Meet the StaffsPsych Students – Lauren Spelman (BSc Hons Psychology)

Please tell us a little about your background before coming to study at Staffordshire University
At 18 years old, I had completed my studies at sixth form and resented the idea of three additional years in education. I had taken time out to earn money, one year eventually turned into five and found myself frustrated in a job with limited progression. With life experience and the desire to learn, I felt a degree was now the next challenge for both personal and career development.

What attracted you to studying your course at Staffordshire University?
Staffordshire University initially appealed to me was high student satisfaction rating. The combination of a high majority of student enjoying the course, combined with the facilities and resources provided in the Science Centre attracted to me to studying Psychology at Staffordshire.

What are the best parts of your experience at Staffs?
Whilst not only enjoying the course, one of the best parts of Staffordshire is the sense of community, especially in the Psychology department. Staff are approachable and more than helpful, with living away it is important feel that sense of support both academically and personally.

Why did you choose to study your subject?
The behaviour of others has always been a great interest. Working in an industry where addiction is prevalent, it has always exercised my curiosity in understanding behaviours.

Have you been on any placements? If so, please describe your experience.
Being undecided of my future plans, I undertook some work experience in a young offender’s institute. With forensics being an area of psychology that became an interest, it felt important to gain experience in a challenging and demanding environment.

What are your plans for the future?
My current plans for the future are pursuing a career within in the prison system. I feel my psychology degree has helped understand others and wish to help provide and support for the rehabilitation of offenders.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about applying to study your course at Staffordshire University?
Do it! Talk to staff and students about their facilities and experiences. Make sure to explore the local area whilst you are visiting, with the Peak District not too far away, it’s a beautiful part of the country.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your time at Staffs?
Staffs has really provided me with the tools to further pursue my career and individual development. I have enjoyed every moment and would recommend the university to anyone.