About BENNETT Margaret

External Projects Officer in External Projects Team since January 2012.

Valuing Natural Capital in Low Carbon Energy Pathways – Consortia Awards

NERC logo

NERC invites proposals to the new research programme Valuing Natural Capital in Low Carbon Energy Pathways (VNC).

Proposals should form a challenge for phase 3 of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and should also include links to the new NERC Valuing Nature programme.

This call is for consortium projects (minimum of three research organisations) of up to £1·9m (80% FEC). Projects should be five years in duration and should start no later than March 2015. It is expected that one multidisciplinary consortium project will be funded, with four or five associated PhD studentships that should start in October 2015.

The main aim of this research programme is to understand the implications for natural capital and the provision of ecosystem services of a range of future energy scenarios, including scenarios that are compatible with the UK’s energy policy goals of maintaining energy security, keeping energy affordable and cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.

Closing date for proposals: 2 October 2014

For further information go to: http://www.nerc.ac.uk/research/funded/programmes/valuingnaturalcapital/news/ao/

Bright ideas research fund

Nesta invites applications for grants from its bright ideas research fund. These grants aim to fund good new ideas related to innovation and innovation policy and develop research projects and policy proposals in fields that relate to innovation but where Nesta does not have big programmes already in place. Projects can involve primary research, novel argumentation, or the development of a new idea, or ideally more than one of these things.

It is hoped that the fund will lead to interesting insights in its own right, and perhaps in due course to some larger research projects.

Fields of particular interest include:

  • understanding the innovative businesses that matter
  • what do emerging technologies mean for the economy and society
  • how can we get a financial system better suited to innovation
  • developing an innovation policy for the arts
  • datavores
  • better government policy for innovation
  • better government policy based on evidence and experiments
  • new trends in innovation around the world
  • collective intelligence
  • how to encourage new ideas and experimentation in social innovation
  • scaling up social innovation
  • big and open data for social innovation
  • collaborative economy
  • smarter smart cities
  • accelerators.

Applications are welcome from a wide range of people and organisations worldwide, including think tanks, academics, journalists, charities and businesses.

Nesta will fund up to £10,000 per project. Projects are expected to be concluded within a year of their start.

This is an open call. You can apply for the fund any time during the year and applications are reviewed in batches. The next review date will be on the 24th of October 2014.

For more information go to: http://www.nesta.org.uk/funding/bright-ideas-research-fund-open-call

Engineering Grand Challenges: expression of interest to attend a workshop

EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council 

Following the successful 2013 Global Grand Challenges London Summit, organised by the Royal Academy of Engineering, EPSRC set out to identify Engineering Grand Challenges.

Seven areas have been identified as potential Engineering Grand Challenges:

  • Risk and Resilience in a Connected World
  • Controlling Cell Behaviour
  • Engineering from Atoms to Applications
  • Bespoke Engineering
  • Big Data for Engineering Futures
  • Suprastructures – integrating resource infrastructures under constraint
  • Engineers at the Heart of Public Decision Making.

Three workshops will be run in the Autumn to:

  1. Engage the research and user community to identify clear targets or milestones for each of the selected Grand Challenges areas
  2. Start the process of building collaborations and/or consortia as appropriate
  3. Build advocacy for the Engineering Grand Challenges, particularly as EPSRC, working with its partners in academia, industry and government, is looking to build the case for Engineering and Physical Sciences ahead of the next spending review

EPSRC would like to invite a diverse cross-section of the research community to attend workshops planned for November 2014. If you’d like to be considered to attend one of the workshops please fill in the survey and return it to EPSRC by 15th September 2014.


For further information go to:


If you have any queries email:



Annual Research Awards

Society for Research into Higher Education - Advancing knowledge, informing policy, ehancing practice

The Society for Research into Higher Education invites applications for its research awards. These awards are funded entirely by the Society, and intended to support new research into higher education. Applications on any aspect of HE should be submitted under the three overarching themes of higher education policy, higher education and society, and higher education practice.

Individual members of the society at the date of application are eligible to apply. Where a proposal is submitted by a research group or a team, the lead proposer must be an individual member of the society.

Up to four awards annually, worth £10,000 each, are available.

Two to four scoping awards annually of £5,000 each for the exploration of any new or emerging area of higher education research leading to the development of a plan for further research, are also available.

For information about joining the Society, visit SRHE Membership

Closing date: 1st September 2014

For further information go to: http://www.srhe.ac.uk/research/annual_research_awards.asp

Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorships




The objective of these awards is to enable distinguished academics based overseas to spend between three and twelve months at a UK university, in order to enhance the skills of academic staff or students within the host institution. Any field of research is eligible.

Visiting Professors may also wish to use the opportunity to further their own academic interests.

Criteria for selection are:

  • the academic standing and achievements of the professor in terms of research and teaching
  • the ability of the host institution to benefit from the imported skills and expertise

Applications must be made by a member of academic staff, based in a UK university or other higher education institution, who will be responsible for coordinating the visit. Priority is given to new or recent collaborative ventures.

A maintenance grant up to a level commensurate with the salary of a professor in the relevant field at the receiving institution may be requested. Economy travel costs to and from the UK and research costs will also be met.

