of discovery and reflection. In this blog post, I invite you to join me in revisiting the pivotal moments, invaluable lessons, and transformative growth that have defined my time here.

The Journey Began in June!

Clueless, anxious, and a bit ecstatic, my journey at the Staffordshire Forensic Partnership started in June 2023. The three initial feelings were just the tip of the iceberg of what I felt because I always wanted to over-achieve in life. This aspiration has allowed me to push boundaries, overestimate my goals, and eventually strike success in the past. But this time, it was different. I was accompanied by highly professional and trained staff members who helped me pave realistic, timely, achievable, and specific goals. I learned that while confidence is necessary, overconfidence in any workplace can lead to problems. But more on that later!

Planning what I wanted to achieve and do in the placement for my first learning. It was the first step towards realizing that planning is helpful in every facet of life. It helps you strategize, contemplate, and manifest. I was deployed in the company’s social media department and was in charge of generating organic leads. Organic and developing are two intimidating words; how would I have known what people would want to read and/or like?

However, this is where the fun part began. I began to research, conducted a thorough competitive analysis, evaluated strategies, and drafted my version of a testing strategy. Slowly, I began to test my content on different channels; one of my favorites was the mighty LinkedIn. I started by visiting different conferences and workshops, posting blog articles on topics like CSI and the latest forensic trends and interviews with Academics, Police and Students. While the pieces managed to gain traction, the over-arching goal of achieving more kept pushing me to try new ideas.

The growth phase (Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome)

As with all great digital marketers, there is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. Especially in the digital space. There is always a need for improvisation, and this is where I learned the role of content curation during my placement. After creating my blogs, I realized my LinkedIn audience greatly appreciates video-based content. I decided on the idea of creating podcasts with Staffordshire Alumni who were employed in the forensics field. The idea of podcasts was solid because people habitually scroll or listen. This passive content consumption is widespread because it is effortless and allows people to do their work without distraction. It’s like being on social media yet working at the same time.

In the next stage, I could loop in two additional guests after reaching out to different guests and explaining my agenda. I launched the podcasts in their basic formats through audio files, and they garnered an overwhelming response from the community. Not only engagements, but I was also able to grow the organic follower count on LinkedIn. This is where I learned that I had overcome the plateau of engagement, likes, and page reach. Initially, I struggled with Word Press but then when you have the right support, you are always able to get pass through it.

I learned how to do specifications on the website. Working with Police, Academics and to top that in the field of Forensics, it was not easy as you know nothing about the subject. But eventually with time, I learned about the field through different workshops and conferences. I also visited Staffordshire Police Headquarters with an opportunity to meet with their Communications team. I sat with each one of them to know their respective roles and to have all the motivation and inspiration of how do they manager their respective job roles and responsibilities.

Visit to Staffordshire Police Headquarters – Zainab in the fore ground

Bidding a hard farewell

At the end of this placement, I would be remiss if I did not say that I have a whole new perspective on digital marketing. My advice to all future digital marketers is based on different tiers. Tier 1 starts with understanding your audience and who you are primarily reaching; this is very important. Without your audience, you’re just shooting arrows in the dark, which might land, but who’s to know where. Tier 2 involves understanding the audience’s pain points and creating personalized content. This personalization consists of following social media trends or posting enough content to become one.

Pro tip: I suggest pumping lots of content if you’re managing a relatively new page. A suitable method for this is to create a content calendar that allows you to plan ahead. It enables you to estimate the type of posts, maintain diversity, and reach those hungry people.

The last tier involves content monitoring and improvisations at the very best. Content monitoring will help you evaluate the performance of every post, helping you make intelligent decisions.

As I bid farewell to this beautiful place, I only wish to see the page flourish and carry on the foundation to build into a social media giant.

Staffordshire Forensics Partnership – Linked In Twitter Website

Read about another successful Digital marketing placement here – Middleport Pottery

Find out more about the course here MSc Digital Marketing Management which is currently recruiting for a Jan 2024 start.

Digital Marketing Tools That Will Help You Understand Customer’s Journey

 Adjaou Mohamed Adesola, MSc Digital Marketing Management

As technology evolves, the digital marketing bar is being raised higher for more transcendent usability and intuitive user interaction. For such, accuracy, speed and ease are the punch that will keep your clients loyal for the long haul. According to Gartner, consumer experience is the practice of designing for and reacting to their interactions to meet and exceed their expectations in order to increase consumer satisfaction, advocacy, and loyalty.

