About BENNETT Margaret

External Projects Officer in External Projects Team since January 2012.

Call for organisations to propose FP7 independent experts

The European Commission has published a call for proposals for organisations to propose lists of prospective independent experts to assist the Commission’s services in connection with the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

The Commission will appoint experts:

– to assist in the evaluation of proposals in line with the various scientific, technological and socioeconomic aims of FP7. Evaluation work includes making recommendations on ways to gear research towards optimum achievement of the aims of the specific programme concerned;

– to assist in the monitoring of projects selected and funded by the Community, including, where necessary and as appropriate, the monitoring of projects funded by the Community under previous research framework programmes;

– for other purposes where specific expertise might be required (e.g. monitoring of the implementation, evaluation and assessment of impacts of RTD programmes and policies).

To see the full details of the call, go to:


For further information on the appointments, please contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

The deadline for submitting proposal documents is 31/07/2013.

Before contacting the Commission, tenderers are strongly advised to consult the original call text in the Official Journal of the European Union at the reference below.


ORA – Open Research Area in Europe for the Social Sciences: third joint call for proposals is now open

ANR     DFG     ESRC (small 50x60)


Third round of the ORA in the social sciences is now open

The Open Research Area (ORA) partners are pleased to announce their third joint call for proposals. The current partners (ANR, DFG, ESRC, NWO) are delighted to welcome the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) to the 2012-13 round of the scheme.

This will establish the ORA plus scheme, allowing US researchers to collaborate in ORA projects. Through this expansion, thousands of new researchers will be available for cooperation in ORA applications, offering interesting opportunities to cooperate on a wider scale.

This change means that there are now five countries participating in the next call: France, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States.

Proposals will be accepted for research projects in any area of the social sciences involving researchers from any combination of three or more of the participating countries.

Unlike previous rounds, ORA will not accept applications for proposals from only two countries. In this pilot phase of ORA plus, this is necessary to manage demand for what is already a very popular scheme, and to ensure proposals can be assessed in a timely fashion. The partners will continue to review the response to the scheme and consider what steps may be taken to support bilateral research collaboration in future through ORA or other mechanisms.

The closing date is 15 February 2013.

Call documents

For further information, contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk


CEDEFOP tender to conduct a study on how low-educated and low-skilled workers from a low socio-economic background think about education and continuous learning.

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training invites proposals for a narrative of career-related and labour-market-related learning of low-skilled workers. The tenderer shall conduct a study to investigate how low-educated and low-skilled workers with a low socio-economic background think about education and continuous learning. Funding is worth up to €300,000 over 18 months.

 The study will investigate how low-educated/low-skilled workers with a low socio-economic background think about education and continuous learning. The inquiry will be based on a collection of individual narratives that should bring out attitudes, aspirations and expectations towards learning. This research on low-educated workers prone to the risk of unemployment and social exclusion intends to uncover the potential among individuals to re-engage in learning and become socially upwardly mobile. The results of the study will be used to inform Cedefop’s research agenda on the topic of how adult and work-based learning can help people to better manage careers and working-life transitions, to set the stage for future analyses, and to pave the way for policy recommendations.

 The closing date is 18th January 2013.


 For further information, please contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk


European Institute of Innovation and Technology and Knowledge & Innovation Communities

Europe, like the rest of the world, is responding to the changing patterns of global competition and it is clear that there is a new imperative to address urgent societal challenges.

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology was set up to address these challenges. The EIT’s main activities are implemented through a distributed network of Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs). The KICs integrate partnerships of European education, research and business organisations – the components of the knowledge triangle – and also involve public authorities in these partnerships.

To read more, click on the link: EIT and KICs general info