
Dr. Gulnar Ali, PhD, MSc, MA, RN, FHEA

Lecturer: Health and Social Care/International Management Studies

University of Sunderland in London, UK
Arden University, London

Gulnar Ali has a particular interest in ontological aspects of human phenomenon.  Her professional background ranges a wide spectrum of teaching and research experience in Mental Health, Medical Anthropology, Moral Philosophy, Spirituality, Mentoring and Curriculum evaluation.


Kath Baume, RN, MA, PGCert Ed, FHEA

Senior Lecturer and International Lead for Pre-Registration Nursing

Institute of Health and Society, University of Worcester

Teaching interests

  • Teaching and learning of pre-registration nurses and international nursing students within and outside of Europe.
  • Aspects of holistic assessment, spirituality and culture.
  • Management and leadership in contemporary nursing.
  • Renal nursing and nurse-led care.
  • Clinical simulation.

Research interests

  • EPICC project Participant.
  • Impact of international clinical exchange placements for student nurses.
  • Innovation in teaching and learning.
  • Previous research related to leadership and management in nurse-led satellite clinics.

Professional experience

Clinical roles

  • Renal Nurse: Practising within nephrology, haemodialysis and transplantation (1987-1995).
  • Management and leadership – Renal Services – Nurse-Led Satellite Dialysis Care (1995-2004).
  • Informatics Specialist Nurse (2009-2010).

Academic roles

  • Teacher Practitioner: Fresenius Medical Care – renal nursing, management and leadership (2004-2009).
  • Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing, University of Worcester (2011-).


Prof. Julie Jomeen, PhD, MA, RM, RGN

Professor of Midwifery

Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Hull

Julie Jomeen currently leads a Research Development Group for Maternal, Reproductive Health within the Faculty.  A key focus of her work is exploring issues of perinatal mental health and psychological health in childbearing women.  A programme of research which has led to strong collaborations in relation to national and international research, service development work and practitioner training initiatives.  Other research interests include women’s choice and decision-making and practitioner decision making.  Julie has also been involved in national and international curriculum development in midwifery.  Her academic career demonstrates both rapid development and a dynamic profile across a broad and balanced portfolio of research, academic leadership, teaching and external health service development.  She has established a national and international reputation for my research and service development work in the field of childbirth and psychological health, which has had an influence on both national and international policy and practice.  She is invited to speak on this topic from both a research and service delivery perspective on a global level.  Julie has previously held a visiting PhD scholar position at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, held an adjunct Professor post at Griffiths University, Brisbane, Australia; Southern Cross University, Australia; Memorial University, Newfoundland and a previous honorary research fellow at ACU, Canberra.  She is an Associate Editor for BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth and Women and Birth and the Chair of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology.  Julie has recently been appointed as an Associate Non-Executive Director for the Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust.  In addition, she continues to supervise PhD students, having taken many to successful completion and she is regularly invited as an external examiner for PhD examinations both in the UK and internationally.


Miss. Sarah McKay, BN (Hons)

Newly Qualified Adult Nurse

Bachelor of Nursing Degree Programme, University of Liverpool

Sarah McKay completed her Degree in Nursing at the University of Liverpool, with First-Class Honours, in 2018.  In her final year, for her dissertation Sarah looked at ‘The student nurses lived experience of incorporating spirituality into holistic practice when on placement’.  The dissertation was a 6,000-word research proposal, in which Sarah planned to gauge student’s awareness and experience of spirituality.  Sarah is really interested in how, as healthcare professionals, we can identify and care for our patient’s spiritual needs, as well as being able address our own spirituality.  Having been a Student Nurse for the past three years, Sarah can personally recognise a need for spiritual care education.  She is really excited to get involved in the EPICC project.

Sarah’s participation with the EPICC project is supported professionally by Dr. Vicky Thornton (Head of Nursing, University of Liverpool), with Sarah representing the University’s Bachelor of Nursing Degree Programme.


