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About Holly Hoar

I am the Development Officer (Research & Funding) in Research, Business and Employability Services. The Research team provides information to University staff on external funding, partners, and innovation activities. The team works with researchers and academic staff to help diversify income for Staffordshire University. Our Research and Funding Blog contains information on funding opportunities and the activities of the team. See my staff profile here http://www.staffs.ac.uk/staff/profiles/heh2.jsp

NESTA’s Future Fest Event

This event looks like it could be of interest to a number of departments in the University. The website has details on who is speaking, plus hopefully the prices will be there soon.

Title: Future Fest
Date: 28 and 29 September 2013
Location: Shoreditch Town Hall, East London
Cost: To be confirmed
More Details: Come and shape the future at a festival of ideas that will fire your imagination.
Some of the planet’s most radical thinkers, makers and performers are gathering in East London this September to create an immersive experience of what the world will feel like over the next few decades.
From the uplifting to the dystopian, FutureFest will inspire and challenge you.

Website: http://www.futurefest.org/?utm_source=Monthly+Newsletter&utm_campaign=2926441021-May_2013_update5_22_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d17364114d-2926441021-180786294

Final Eco-Innovation Call Launched


The European Commission has launched the final call for the Eco-Innovation Fund. This is not a brilliant fund as it only covers 50% of costs. But could be worth looking into if work is already being developed around this theme.

 Funding body: European Commission

Scheme: Eco-Innovation

Overview: The Eco-Innovation initiative is designed to support projects on the first application or market replication of eco-innovative techniques, products, services or practices which have already been technically demonstrated with success but which, owing to residual risk, have not yet entered the market.

The priorities for this year’s call are:

•           Materials Recycling;

•           Sustainable Building Products;

•           Food and Drink Sector;

•           Water; and

•           Greening businesses.

Deadlines: 05/09/2013

Budget: Grants for successful projects cover up to 50% of the eligible project costs, and this call has a total budget of €31 million.

Website: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eco-innovation/apply-funds/call-proposal/index_en.htm

 An Information Day on the 2013 call is also taking place in Brussels on Monday 27 May. Registration can be done via the web page above.

Staffs Fest 2013

The External Projects Team is looking forward to running some enjoyable events during Staffs Fest 2013. Details are below. You can book places using My View or by contacting the Universities Continuous Professional Development team on professional.development@staffs.ac.uk or 01782 294127 / 01782 294872

Falling in Love with Funding

Tuesday 25 June 10:00-11:00

Activity Space Cadman Yard, Stoke

Speed Dating activity with an open access surgery with the External Projects Team and the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Team

This session provides a chance to meet other people in the University who are looking to develop projects and enterprise activities. This is a chance to meet people outside your normal work area who could collaborate with you on projects.  Staff from Enterprise and Commercial Development will also be on hand to answer your funding or enterprise questions.

With Alex Harvey and Josephine Beech


Deconstructing Contracts

Tuesday 25 June 13:30-14:30

L134 Flaxman Building, Stoke

An opportunity to demystify contracts with our resident expert Christopher Kenning


EuroTrash: A quiz to outdo all Quizzes

Tuesday 25 June 15:00-16:30

L134 Flaxman Building, Stoke

A fun quiz guaranteed to make you smile. Prizes to be won! EU national dress is optional!

With Margaret Bennett

Funding to Enhance the Student Experience

This funding is a great opportunity for anyone who has an idea of something they wish to do to improve the student experience, something  Staffordshire University puts great emphasis on.

Funding Body: Higher Education Academy

Scheme: Individual Grants

Overview: The Individual grant scheme invites proposals from individual staff members to lead projects that enhance the student experience. The Higher Education Academy is keen to encourage evidence-based research which can lead to innovations in learning and teaching that have clear benefits beyond your own institution.

Applications are invited from any member of staff engaged in the student learning experience in HEA-subscribing institutions in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. -(Staffordshire University is a subscribing institution)

Deadline: 10 June 2013

Budget: Proposals submitted under the Individual scheme may request up to £7,000 from the Higher Education Academy. Projects will run for twelve months.

Website: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/tdg/individual

Please could anyone wishing to apply please send their ideas to the External Projects Team before bidding so we can ensure the University makes a strategic bid to this fund. externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

NESTA’s new Social Innovation Fund

The Centre for Social Action Innovation Fund is a £14 million Fund to support the growth of innovations that mobilise people’s energy and talents to help each other, working alongside public services. This fund is an open call and will be here for two years, so even if you don’t have a project now, make a note of it for future reference.

Funding Body: NESTA

Fund: The Centre for Social Innovation Fund

Overview: As part of the Cabinet Office Centre for Social Action, Nesta will run a £14 million Innovation Fund.

We will provide financial and non-financial support to help grow the impact and reach of innovations that mobilise people’s energy and talents to help each other, working alongside public services.

Over the next two years the ambition is to:

Find innovations that harness different types of social action to make a positive difference across a range of outcomes

Support the most promising innovations to have more impact, including building evidence of what works

Enable a small number of proven innovations to achieve impact at significant scale, by reaching and benefiting many more people

The Innovation Fund will focus on a small number of big social challenges, like helping older people to age well or supporting young people to get into work, where there is a plausible account of how social action can make a difference and is under-exploited by the existing approach of public services.

