Britt Moene Kuven

Associate Professor in Nursing

Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway

Britt Moene Kuven is a Nurse (Diakonissehjemmets høyskole, 1985), Cand san in Health (UIB, 2001) and Special Supervisor in Nursing (2006).  In 2016, she became an Associate Professor in Nursing.  Since 1997, she has worked as a teacher on the Bachelor program in the Nursing Education in Bergen.  She is especially concerned with ethics, spiritual care and communication both in nursing education and research.  She has built-up expertise in the theme of elderly people living in nursing homes, quality of life, nutrition and ethical dilemmas.  Currently, her research is about “Joy of life in nursing homes in Norway”.  In her recreation time, she is the leader of Christian Association for Nursing and Nursing Students (KFSS) in Norway.