Dr. Melanie Rogers

Course Leader and Senior Lecturer
Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care

Division of Health and Rehabilitation, University of Huddersfield

Dr. Melanie Rogers is the Course Leader for the The MSc Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Clinical Practitioner Routes at the University of Huddersfield in the UK.  She is also an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care as well as the Chair of the International Council of Nurses, Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nurse Network.  She is a Queens Nurse having been awarded this title for her work in practice and education.  She has worked as a nurse for over 25 years having trained at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London.  She has worked in many settings including acute medicine, endocrinology, gynaecology, oncology and emergency care in the UK and Canada before training to be a Nurse Practitioner in 1998.  After pioneering the Nurse Practitioner role in the Yorkshire region she went on to develop the Advanced Practice routes at the University of Huddersfield.  She is currently the Chair of the ICN Nurse Practitioner Network.  Dr. Rogers is passionate about advanced practice as a way of providing the care needed at the point of need for patients.  Her work and research has focused on how to provide truly holistic care to patients and her doctoral studies in spirituality have led to a framework for Nurse Practitioners to help patients find hope, meaning and purpose during times of illness and challenge.


Sadie Young, BN (Hons) Adult Nursing (University of South Wales), BA (Hons) Politics (University of Glamorgan)

Staff Nurse: Stroke and Neurology

Sadie qualified as a Registered Nurse in 2018 and is in her first clinical post within stroke and neurology.  She has particular interest in the spiritual assessment of patients within nursing, which became a common theme throughout her undergraduate degree, culminating in her final year dissertation: The role of the nurse in the spiritual assessment of patients.  Since qualifying she has recognised a need for education and support of nursing staff, both to recognise the spiritual needs of patients, and colleagues.  She feels that the EPICC project is an exciting opportunity to raise the profile of spirituality in healthcare and to provide better care to the people we look after, their loved ones and our colleagues.



Prof. Austyn Snowden, PhD, RMN, FHEA

Head of Theme | Mental Health

School of Health and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University

Austyn Snowden is chair in mental health at Edinburgh Napier University.  He leads the mental health undergraduate programme and also teach on the non medical prescribing course.  He also currently supervises six PhD students.  His research interests all share a theme of exploring the impact and effect of really listening to people.  Austyn has obtained over £500,000 research income, written/edited three books on medication management and nursing theory, and is the lead or sole author of over 60 peer reviewed publications on a range of topics from emotional intelligence to the impact of implementing electronic health records.  In relation to spirituality, Austyn is coauthor of the Scottish PROM, a patient reported outcome measure of the impact of spiritual care.  He is a Visiting Professor at Leuven University, Belgium and Lead Researcher in ERICH: The European Research Institute for Chaplains in Healthcare.  He is also Chair of the education arm of the Association of Professional Chaplains in USA.



Dr. Joanne Pike, RGN, DipN, DN, BSc (Hons), PGCPD (HE), MSc, PhD

Programme Leader, MSc Health Sciences

Wrexham Glyndŵr University

Joanne is Module Leader for Critically Exploring Professional Practice.  As Programme Lead for the MSc Health Sciences and MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Programmes, Dr. Pike has been involved in the creation and development of the latter for over 12 years.  Recently revalidated, both courses have gone from strength to strength and now have over 140 students between them.

Dr. Pike’s approach to teaching and learning is supportive and encouraging and she says,

“There is nothing better than supporting a student to achieve their Master’s degree!  Students usually come to us working full time in very highly stressful and demanding jobs, and often doubt their abilities.  We help and encourage them on their academic journey through the course to achieve their goal, and that’s what gets me out of bed in the morning each day.”

Research is important for the development of professional practice, and the first of Dr. Pike’s interests is spirituality and its expression in nursing care.  More recently she has been partnering with her Computing colleagues in the Faculty of Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology investigating the effect of ‘companotics’ (robot pets) on wellbeing for people with dementia.  She plans to extend the research from the investigations in peoples’ own homes, to people with dementia living in residential homes.