PGR Conference

Wednesday 12th June

The PGR Conference is hosted annually at the university to showcase the post-graduate research being carried out from all schools across the university. We saw two of our PhD students informing other post-graduates and staff members of their research.

Eleanor Atkins presented her work on the biodiversity value of urban hedges highlighting the biodiversity in urban hedges, the public perceptions of urban hedges and the importance of habitat availability for invertebrates and vertebrates in urbanisation for the ever-growing population. Elle also spoke about the good practice guide she has put together on managing urban hedges for aesthetics and biodiversity, which details cost-effective small changes that would benefit biodiversity. Elle touched on her survey findings that suggest the general public found hedges which were less managed more aesthetically pleasing then over managed hedges cut and shaped regularly. These more ‘rugged’ hedges which were aesthetically pleasing have more biodiversity than those over managed.

Eleanor Harrison presented the beginning of her research into soil microplastics. Speaking about the need for research into terrestrial microplastics as current research and media attention is centred around marine macro and microplastics which is an issue but studies of plastics in soil and the effects that it may have on agricultural, environmental and human health aspects are lacking. Ellie is in the early stages of her PhD but has already begun testing the effectiveness of methodologies in separating the microplastics from the organic matter in soil samples to be able to analyse the samples. Ellie is now in America with colleagues from the School of Law, Policing and Forensics, taking part in a expedition of the Hudson River with the Rozalia Project, sampling soil from river banks along the way and analysing them for microplastics, mainly nurdles (small plastic pellets roughly the size of a lentil) which are used industrially to make plastic products.

Staffs BioSciences Student Stories – Meet Gemma (BSc (Hons) Human Biology)

In the Biological & Biomedical Sciences department we always want to hear from our students throughout their course as we value them and their thoughts and experiences with us at Staffordshire University.

As part of our new series of Staffs BioSciences Student Stories, we’re pleased to introduce Gemma who is currently on our Human Biology course. Find out how Gemma is getting on with her studies as she shares a little about herself and her experiences with us.

I’m a part time student and a full-time mum to three children. I decided to come to university as a hobby in the beginning, I hadn’t thought about a career at the time. Now I can honestly say it is one of the best decisions I made. I’m about to start my final year and I’m so proud for what I’ve achieved in the past four years. The people I’ve met along the way have been fantastic. I’m truly happy that I decided that this was right for me.

Why did you choose to study Human Biology with Staffordshire University?

My honest answer is distance from school in case they rang, and I had to leave. With that said I’m glad I chose Staffs. The lectures and technical staff are fantastic, any problems or questions I’ve had they’ve always been happy to help in any which way they can. A massive thank you to all the Bioscience staff. Continue reading

Wildlife In The Garden

by Dr Dave Skingsley (aka the ‘bugbotherer’)

With summer started (honestly!) many people turn to the public green spaces around them (such as gardens, parks, towpaths, the moorlands) for a place in which to relax. It’s only then, when listening to the natural world, that people become aware of the background buzz of the workers toiling in these places. The question many are now asking (Hallman et al 2017) is has that noise become quieter? The evidence is mounting that there are fewer insects in the ‘wilder spaces’ but that private green spaces such as home gardens provide places where insects (and I must admit to favouritism here) can call home, or a workplace. Just a quick search of the internet shows most of the wildlife charities (links below) recognise the value of garden green spaces and the needs to, just ever so slightly, rewild them.

All of these charities recognise some key ideas to help insects and thus all the other creatures (including humans).

So what can you do with the space outside your house, flat, parking lot.

Try some of these approaches

Bird boxes

These offer shelter and spaces for those nesting places lost to tree felling and hedgerow removal. Birds, and all the other wildlife would prefer the hedgerows and trees but if they have been lost where could they go? Old bird boxes are often colonised by bees. Check out the RSPB’s advice on creating a wildlife-friendly garden.

Dunnock on Bramble Continue reading

Big Bang Fair West Midlands 2019 – Biological Sciences Edition

The Big Bang Fair invites students and companies from around the West Midlands to celebrate all things STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). This is the second year that Staffordshire University has hosted the Big Bang Fair, after a very successful first year. This year was even bigger and better than before!

This year the event was an astonishing success with a whopping 3000 visitors on campus! There were all sorts of workshops and activities in which the students visiting could get involved with. One of the most popular stands in the event was ran by two PhD students about plastics in the ocean. Visitors were offered biodegradable glitter face painting as part of their activity. At one point there were over 30 students queuing to have their faces painted!

