PGR Event PHD By Published Work – 20th October 2016 1-3pm


PhD By Published Work Workshop

Thursday 20th October, Cadman Conference Room

1-3 p.m.


The PhD by Published Work Workshop is an alternate route to a research degree for people who already have a research career. This workshop will be an introduction to the principles and procedures, and will be of interest to anyone thinking this route might be for them, or know of a research colleague whom the route might benefit. Note also that the PhD by Published work regulations here at the University are scheduled to be reviewed, so we welcome attendees who have experience in this area, and can thus give us feedback that aides the crafting of the new set of regulations.


Please book on Iris if you intend to attend (under events/training) or email or simply drop in on the day.


Mid Career Fellowships for Arts and Social Sciences

For those of you around over the summer, this quiet time can provide a good opportunity to start developing research bids.

Staffordshire University subscribes to Research Professional. This is a great tool to help you find research funding and news. Below is a good example of an upcoming fund.

British Academy -mid-career fellowships. Support outstanding individual researchers with excellent research proposals, and promote public understanding and engagement with humanities and social sciences. The time bought by the scheme should be devoted to the completion of a major piece of research, and the Academy will also look for evidence of a clear commitment to a strategy of public engagement and communication of the results of the research during the period of the fellowship.

For scholars who have already published works of intellectual distinction or have established a significant track record as a communicator, and who are normally no more than 15 years from the award of their doctorate.

£160,000 from six to 12 months.

Deadline 14 September 2016


HEFCE catalyst fund

With £45m in funding to drive innovation the the higher education section, the HEFCE catalyst fund is one not to miss.

HEFCE are interested in collaborative approaches around:

•student engagement

•enhancement of teaching and learning

•student participation and success

•strategically important and vulnerable subjects


•knowledge exchange

•leadership, governance and management

Projects need to be collaborative, bringing together businesses, universities and colleges, and other public agencies.

There are no fixed application deadlines for this fund.

We have already been successful in securing funding through the police knowledge funding strand with Keele University, let’s see if we have any other exciting ideas to develop.


Latest funds on Research Professional 29/04/2016

Bi-weekly highlight of new funds posted on Research Professional.

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks, or set up your own Opportunities Alert to highlight when funding in your research area comes up.


Project grants

British Heart Foundation, GB

These support short-term research projects lasting up to three years and costing less than £300,000. Grants may cover salaries, research consumables and equipment.

Maximum award: £299,999

Closing date: None

Small grants

Burdett Trust for Nursing, GB

These support projects that will transform services at the hospital-community interface, leading to improvements in patient care and that will empower health visitors to promote public health, particularly among vulnerable groups and communities. Grants are worth £2,000 to £8,000 over 12 months.

Maximum award: £8,000

Closing date: None

Invention for innovation (i4i) product development awards

Department of Health including NIHR, GB

These support R&D of medical devices, active implantable devices and in vitro diagnostic devices in any area of existing or emerging clinical need in order to increase patient benefit. There is no funding limit. Awards are tenable for up to three years.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 01 Jun 16



Research grants

Royal Society, GB

These provide seed-corn funding for early-career UK scientists for research within the society’s remit in the life and physical sciences, including the history of science. Two types of grants are available for a maximum period of 12 months: grants of up to £15,000 for specialised equipment, essential consumable materials and services, and travel and subsistence for essential field research; and grants of up to £15,000 for research in the history of science or up to £5,000 to assist with the publication of scholarly works on the history of science.

Maximum award: £15,000

Closing date: 01 Jun 16

Kan Tong Po visiting fellowships

Royal Society, GB

This provides additional grants under the international exchanges scheme for UK or US-based scientists to collaborate with Hong Kong-based academics, or for Hong Kong-based scientists to collaborate with academics in the UK or US. Fellowships provide up to £3,000 for airfare and subsistence for visits lasting up to three months.

Maximum award: £3,000

Closing date: 07 Jun 16

International exchanges scheme – France cost-share programme

Royal Society, GB

This stimulates new collaborations within the natural sciences between scientists in the UK and France. The Royal Society provides up to £12,000 for the UK team as a contribution towards their travel and subsistence costs. An additional £12,000 is available from the National Center for Scientific Research France towards the French team’s travel and subsistence costs.

Maximum award: £24,000

Closing date: 10 Jun 16

Scientific meeting grants

Company of Biologists, GB

These support hosting meetings, workshops and conferences within the field of biology, and encourage the sharing of knowledge across the community. Grants are generally worth from £2,000 to £6,000, depending on the size of event, and may be larger if justified.

