GradEx 2017

We recently held our annual graduate exhibition GradEx right here at Staffs, taking over huge areas of the university to bring you the most up-to-date and exciting innovations created by our third year students.

Click Here to find out what The Sentinel had to say about this great day!

Vivian Murray, exhibiting her Games Software Design



Staffs Uni eSports Varsity

On Sunday May 7th Staffs Uni went head-to-head against Keele in a number of eSports titles to determine who would be crowned winner.

With a rise in eSports over the past few years thanks to streaming services such as Twitch & big deal sponsorship, there’s never been a better time to get involved.

Games included competative staples such as Overwatch, CS:GO, League of Legends and Smash 4 amongst others over the whole day, with other events for spectators including a Halo 4 tournament, free to play gaming stations, and a VR demo area run by Overclockers UK.

While Keele may have taken the win for this event, Staffs will be hungry for a comeback in the near future.

For more information about studying eSports and games design, why not come to one of our Open Days?

Games Design @ Staffs Uni

Check out some of the great international coverage our games courses have had in Indian press recently!

“a unique chance of gaining in-depth insight into the industry”

Click the images to read what our head of Games & Visual Effects Bobbie Fletcher has to say about the exciting games courses on offer here at Staffs University.

“Staffordshire University’s Epic Games Centre is an industry sponsored fully-equipped space comprising the best gaming equipment, resources and the University’s world-class facilities”

Why Study Computing @ Staffs Uni?

At Staffordshire University we always ensure that our students have the most relevant knowledge for this fast paced industry. On the 10th of May our very own Dr Justin Champion and Chris Howard attended a one day event in Manchester, which was jointly hosted by Cisco and UKFast, with the idea behind the event being to bring together industry and academia to better understand what recent developments are happening within computing.

The talks were given by various companies to give an insight into how they are seeing the sector develop, and what skills our future graduates will require to get a head start upon graduation, with the event also being an excellent opportunity to network with industry players and to reinforce the understanding of what skills our graduates will need for the future.

Here at Staffs Uni, we aim to produce the type of graduates which the networking industry is so keen to hire.

Dr Justin Champion & Chris Howard


Student Trip: Cyber Security Expo, Bristol

Computing students on a number of our undergraduate degree courses recently had the good fortune to attend the Cyber Security Expo taking place in Bristol.

This event, one of the largest trade events in the UK, brings together employers and potential employees such as our students, and is attended by some of the largest international security companies, all able to give our students unique advice & insight into how to further their careers in the sector.

Our students were able to talk to many of the companies in depth, creating networking oppurtunites, and gaining the certainty that the skills they’re learning about are in demand by the industry.

Staffs Uni students with their prizes!

A number of Staffs Uni students also completed a challenge run by Huawei, seeing them taking home a Raspberry Pi each!

Here’s what one student had to say about the day…

“…it was an excellent trip, and allowed me to “network” with large companies and talk about what is expected in terms of technical & soft skills when I graduate, and allowed me to put my name out there in the industry and pick up industry contacts”

Noisefloor 2017 – International Music & Film Festival

Early May saw the return of Staffordshire University’s Noisefloor  Festival, a 3 day event dedicated to electronic music and experimental film, showcasing student work produced on our undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as playing host to pieces by a large number of international artists.

With the recent move of many music and film courses to our Stoke campus this was the first time the new state of the art facilities, such as our brand new Cadman TV Studio, had been used for the event, alongside our Film Theatre for the nights film screenings.

Students were also involved with helping select the line up, with those performing coming from the UK, the US, Cyprus, and Lithuania, amongst many others.

Keep your eyes peeled for more informatoin regarding Noisefloor 2018, and to find out more about Noisefloor 2017 as well as a full list of performers, visit the website by clicking here.