For further information go to: http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/VP/VP.cfm


University Research Fellowship

The Royal Society

This scheme is for outstanding scientists in the UK who are in the early stages of their research career and have the potential to become leaders in their field. Approximately 35 fellowships will be awarded each year.

The scheme provides the opportunity to build an independent research career. Those appointed are expected to be strong candidates for permanent posts in universities at the end of their fellowships.
The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine and any researcher addressing a direct biomedical research question.

The applicant must:
  • have a PhD
  • be in the early stages of their research career and must have between 3 to 8 years of research experience since their PhD by the closing date of the round
  • not hold a permanent post in a university or not-for-profit organization in the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • be a citizen of the EEA or a be a Swiss citizen (or have a relevant connection to the EEA or Switzerland)

The EEA consists of the European Union (including the UK), Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.

Initially funding is provided for five years with the opportunity to apply for an extension of three additional years. The University Research Fellowship can be held part-time, and allows sabbaticals, secondments or international experience

The basic salary requested should be at a level commensurate with the applicant’s skills, responsibilities, expertise and experience, up to a maximum of £38,759.20 per annum.

Closing date 17 Sep 14 (Forecast)

For further information go to: https://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/university-research/

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Research Grants

CIMA - Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants invites applications for its research initiative. Research that is innovative and challenges and offers fresh perspectives on a range of topics related to the science of management accounting will be supported

Research applications are invited on the topics of:

  • big data
  • management accounting in banks and financial institutions

Grants are worth between £5,000 and £40,000.

The deadline for applications is 30 September 2014.

For further information go to: http://www.cimaglobal.com/en-gb/Thought-leadership/Research-Funding/Research-intiatives/


Scaling up improvement programme

The Health Foundation invites applications for its scaling up improvement programme. This seeks to support projects that aim to improve health care delivery and/or the way people manage their own health care.

Projects need to show how ideas, interventions and approaches that have been tested and shown to improve care at a small scale can be delivered at a larger scale.

The Health Foundation is looking to fund projects at a care pathway, health board, clinical network, organisational level or regional and national levels.

Applications from primary, secondary and tertiary care are welcomed, or across boundaries such as health and social care including mental health, learning disabilities, care homes, maternity and children’s services as well as home care. Applications can come from any health or health and social care provider organisation in the UK where services are free at the point of delivery.

Teams’ proposed improvement project must demonstrate how they intend to impact on an identified problem. Interventions must have been already tested in the same setting, been shown to improve care and be ready to be implemented at a larger scale.

The programme is eligible to organisations from the UK, but not to individuals or sole traders. Organisations are expected to work in partnership and applicants must demonstrate that a relevant, influential organisation can assist in order to increase the likelihood of a wider impact.

£3 million available for up to seven teams

Projects are expected to last for up to two years. (If a private company or profit making organisation is part of the partnership, only 15 per cent of funding will be allocated).

Deadline for first stage of the application process is 12 noon, Monday 16 June 2014.

For further information go to http://www.health.org.uk/areas-of-work/programmes/scaling-up-improvement/

Biotechnology young entrepreneurs scheme

Small anniversary JPG logo (JPG 74KB)

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, under its Innovation and Skills Group and the University of Nottingham, under the Haydn Green Institute, invite applications for their biotechnology young entrepreneurs scheme.

This is aimed at raising awareness of commercialisation of bioscience research among postgraduate students and postdoctoral scientists.

Teams will develop a business plan for a company based on a hypothetical but plausible idea based on real markets over the course of one of the following three-day workshops:

  • plant and microbial and environmental sciences workshop that will take place between 8 and 10 October 2014 at Jealott’s Hill
  • chemistry YES workshop that will take place between 15 and 17 October 2014 in Manchester
  • north west workshop that will take place between 15 and 17 October 2014 in Manchester
  • biomedical YES workshop that will take place between 22 and 24 October 2014
  • food YES workshop that will take place between 5 and 7 November 2014
  • southern workshop that will take place between 5 and 7 November 2014 in Leatherhead
  • Scottish workshop that will take place between 12 and 14 November 2014 in Edinburgh.

Up to three teams from each workshop are selected to progress to the final, which will take place on 8 December 2014 in London.

Applicants must be teams of researchers working in the biosciences in UK universities. Individuals who have already participated in the YES workshops and individuals with formal business training are ineligible. There are no age limits, although the aim is to support early-career researchers. Teams are required to pay a refundable deposit of £250 prior to applying.

The winning team will receive £2,500 plus a trip to USA and an invite to the UK Bioindustry Association’s Gala dinner.

Closing date 13 Jun 14

For further information go to http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/business/commercialisation/biotechnology-yes.aspx

Society for Educational Studies – Small grant awards

SES logo

The Society for Educational Studies invites applications for its small grants. These aim to stimulate research in education, particularly by those who are starting their research careers and are no more than five years postdoctoral.

Applicants must be affiliated with a British university, college or school, and be or become members of the society.

Up to four grants worth up to £10,000 for one year are available. The SES is unable to meet the full economic costing of a project. Non-FEC salary costs of up to a total of £5,000 will be considered in relation to an application.

Closing date 15 Sep 14

For further information go to: http://www.soc-for-ed-studies.org.uk/grants/