Bid writing training to support updated university policy

Following the recent Staffordshire University Research, Enterprise and Advanced Scholarship Committee our Advanced Scholarship Policy has been updated.  Now academic colleagues submitting funding proposals for research grants or knowledge transfer projects are able to count their proposal as a scholarly output. 

In order to support colleagues in their bid writing activities, a number of workshops have been arranged for FCES staff.  We still have a few places available and are able to offer these to colleagues from across the University.  Details are below.  If you would like to reserve a place, please contact us via  These sessions will also be offered during Staffs Fest.

Writing KTP Applications Wed 26th Feb 1:00pm – 4:00pm K152 Octagon Building
A Guide to Bid Writing Wed 26 March 1:00pm – 4:00pm K152 Octagon Building
Writing KTP Applications Wed 30th April 1:00pm – 4:00pm R350 Science Building

The updated Advanced Scholarship Policy can be viewed here: Advanced Scholarship FINAL V2 Jan 2014.


Building a Postgraduate Research Community – UK Council for Graduate Education event at Staffordshire University



UKCGE have announced the first event in a new series of seminar sessions. These sessions will be in the format of half day events and will provide delegates with the opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions about specific post-graduate related issues.

This event will feature a discussion session on the topic of Building a Postgraduate Research Community. The event will be of relevance to a range of academic staff including heads of graduate schools and research leaders. The session will begin with a brief overview of post-graduate research education and student numbers in the UK to set the scene for the discussion. The discussion itself will be delegate led and therefore those attending on the day will have the opportunity to shape the direction of the discussion. But it is anticipated that it will cover a range of aspects relevant to building a postgraduate research community including examining the different sorts of postgraduate students and communities, considering examples of schemes currently used by institutions to build communities and the impact these have on PGR students. By sharing in the discussion challenges faced and examples of good practice, delegates will leave with an increased understanding of how a postgraduate research community can be built.

Further details can be found here:

The workshop will take place in the Ashley Centre,in Stoke-on-Trent. A map of the campus can be downloaded by clicking here
Image courtesy of smarnad via

Horizon 2020 Information Days

Horizon 2020

Several UK Horizon 2020 National Contact Points including the Science and Technology Facilities Council, the Medical Research Council, and the Economic and Social Research Council have organised a series of regional Horizon 2020 information days taking place over the next two months.

The events will provide an overview of Horizon 2020, legal and financial issues and will include sessions on:

  • Research Infrastructures
  • Societal Challenge 1 – Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing
  • Social Sciences and Humanities embedded across Horizon 2020
  • Societal Challenge 6 – Europe in a Changing World
  • Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies
  • Science with and for Society
The dates and locations of these are as follows:
  • Cardiff – 7 February 2014
  • Belfast – 18 February 2014
  • Edinburgh – 17 March 2014
  • London – date to be confirmed

Registration and programme for Cardiff event

Demand for places at this event is expected to be very high, and registration will close on 31 January 2014.
Registration for the other events will open very soon.
(There is no charge for the events but registration is necessary in order to participate).

Connected Communities Event and Funding

The AHRC have an open call for expressions of interest to attend a research development workshop addressing the challenges of Disconnection, Division and Exclusion. This event will be on 18-20 March 2014 at the Novotel Sheffield Centre Hotel as a part of the Connected Communities Programme. The aim is to stimulate the development of innovative, cross-disciplinary, community-engaged, research projects to better understand the disconnections that can occur from, within and between communities in different cultural contexts.

AHRC are seeking applications to participate in the workshop from both researchers funded under the Connected Communities programme, in addition to researchers and non academic partners not current involved but who have relevant expertise.  Attendees at the workshop will have an opportunity to apply for ring-fenced funding for follow-up projects of up to £100,000 to take forward the most innovative research ideas that emerge during the workshop.

The deadline for applications to attend the workshop is 30th January.  Further information is available at

Erasmus + Webinars

Ecorys and the British Council have advertised webinars for the new Erasmus + programme of funding. These are taking place in January and February.imagesCAGFFZM5

All of the details on how to register and when the webinars are taking place can be found Here

The External Projects Team will be listening in to the Webinars, so we will be sending out a blog with all the latest info later this month, in the meantime, if you are interested in accessing the E+ funding please get in touch with us at



Culture Programme Workshops

There will be 12 Briefing sessions on the new Creative Europe programme, held between 13-31 January, in 12 venues across England, Scotland and Wales. Sessions closest to Staffordshire University are in Birmingham, Bradford, Liverpool or Nottingham.  Each Briefing will run for 2 hours, and will provide background information on Creative Europe, as well as detailed information on the new Culture programme strands (projects, translation, platforms, networks) and some information on the new Media programme. Sessions cost £80.

