Dr. Theodora Kafkia, RN, PhD, MSc

Lecturer and Assistant Professor

Faculty of Nursing, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece

Theodora Kafkia has 20 years of clinical background of which 15 years in renal care (haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and renal ward) and 5 years in anaesthetics department as a Head Nurse.  Since 2013, she was elected a Lecturer in the Faculty of Nursing and since May 2018 has worked as an Assistant Professor.  Her job includes teaching in classroom, labs, and the clinical environment.  Her topics are introduction to nursing, basic nursing care, renal and surgical nursing, history of nursing and health psychology.  Theodora’s main research interests are renal care, quality of care, diabetes mellitus, education, spiritual care, transcultural nursing and pain management.  She has been a member of the Education and Research Team of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association/European Renal Care Association (EDTNA/ERCA) (2003-2010) and participated in major research projects within Europe (European Practice Database, Venous Dislodgement, Vascular Access).  She has been an elected member of the executive committee of the Hellenic Renal Nurses Association (2001-2008) and the Hellenic Regulatory Board (ENE) branch of Northern Greece (2014-2017).  Theodora has presented papers in Greek and International Conferences and published papers in Greek and English.