Maximum award: £6,000

Closing date: 22 Jun 16 (recurring)



Research fellowships in humanities and social science

Wellcome Trust, GB

These enable individuals who are not yet established in academic posts to undertake a period of postdoctoral research. Fellowships provide research expenses, appropriate employers’ contributions and a salary, tenable for up to three years.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 06 Jul 16 (recurring)



Projects grants

Sir Halley Stewart Trust, GB

These support projects that focus on the prevention of human suffering, with priority given to proposals in medical, social and religious areas, with education being a central theme. Main grants are worth up to £60,000 over a period of one to three years.

Maximum award: £60,000

Closing date: None

Latest funds on Research Professional 20/04/2016

Bi-weekly highlight of new funds posted on Research Professional.

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks, or set up your own Opportunities Alert to highlight when funding in your research area comes up.

Leadership fellows scheme – early-career researchers

Arts and Humanities Research Council, GB

This enables early-career researchers to develop their leadership experience and capabilities as they establish themselves and develop beyond doctoral and postdoctoral work, and to produce innovative research that moves significantly beyond doctoral projects. Grants are worth between £50,000 and £250,000 over a period of between six months and two years.

Maximum award: £250,000

Closing date: None

Project grants

Pilgrim Trust, GB

These support projects in the areas of preservation and scholarship, and social welfare. There is no cap on funding, although small grants are usually worth less than £5,000 and main grants are usually worth over £5,000.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: None

Research activity grants

Pasold Research Fund, GB

These support research projects relating to textile history, preliminary work to prepare a more substantial grant application and conference attendance. Grants are worth up to £750 each.

Maximum award: £750

Closing date: None

Training and travel grants

British Ecological Society, GB

These enable students and postgraduate research assistants to meet the costs of specialist field training courses, and to network and publicise their research by presenting their work at workshops and conferences. Grants of up to £1,000 are available.

Maximum award: £1,000

Closing date: None

Urgency grants

Natural Environment Research Council, GB

These allow scientists to respond rapidly to unexpected and transient events affecting the environment. The maximum total project funding is £65,000, and NERC will fund up to 80 per cent of full economic costs. Projects may last for up to 12 months.

Maximum award: £52,000

Closing date: None

Industrial secondment scheme

Royal Academy of Engineering, GB

This enables early- and mid-career engineering academics to conduct a collaborative research project in an industrial environment. Awards are worth up to £30,000 and are tenable for up to six months full-time or 12 months part-time.

Maximum award: £30,000

Closing date: 31 May 16

Energy catalyst – mid-stage awards – technology development

Innovate UK, GB

These fund projects that take innovative ideas through to the technology development stage by conducting industrial R&D in the energy sector, including laboratory studies, component or system development, testing, and verification and evaluation in simulated environments. Projects may receive up to £1.5 million each over a maximum period of three years. The total programme budget is worth up to £9m.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 08 Jun 16

-There is also an early or late stage award for this.

Methodological research to improve the quality of national clinical audits – highlight notice

Medical Research Council, GB

This highlight notice supports research into methodologies to optimise national clinical audits, focusing on: benefits and costs of different methods to check case ascertainment and the quality, completeness and accuracy, of audit data; linkage across audits to construct and assess pathways of care – meta-audit; and using multiple audits to look at a provider’s overall performance.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 21 Jun 16 (recurring)

Evaluating the NHS diabetes prevention programme

Department of Health including NIHR, GB

This aims to address knowledge gaps on impact and sustainability of the NHS diabetes prevention programme in England.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 23 Jun 16

Appleyard fund

Linnean Society of London, GB

Grants from this fund contribute towards the costs of research projects in the fields of botany or zoology. Grants are worth up to £2,000.

Maximum award: £2,000

Closing date: 14 Sep 16 (recurring)

Society awards

Wellcome Trust, GB

These support projects that encourage the public to explore biomedical science, its impact on society and culture, its historical roots or the ethical questions that it raises. Grants are worth at least £40,000, and have an average value of £180,000 over two to three years.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 16 Sep 16 (recurring)

Wellcome: Humanities and social science research bursaries



The Wellcome Trust invites applications for its humanities and social science research bursaries. These support small and medium-scale research projects based on library or archive collections supported by the trust. Projects must focus either on Wellcome library holdings or on any collection supported by a previous research resources grant, but they need not be historically grounded.

Applicants must be based in, or travelling to, the UK or Republic of Ireland. Applications are not limited to academic researchers and may be submitted by conservators, artists, performers, broadcasters, writers, public engagement practitioners and others working in the creative arts. Experienced researchers in established academic posts will normally be expected to have some publications in an appropriate field and early-career researchers holding no posts are expected to possess a doctorate or clinical qualification and to have established a research interest in biomedical science, the humanities or social sciences.

Bursaries are usually worth between £5,000 and £25,000, depending on the duration of research, and may contribute towards travel, accommodation, subsistence and photocopying costs.

Expected closing date October 2016 – see website


URBACT III programme



The Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy invites applications for its call for proposals under the URBACT III programme.

This is an opportunity to be part of a local authority consortium.

