About BENNETT Margaret

External Projects Officer in External Projects Team since January 2012.

Discipline hopping in Information and Communication Technologies

ICT researchers are being encouraged by EPSRC to pursue “an immersive experience in other disciplines and user environments” by considering Discipline Hopping.

Discipline Hopping Awards will provide short-term support to allow researchers from core ICT fields to work outside their specialist area, bringing a multidisciplinary and user-driven focus to research.

Alternatively, non ICT specialists can apply for funds to bring a technological perspective to their home discipline.

The call is aimed at researchers who have a proven track record of research and will provide funding to develop skills and collaborations with other disciplines and end users.

EPSRC may signpost specific research areas for discipline hopping from time to time. Details of these areas may be found on the discipline hopping page.

For further information go to: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/open/Pages/disciplinehopping.aspx

No closing date

Leverhulme Trust visit

Leverhulme Trust_2

Jean Cater, Assistant Director of The Leverhulme Trust visited Staffordshire University yesterday to give a presentation about research funding opportunities available through the Trust, followed by a Q&A session. Jean offered an insight into the decision-making process and some helpful “dos and don’ts” when making an application.

The event took place in Court Room 2 in The Law School and was very well attended by academic and project staff from Universities of Keele, Derby, Wolverhampton, Birmingham City, Manchester Met as well as Staffordshire.

Following the presentation, delegates could take part in small group discussions to talk informally about their experiences in making both successful and unsuccessful applications.

Information about funding opportunities can be found at http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/

For more information about the presentation contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

Rapid evidence review on the health risks of bathing

Defra - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs invites tenders for a rapid evidence review on the health risks of bathing. The aim is to carry out an evidence review on the evidence around bathing water standards and the impact on human health to highlight any significant new research and evidence gaps.

For further information go to: https://defra.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml

Closing date 02 Oct 13

Leverhulme Trust event – now fully booked

The talk at Staffordshire University on 25th September by Jean Cater, Assistant Director of The Leverhulme Trust has proved very popular and is now fully subscribed.

Colleagues who have registered their interest in attending the event will receive further information in the next few days.

For those who have yet to register, a reserve list is now being compiled.

Please contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk for more information.


AHRC Collaborative doctoral awards

The Arts and Humanities Research Council invites applications for its collaborative doctoral awards. These awards are intended to encourage and develop collaboration between higher education institution departments and non-academic organisations and businesses by providing opportunities for doctoral students to gain experience of work outside an academic environment.

Awards are designed to encourage and establish links that are beneficial for both collaborating partners. Research students, jointly supervised by members from each partner organisation, will carry out a project that falls within the AHRC’s subject domain and that will lead to a doctoral qualification by the end of the award.

Applications should be made jointly by a department in a recognised UK higher education institution and a non-academic organisation from the private, public or voluntary sector. Non-academic partners must normally be UK-based operations.

For further information go to:


Closing date 03 Oct 13

MyIP Online Disclosures

Have you created a new design, invention or process? The Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Team in ECD can provide support to evaluate ideas and to protect and develop them.

It is now possible for staff to submit information and ideas to the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Team online through MyIP. This will replace the current Disclosure Form Word document.

Access the system at http://myip.staffs.ac.uk and follow these steps to create a secure account:

  1. Select create new account. The password must be at least 7 characters including a non-alphanumeric character.
  2. Add or update the Contact Details tab.
  3. Submit information about your idea in the New Disclosure tab.

Following receipt of a new disclosure a member of the team will contact you about your idea and arrange an informal meeting to discuss it in more detail. Information provided will be kept confidential.

For further information contact Rachel Watmore on R.Watmore@staffs.ac.uk.


International Exchanges Scheme

The Royal Society

This scheme is for scientists in the UK who want to stimulate new collaborations with leading scientists overseas through either a one-off visit or bilateral travel.

The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

The International Exchanges Scheme is available for travel to all countries outside of the UK.

Applicants should ensure that they meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the standard programme scheme notes (PDF).

The funding available is dependent upon the length of the visit.

Closing date 23rd October 2013

For further information go to: http://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/international-exchanges/

Visit from The Leverhulme Trust – save the date


Jean Cater, Assistant Director of The Leverhulme Trust will be visiting Staffordshire University on Wednesday 25th September to give a presentation to colleagues about funding opportunities with the Trust and the application process. There will be a Q&A session and small group discussions with Jean, following the presentation.

The event will take place in Court Room 2 in the Law School and will commence at 2.00pm.

If you would be interested in attending the event, please would you contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk


Call for Tenders: Study on Doping Prevention

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Youth and Sport Directorate, has published a call for tenders for a study on doping prevention.
The study has the following objectives:
  • to map, describe and analyse existing approaches to doping prevention in recreational sports, the extent that theory and practice can be ascertained from literature and to show how findings differ from one EU Member State to another;
  • to map, describe and analyse the extent to which national anti-doping organisations (NADOs) are involved in doping prevention in recreational sports, highlighting the links (or absence of links) between NADOs and other organisations involved in prevention work;
  • to map, describe and analyse the differences between Member States’ legal, administrative and political arrangements governing the fight against doping (including the status, role and autonomy of sports organisations and the presence or absence of anti-doping laws) and efforts currently undertaken to promote doping prevention in recreational sports;
  • to put forward proposals and recommendations regarding doping prevention in recreational sports, how these could usefully be promoted via initiatives taken at EU level, bearing in mind the distribution of powers, roles and resources between the EU, Member States, the sport movement and other potentially relevant actors.

Deadline: 27 September 2013
