Student Blog – Iram: International Travel, Employability & Business Psychology

Hi, my name is Iram and I am a final year Single Honours Psychology student here at Staffordshire University. Below is a post introducing a new module I will be undertaking as part of my degree studies:

During Business Week at the University I attended a talk by Louise Holland from Holland Alexander, who is also a Staffordshire University Graduate. She explained what challenges you would face when starting and running your own business and what individual skills and qualities are required. During the talk I was wondering how psychology would relate to business.

One of the great things about psychology is it can be applied to many different areas such as Health Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Counselling, but I had not heard a lot about psychology in the business area. But this was about to change when I attended a talk by Lesley Drumm, the award leader for BSc (Hons) Applied Computing. She introduced a new module: Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Application for Transforming Education in High Technologies, otherwise known as IDEATE High Tech. This module offers a unique opportunity for students from four different European countries; Finland, Lithuania, Slovenia and United Kingdom to work as a team and develop a business idea whilst building an entrepreneurial attitude.

Feb16 Iram 1 Finland

Turku, Finland

The aim of this module is to understand how to overcome contemporary challenges, environmental issues such as social equality and health and use important skills such as creative thinking and decision making for innovative business solutions. Students are required to work together online and travel to Turku, Finland as well as Vilnius, Lithuania to work together face-to-face. Even though most of the challenge information will be provided when we travel to Finland, we have been told the topic revolves around ‘technology addiction’.

Feb16 Iram 1 Vilnius

Vilnius, Lithuania

I was lucky enough to be one of the four students selected for this exciting module and I feel this will be a great opportunity to expand my psychological knowledge and work in a completely different subject. I am nervous as I have not studied or worked in the business area but being a Psychology student I understand how much of a growing topic ‘technology addiction’ is. So it will be beneficial to see how we can work together and use previous research to build new technologies with care to prevent negative health behaviours. I am also looking forward to placing my quantitative skills to gather appropriate market research. As well as of course enjoying the course, the travelling and working alongside international students and seeing how our ideas and work fit together.

The other fellow students selected for this module are:

Will, L5, BSc (Hons) Applied Computing: “I am nervous about the tasks ahead, but the experience of working in a different country is making me feel more excited.”

William, L5, BSc (Hons) Applied Computing: “I am excited to see how people from different cultures look and react to internet and technological addiction.”

Elizabeth, L6, BSc (Hons) Animal biology and Conservation: “I am really looking forward to studying in a different country and learning how students from other countries approach their work.”

Iram will be writing regular blogs as she works on the IDEATE module over the next few months – keep checking back for the latest updates on Iram’s business venture!

The School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University is a leading School in the UK for Psychology degrees and is situated in the heart of England.  We produce internationally recognized research which is driving knowledge in this area forward and we work with a variety of healthcare providers, charities, international sports teams and private sector organisations.

For more information or details of the wide range of Psychology degrees on offer at Staffordshire University please visit our website and our courses page.