There will also be workshops to help people prepare applications between 3-6 February. In Manchester, Cardiff, Edinburgh and London. They cost £100.

For more information on these Briefings and Workshops, or to make a booking, visit

This document Creative Europe Culture provides an overview of the Culture funds of most interest to Staffordshire University.

Launch Event for Secure Societies Challenge in Horizon 2020

A launch event will be held for the Secure Societies challenge of Horizon 2020 in London on 18 February 2014.

Secure Societies comprises four calls:

  1. Disaster Resilience
  2. Fight Against Crime and Terrorism
  3. Border Security and External Security
  4. Digital Security

The themes fit with the research work of the Mobile Fusion and CIISS ARCs.  The full work programme for the secure societies can be accessed here:

The event will provide networking opportunities between potential partners. There will be a presentation on the Horizon 2020 funding and speakers from the UK Government will talk about the Secure Societies programme, with a particular focus on UK priorities.

This is a free event. Registration is open until 10 February. To register, go to the event website below, click on the ‘book now’ button at the foot of the page, and follow the ‘Register’ link beneath the log in field on the next screen.


An audience with our National Teaching Fellows


The Higher Education Academy’s National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme is a fantastic way to recognize your excellence in learning and teaching. To provide you with successful candidates’ views, come and join our audience with Dr Liz Boath and Emeritus Prof. Bernard Moss to find out more about the scheme and most importantly the benefits of being an NTF – not just the £10,000 to be used for your own professional development

The first of these sessions will take place in Stoke on 14th January 2013 at 1.00 pm till 2.00 pm in BG46, Brindley Building. A few places are still available for Staffordshire University staff. So if your interest is sparked and you want to know learn more from Liz and Bernard, then contact Liz at to confirm your attendance.

If you would like to know more about the NTF scheme in general, then follow this link




Big Lottery: funding event at Staffordshire University – February 5th



 lottery logo


We are really pleased that Stephna Davis-Watts, Policy and Partnership Officer at the Big Lottery Fund is coming to the Ashley Centre, Stoke on February 5th.

1-00pm -4-30pm

Initially the Big lottery were reluctant to come to the University as they equated it entirely with research related work – we have persuaded them otherwise.

We have asked Stephna to make a presentation on the current opportunities for large project funding from the Big lottery and to discuss large project ideas with colleagues in the university and with  partner organisations.

We are inviting colleagues from across the university in areas of interest that the Big Lottery can fund; these include

  •  Low carbon
  • The Environment
  • Creative communities
  • Community engagement
  • Arts and creative technologies
  • Physical activity
  • Mental health
  • Public health
  • Social enterprise

The Big lottery is geared towards partnership funding – you could use the event to scope out a project idea with a group of partners –with a Big lottery expert on hand –  if there are individuals you would like us to invite as well do let us know.

For current large funds see:

To book a place please email



Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN and RISE Training Event

***Addition to this blog -Two dates in the UK have been added to this training event.

  • University of Glasgow, Tuesday 21 January 2014
  • University of Westminster, Wednesday 29 January 2014

Further details here:


There will be an information day on making applications to the Marie Curie ITN and RISE funds. This event is ideal for anyone who missed the Universities Marie Curie talk last Wednesday or is considering applying.

ITNs are Innovative Training Networks. They aim to create training programmes between the academic and non-academic sector to exchange knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit.

RISE funds are Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges. They are staff exchanges to share knowledge and ideas from research to market. They are for academics and non-academics.

The event will be on Wednesday 15 January 2013 in Brussels, but can also be followed by webstream. This stream will start 12:45pm.
The deadline for ITN applications is 9 April 2014.
The deadline for RISE applications is 24 April 2014.

Additional Information

These funds are part of the new Horizon 2020 calls. Anyone who is still not sure what Horizon 2020 is all about can get an overview on the UKRO website, plus fact sheets.

If you have not used this site before you will need to set up an account to access the information. The University is a subscriber to UKRO.