Current priorities

  • Helping people to age well, particularly by supporting people over 50 to have a purpose, a sense of well-being and to be connected to others
  • Enabling people with long-term health conditions to have a better quality of life, particularly through the use of peer to peer networks and groups
  • Supporting and encouraging young people to succeed and find employment, for example through mentoring, coaching, and peer-to-peer networks

Using new approaches to “impact volunteering” to mobilise volunteers to increase and enhance the outcomes achieved by public services

Budget: £50,000 to £500,000 to individual ventures or programmes, funding usually needs to be matched from other sources.

Deadlines: Open call, just fill in an expression of interest form on the website

Website: http://bit.ly/12ZByAs


Sport Based European Funding

Before the Erasmus for All Sports funding starts in 2014, it seems the European Commission wants to run  test projects. This is open for bids until 19 July.

Funding body: European Commission
Scheme: 2013 Preparatory Action: European Partnership on Sports
Overview: This call for proposals will support transnational projects put forward by public bodies or not-for-profit organisations in order to identify and test suitable networks and good practices in the field of sport, in three following areas:
(1) Strengthening of good governance and dual careers in sport through support for the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations.
(2) Protecting athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions.
(3) Promoting traditional European sports and games.
Projects must include at least five member states.
They expect to fund around 15 projects
Deadlines: 19 July 2013
Costs: The EU covers 80% of all eligible costs. There is no minimum or maximum amount to apply for, but projects are likely to be over €400,000

This type of project takes a large amount of work to develop. If there is not already a project idea and some partners in place, the team wouldn’t recommend applying for this round of funding. However, it is possible to identify organisations submitting bids with a view to being a project partner. A similar grant should be available in 2014 so this could provide the starting point to developing a bid for 2014.

Social Leadership Fellowships

This fellow is for people working of volunteering in the wider social sector. There are general fellowships and a number of specialist. The specialists fellows include a focus on environment, finance, housing associations, aging population and other areas.

Fund: The Clore Social Leadership Programme

Overview: To be eligible, applicants must be working (or volunteering) in or closely with the wider social sector and will have demonstrated leadership potential in some of the work they have already undertaken. Applicants working internationally for UK-based organisations are now eligible.

Each Fellow benefits from a personalised leadership development programme.

Twenty fellowships are available. A number of these are Specialist Fellowships, which are funded by particular organisations to target specific groups or address particular needs, more details are on their website.

Deadlines: 10 June 2013

Website: http://www.cloresocialleadership.org.uk/

Sharing Knowledge with Industry, Businesses and Universities

This European pilot project is about sharing learning with students, HEI’s (including staff), business and industry, plus social and economic renewal. This fund is currently a one off. There is no supporting conference or partner search tool to go with it.

Funder: Directorate-General for Education and Culture, EU

Grant Title: Pilot projects for the development of knowledge partnerships and knowledge alliances

Fund Description: Projects should strengthen the role of higher education institutions as instruments of innovation and increase the employability, creativity and innovative potential of graduates, professors and company staff. Funding supports new learning and teaching methods, fostering entrepreneurial skills and attitudes and structured mobility. Higher education institutions, research institutes, training institutes and public and private large, medium or small companies, intermediaries and associations and national or regional organisations based in EU member states, may apply. Each partnership must include at least three different independent partners, established in a minimum of three different member states. Partnerships must include at least one higher education institution and one private company. Approximately three projects will be funded.

Amount Available: The budget for this call is €1 million. Grants are worth between €200,000 and €400,000 each and funding covers a maximum of 75 per cent of eligible costs over 12 to 18 months

Deadline: 28 June 2013

Website: http://ec.europa.eu/education/calls/s0312_en.htm

This page provides a quick overview of the call objectives and the concept


Anyone interested in bidding for this fund should let the External Projects Team know as we can support with the application process. Our team are very experienced in submitting European bids so we can smooth the way through EU jargon and  budgets.


The EU is looking for cover the following aims

Work Experience for Young Entrepreneurs sets them apart in Job Market

As youth unemployment rises for another month, young people across Europe are looking for unique training options to make them stand out from the crowd. The European Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program (EYE) might just provide the way in. As part of EYE Staffordshire University’s spin out company flux has been able to provide young student Manuel Moreno from Andújar, Spain with the opportunity to work with them on a social media project.

flux is an innovative design company that takes emerging talent from Staffordshire University to generate contemporary ceramics. Manuel’s Brussels based role was to promote the FLUX brand internationally.


Manuel said “The most important thing that I’ve learnt is that everything is possible with effort and being persistent. This project was born as a dream and now is becoming a reality little by little.”

The post was part of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program (EYE), a business exchange programme, offering new entrepreneurs the possibility to work for up to 6 months with small businesses by covering travel and living expenses. Schemes such as this can be vital to ensure young people have financial support whilst they gain work experience to make themselves marketable to future employees.

Manuel feels placements like this are good to give young people the experiences of living and working abroad at least once in a lifetime. He added “It helps you to grow up not just in a professional way but also in a personal one.”

For Manuel the scheme has already been a success story as his contact has been extended for a further 8 months.


flux director Glynis Whiting feels that these schemes are an excellent way for young people to enter the business world, “there is no doubt that the international experience offered by the host entrepreneur via EYE is invaluable in building confidence and a wide range of contacts which will be of use for the new entrepreneur in getting their business off the ground, or indeed in their wider future career portfolio.”

This was flux’s first taste of the EYE scheme. It has been so successful that flux has applied again. Glynis added “We are especially pleased that our next EYE placement will be a Staffordshire University student graduating this year in photography and entrepreneurship, which I hope will be the first of a programme with new entrepreneurs from Staffordshire.”

Further details on flux www.fluxstokeontrent.com

More information on EYE http://www.erasmus-entrepreneurs.eu/