Many nursing regulatory and educational bodies require nurses, at point of registration, to be able to address the personal, religious and spiritual beliefs of their clients as part of person-centred holistic care. How learners acquire these skills, however, is less clear. EPICC (Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care) is therefore crucial to address these challenges.

Our research to date highlights that the teaching students receive is important in their learning about spiritual/person centred care, yet there is a great deal of inconsistency in how this topic is addressed within programmes of nurse education across Europe (Ross, et al., 2014, 2016).

These inconsistencies were explored and addressed during the delivery of the EPICC Project leading to the development of the EPICC Network. This pioneering global network of nursing/midwifery educators and practitioners, along with allied health professionals, is continuing to develop innovative solutions to the advancement of spiritual and person-centred care. This will ensure the healthcare workforce of the future is prepared to address some of the global challenges within contemporary healthcare.


Our mission

1. The Network exists to promote evidence-based spiritual care education and practice across Europe and beyond.

2. The Network will bring together experts in the field and those who are new.

3. The EPICC Network is for those interested in nursing/midwifery spiritual care education and practice.



Ross, L., van Leeuwen, R., Baldacchino, D., Giske, T., McSherry, W., Narayanasamy, A., Downes, C., Jarvis, P., & Schep-Akkerman, A. (2014).  Student nurses perceptions of spirituality and competence in delivering spiritual care: A European pilot study.  Nurse Education Today, 34, 697–702. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2013.09.014.

Ross, L., van Leeuwen, R., Baldacchino, D., Giske, T., McSherry, W., Narayanasamy, A., Downes, C., Jarvis, P., & Schep-Akkerman, A. (2016).  Factors contributing to student nurses’/midwives’ perceived competency in spiritual care.  Nurse Education Today, 36, 445–451.  doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2015.10.005.


Join us!

Please join us in enhancing nurses’ and midwives’ competence in providing spiritual care through innovate education and compassionate care (EPICC).

It is free to join the EPICC Network and the expectation is that members will share their practice and expereince in the field, and contribute to the debates on spirituality and spiritual care while supporting the ongoing development of the Network.

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