Highlighted below are some of the digital marketing tools that will give you competitive advantage.

Website Analytics tools

User-centered design is the first checkpoint you put your customers through. According to Brilliance, 75% of stores losses sales due to cart abandonment. So, how do you avoid cart abandonment? By having an intuitive navigation. Website navigation is like a table of content. The navigation should be organized, easy and grouped. Having complex and lengthy navigation creates confusion with your end users. For instance,

Imagine being at a new airport with 3 terminals and 6 floors and several concourses, you need to reach terminal 4A in under 10 minutes. How will you reach the gate without proper sign boards? A website without proper navigation is like an airport without proper signs. Your users will get frustrated and take off, hence leading to high bounce rate. How can you solve this issue? Create a website with a uniform design style, color scheme, and typography. Besides, include navigation tools within your website.

UX design involves creating something that users love, while analytics help designers/businesses understand what the elusive thing is. Analytics provides businesses with a measurable benchmark. There are four types of analytics.

  • Predictive analytics: Used to test scenarios and make suggestions.
  • Prescriptive analytics: Check on new trends and determine the optimal patterns.
  • Diagnostic analytics: Tracks and reveal trends over time.
  • Descriptive analytics: Indicates how many and how often.

Today, web analytics tools can perform all the above. If combined with research, measurement, and analysis, then business can create and maintain businesses that meet clients’ needs. You can achieve this using the following tools.

  1. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics offers analytics that helps businesses increase their conversion rates and track visitors. Besides, it helps to identifying barriers to conversions. Thanks to the use of Engage feature. Engage uses behavior based data to display notifications to site visitors. Using Kissmetrics, marketers can specifically set the following behavior based actions: Lightbox, dynamic content modal, announcements, bumpers, and notifications. Marketers can design triggers that prompt these actions for instances, when a customer is idle for a certain period on the website, he/she is prompted to take some action like signup for newsletter or display related products that they may be interested in. This helps reduce bounce rate, and thus leading to high ranking. The tool is pricy and not affordable to SMEs, besides being a good tool.

Image Source: CMS Wire

Social Media Digital Marketing Tools

According to the Wall Street Journal, an average American spends 37 minutes daily on social media. Thus, every business should leverage on their marketing using the following platforms.


  • Twitter Native Platform

Currently, twitter has 326 million users. Do you want to get more out of Twitter and aren’t sure where to start? Creating an engaging and impactful strategy can make the difference. Firstly, you need to find your own voice. As a business, establish a well-defined brand strategy by creating fresh and original content that reflect your core business values. Besides, try and resonate with your audience in a positive way.

Planning and organization are key to great marketing. One of the best ways to get much out of Twitter is to join chats. There are chats for almost every topic. The key success to twitter chats is to be an active participant by following people, replying to their messages and keeping the relationship going even after the chat has ended. If there is no chat that relates to your brand, consider starting your own.

Although planning ahead is always great, the best tweets are created on the go. Ensure you capitalize on the trending topic and world events. However, as a caution, never use a tragedy as a branding opportunity. As a rule of thumb, don’t use one-sided marketing. Your Twitter marketing strategy should be a mix of organic tweets @replies, and Twitter Ads. Nonetheless, maintaining a Twitter account requires certain level of commitment and training. Besides, you must be weary of parody accounts, which can negatively affect your business. In 2019, businesses should watch the status updates to encourage conversation between its users.


  • Facebook Power Editor


Specifically designed to run hyper-specific advertising campaigns. The tool often issues new targeting and budget-friendly features for all users. In order to get more out of Facebook Power Editor, you must understand Ad basics. Use of catchy headlines, engaging images and strong Call to Action dictates how well your ad will perform.

Image Source: Neil Patel

The catchy headline, and strong call to action makes the above ad more appealing to the target audience. Currently, Facebook Power Editor is only available on Google Chrome, thus, users of other browsers are not privy to using this powerful tool. Currently, Facebook is testing CTAs to be used on stories create on pages. This something to watch in 2019.


Customer experience requires a health check. One of the ingredients to this challenging task is knowing the ins and outs of your customers’ behaviour. In digital marketing, communicating with your consumers and anticipating their needs and problems even before they arise is what you need. Getting the right tool to address customer experience is what will give you a competitive advantage since the war will not be won on product features or price page.


Twitter: @AdjaouMohamed 

LinkedIn: https://t.co/rAg1jZKEzi