Another very popular stand at the event was the virtual reality activity. The VR stand was ran by our Psychology Department to show how the brain could be tricked into thinking you are walking along a plank suspended in the air, rather than the reality that you were stood on the floor. This was not only popular with the students but also with their teachers as well, everyone wanted to experience it! 

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Staffs BioSciences Student Stories – Meet Thaleia, BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology

In the Biological & Biomedical Sciences department we always want to hear from our students throughout their course as we value them and their thoughts and experiences with us at Staffordshire University.

As part of our new series of Staffs BioSciences Student Stories, we’re pleased to introduce Thaleia who is currently on our BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology course. Find out how Thaleia is getting on with her studies as she shares a little about herself and her experiences with us.

I’m from Greece and live in Stoke-on Trent. I work for a hospitality agency located in Cardiff. My only family in the UK is my boyfriend who lives in Cardiff, so I spend most of my free time volunteering, reading books and judging crime-related movies based on my knowledge.

Why did you choose to study Forensic Biology with Staffordshire University?

Staffordshire University was one of my first five choices due to factors like the RSB (Royal Society of Biology) accreditation, the high employability rates and the high ranking in biosciences. I received positive answers from all five Universities I applied for, so I had to think of further factors in order to decide which one to choose. Staffordshire University seemed more demanding in terms of skills that we will have to develop throughout the course, therefore I accepted the challenge. Continue reading

Staffordshire University’s Biological Science Students Visit Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Staffordshire University’s biological science students have just returned from Finland’s picturesque city of Tampere – following the indulgence of some great Finnish cuisine, amazing views across lake Pyhäjärvi, and a VERY hot sauna. Aside from Tampere’s strong devotion to art and conserving the natural environment, Tampere is home to vast biological facilities; focusing on the advancement of science and the attainment of a sustainable future. After touring TAMK’s research facilities it is no surprise the university is considered one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in Finland – offering students a vast range of opportunities. Continue reading

Big Biology Day 2019 – The planning has commenced!

As the planning for BBD19 gets underway we wanted to take the opportunity to remind ourselves of the feedback that the attendees and exhibitors left for us at Big Biology Day 2018 to see what worked well and what we can improve for next year.

Last year’s event was a big success with over 500 people in attendance to see the stands and participate in the workshops and activities.

Feedback from the visitors was overwhelmingly positive,

here are just a few of the open comments we received from visitors:

  • “It’s been a great day, enjoyed it. Very informative”
  • “An excellent idea for children to attend and foster their love of science.”
  • “1 a month would be awesome (though probably impossible)”

It’s great getting feedback like this, and the middle feedback quote represents the ethos of the whole event really well. Unfortunately, if we tried to implement the last request we’d never get anything else done!

We did note that some in attendance would have liked better on campus signage, so we’ll work on making sure that we do that better for the 2019 event.

Overall Big Biology Day 2018 was a resounding success with more attendees than ever before.


Looking forward to BBD19 we’re gearing up to make this bigger and better than ever before. We’ll be continuing with the Great Biology Bake Off and our many and varied stands, activities and workshops. We already know that we’ll have new content that has not been seen before and there’s even a rumour about having a program of talks in the big lecture theatres.

Whilst we can’t spill the beans just now, we’ll add new blog entries as we confirm the event details.


Biological Sciences and Education students visit The Netherlands

Our Biological Sciences and Education students have just returned from an action-packed visit to Radboud University in Nijmegen. Radboud University is a student-centered university in The Netherlands, active in almost all scientific fields and with a large Education department. The University benefits from an ‘open climate’ and inspiring environment.

Biological Sciences students spent two days at Radboud visiting their fantastic laboratory facilities including greenhouses and root labs, animal ecology and physiology departments and the University’s zebra fish facility. Students participated in practical laboratory activities including extracting DNA from wastewater samples; discussing their different approaches and methods employed. Continue reading

Biological Sciences students visit Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona

Our Biological Science students have just returned from an action-packed visit to Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona, the most cosmopolitan city in Spain.  After touring the campus, attending lectures and experiencing life as a student at UPF it is easy to see why this university made it to the number one spot in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for a Spanish university.

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Why mosquitoes bite some people more than others

Dr Richard Halfpenny, Lecturer in Biological Sciences, writes for The Conversation.

Surprisingly few of the more than 3,000 mosquito species actually specialise in biting humans. Instead, most are opportunistic feeders – feeding when they are able and from lots of different sources. But Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae are well known for their preference for human blood and their role as vectors which transmit disease in humans. Ae. aegypti has been linked to zika and dengue, while An. gambiae carries the parasite which causes malaria.

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