We’re hoping to apply for funding to extend the programme of support that we offer to people who are developing a social enterprise or have a new idea for a social enterprise.
We would very much value your thoughts on what is needed to develop a social enterprise in Stoke-on-Trent or Staffordshire. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please download and complete the below survey, and email to Caroline. The survey questions are especially relevant to those who have been along to any of our Social Enterprise Peer Mentoring Hubs, but if you aren’t a member but would like to share your thoughts we would still value your feedback.
All responses will be kept confidential and the results will be made available to members of the Social Enterprise Peer Mentoring Hub.
Download the survey (Word document): Consultation – Support for Social Enterprise
Thanks and please get in touch if you have any questions about the survey, would like to request it in an alternative format, or to find out about the support we provide for social enterprise.