Dr. Beata Dobrowolska, PhD, MPhil, MNSc, RN

Associate Professor in Health Sciences

Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin, Poland

Beata Dobrowolska’s, main scientific interests regard nursing philosophy and ethics, nursing education and health promotion.  She defended her PhD thesis on care ethics in 2006 and recently completed habilitation (postdoctoral) procedure on axiological foundations and empirical exemplification of the development of selected social competences in nurses (2018).  She is an experienced researcher and teacher and has been working with different groups of medical and non-medical professionals.  She has published more than 250 papers in national, international journals and as book chapters.  She is a member of editorial team in several nursing journals in Poland and abroad, e.g., Nursing in the 21st Century, Nursing Topics or BMC Nursing.

For last 8 years, Beata was a member of the Main Board of the Polish Nurses Association being involved in many activities for nursing society in Poland.  She is also a member of the Polish Bioethics Society and the Polish Society for Spiritual Care in Medicine.  Beata is actively engaged in work of many international scientific and professional networks, realises different international projects; currently regarding cultural competences of ICU nurses and spiritual competences of nurses.


Joanna Żołnierz, MA

Doctoral Studies

Department of Ethics and Human Philosophy, Medical University of Lublin, Poland

Research interests

  • Religiosity, selected psychosocial factors of health and quality of life chronically ill persons (e.g., self-efficacy beliefs, dispositional optimism, styles of religious and spiritual coping).
  • Selected issues of medical ethics (e.g., the conscience clause, the patient’s autonomy, Sex Reassignment Surgery psychosexual disorders and reproductive health).
  • Self-education and health education (virtue ethics, factors of a mature personality, upbringing function of the family and the role of teachers in the educational process).
  • Interpersonal communication, emotional intelligence, the doctor-patient relationship in the light of Transactional Analysis.

Professional experience

  • The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and Medical University of Lublin: 8 years of experience in conducting classes (e.g., Ethics, Philosophy and Ethics of the profession of nurse/midwife, Philosophy and elements of logic, Biomedical basis of development and education).
  • Doctoral dissertation: Quality of life and religiosity in a group of chronically ill people.  Supervisor: Jarosław Sak, MPhil, MD, Associate Professor.
  • Master’s thesis: The patient’s autonomy by Edmund D. Pellegrino.  Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Chyrowicz.
  • Polish Society for Spiritual Care in Medicine (a founding member).