This aims to enable cities to work together and develop integrated solutions to common urban challenges, by networking, learning from one another’s experiences, drawing lessons and identifying good practices to improve urban policies.

  • The specific objectives of the call are to improve the capacities of cities to manage sustainable urban policies and practices in an integrated and participative way;
  • to improve the design and implementation of sustainable urban strategies and action plans in cities;
  • to ensure that practitioners and decision-makers at all levels have increased access to URBACT thematic knowledge and share know-how on sustainable urban development.

Proposals must address one of the following thematic objectives:

  • strengthening research, technological development and innovation;
  • enhancing access to and use and quality of ICT;
  • enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs;
  • supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors;
  • promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management;
  • protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency;
  • promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures;
  • promoting employment and supporting labour mobility;
  • promoting social inclusion and combating poverty;
  • investing in education, skills and lifelong learning by developing education and training infrastructure.

Proposals must address all the three following challenges:

  • fostering the integrated approach;
  • involving local stakeholders;
  • measuring impact.

Proposals must also address at least one of the following optional challenges:

  • building the project pipeline;
  • organising decision-making for delivery;
  • moving from strategy to operational action-plan;
  • developing public-private partnerships;
  • setting up smart public procurement;
  • enhancing funding of urban development policies through financial innovation.

Projects are divided into two phases: phase 1, a six-month phase dedicated to network development, and phase 2, a 24-month phase dedicated to the implementation of network activities.

Cities, municipalities, towns, infra-municipal tiers of government, metropolitan authorities and organised agglomerations from the EU member states, Norway or Switzerland may apply.

Consortia must include a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine cities from at least three member or partner states. They must include a minimum of four cities from less developed regions where the total number of partner cities is eight or nine, and a minimum of three cities from less developed regions where the total number of partner cities is seven partners.

Funding ranges from €600,000 and €750,000 per project. The budget for phase 1 must not exceed €150,000. The co-financing rate is calculated at network level on the basis of the different co-financing rates for each partner.

Closing date June 22nd 2016

The Centre for Health and Development: April 14th 2016

CHAD Logo Final






CHAD –  the Centre for Health and Development is a unique collaboration between local public services and Staffordshire University dedicated to the pursuit of minimising health inequalities and improving the health of the population of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

The primary focus of CHAD is the translation and application of research evidence into good practice and vice versa, for the purpose of improving health and wellbeing outcomes across the local population.

CHAD is holding a set of workshops to explore their research and funding priorities, aimed at academics, public health professionals and the voluntary and community sector:

On Thursday 14th April 2016, 12.00-16.30, Ashley Centre, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DF

Email: Esther Knight for further details


Trans-Atlantic Platform: Digging into Data Challenge





The ESRC and AHRC, on behalf of the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP), announce the launch of the T-AP Digging into Data Challenge. Building upon the success of previous Digging into Data Challenge calls, this expanded multi-lateral collaboration involves 16 funding agencies from 11 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, the UK, and the US).

Applications are invited for innovative interdisciplinary collaborative research projects which use large-scale, digital data analysis techniques to address important social science and humanities research questions, whilst demonstrating how these techniques can lead to new theoretical insights.

The UK funders are particularly interested in receiving proposals which address the following challenges:

  • Interpreting data: using data-based analysis, modelling and simulation techniques to gain new insights into how an increasingly connected and digital world is changing the ways in which groups and individuals are interacting, including but not limited to the creation and development of creative, cultural, and societal processes and phenomena, as well as analysis of historical trends and linguistic change;
  • Novel application of data: using one or more data sources which were not originally designed/generated/collected for research purposes, for example open data/open source systems or ‘live’ data generated in real-time, either alone or in combination to address humanities and/or social science research questions; and
  • Employing multi-form or multi-source data in research: exploring the potential for calibration, combination and interoperability of datasets in two or more different formats and/or from two or more different sources in order to address humanities and/or social science research questions.

Projects must consist of teams from least three member countries. More than one team may be included per partner country, but all projects must include partners from both sides of the Atlantic. Applications which include one UK team may request up to £150,000, whilst projects involving two or more UK teams may request up to £200,000, which will be paid at 80 per cent Full Economic Cost (fEC). Projects may last between 24 and 36 months.

Click here for more information



Become a partner on a Horizon 2020 bid

wpid-ants-working-togetherIf you have not been involved in a Horizon 2020 project before, one of the best ways to get involved is to find organisations submitting bids and ask to join them as partners. UKRO has made a factsheet giving ideas of how to find partners for horizon 2020 projects.

It includes suggestions such as joining European Technology Platforms or linking in with the European Enterprise Network. UKRO Factsheet on Consortium Building, to see this document you need to use your UKRO username and password, or set up an UKRO account if you don’t already have one.

Joining a Horizon 2020 research project could provide you with a direct path to generate a 3 or 4 star rated REF output.