Manufacturing with light

The EPSRC invites participants for its manufacturing with light call. This aims to encourage adventurous research ideas to explore how to generate, collect, manipulate, control and transmit light to transform and shape the manufacturing industry.

Research ideas should have the potential to revolutionise production processes or develop new and profound technological applications, where a consideration of the pathway to manufacture is necessary.

The proposed research should endeavour to bring the physics, materials, engineering and manufacturing research communities closer together and to support the device development community. Some examples of innovative areas that fall within the scope of the call are:

  • non-traditional uses of light in manufacturing processes or technologies;
  • developing new sources of light that are applicable to manufacturing;
  • manufacturing with light outside traditional spectral range;
  • innovative interactions between materials and light;
  • novel metrology and inspection concepts that exploit the properties and characteristics of light;
  • manufacturing with photons;
  • new manufacturing technology for production of devices;
  • manufacturing applications of quantum physics or quantum devices;
  • quantum physics or laser science for new manufacturing processes;
  • new applications that arise from wavelength-tuning of light sources, for example, biological and medical applications.

Higher education institutions and some research council institutes and independent research organisations are eligible to apply.

The budget is up to £3 million. Grants should not exceed £300,000 and a duration of 18 months.

Closing date 24 Jul 13

For further information go to


Video Games Funding

The Arts and Humanities Research Council have funding for collaborative research projects with a particular focus on video games

It is unusual for the AHRC to be making a particular focus on just video games, so if it is your research area it is worth looking into the call in more detail because it might not come up again for a while.

Funding body AHRC

Scheme Videogames Research Networking Funding Call

Overview These are for collaborative research projects between arts and humanities researchers and video developers. Proposals should explore new areas of interest to research and development in the videogames industry, be multi-institutional and demonstrate creative and innovative approaches.

Deadlines 1 August 2013

Budget Grants are worth up to £30,000 for projects of six to 18 months, and an additional £15,000 may be sought to cover international activities.

For further information:

Secondment Project Grants

IT as a Utility Network+

IT as a Utility+ Network

Applications are invited from the IT as a Utility+ Network under the RCUK digital econopmy theme for its secondment project grants. Secondments are for up to six months and are for individuals in academia, industry or policy bodies and should be undertaken in a different professional environment concerned with IT as a utility. The priority areas are:

  • usability and user experience
  • ethics, education and skills in utility computing environments
  • social computing platforms
  • smart spaces – the internet of things
  • security, trust and governance
  • economics and sustainability of services

Applicants must either relocate to a different institution or to a different sector and industry and governmental involvement is strongly encouraged.

Higher education institutions, some research council institutes and independent research organisations are eligible to apply.

Grants are worth up t0 £50,000 for up to six months with £40,000 provided by the network and £10,000 required by the applicant’s own institution.

Closing date 31 Oct 13

For more information go to


Capital Funding Call for Digital Transformations in Community research Co-Production in the Arts and Humanities

As part of the cross-Council Connected Communities Programme, the AHRC is inviting applications for Digital Community Research Co-Production Projects. The call aims to harness digital technologies to stimulate innovative engagements and research co-production between communities and researchers. £4m capital funding is available under this call.

A key focus of, and output from, the projects funded must be some form of new, or significantly enhanced, research-based asset of enduring value for communities and future research. These assets may take a variety of forms, such as open datasets, integrated search facilities, mash-ups, visualizations and mappings, enhanced gateways and portals, galleries, tools, hardware, interfaces, software, material artefacts, or other forms of innovative cultural and creative resource or asset.

Applications are invited for between £50,000 and £600,000 on a full economic cost basis and the AHRC will fund 80% of the full economic costs (with the exception that equipment costs may be included under this call). The closing date is Thursday 27th June 2013.

There are a series of launch events, the local event is Birmingham on 30th May. 

Please contact External Projects Team ( if you are interested in this call. Further information is available at

Youth in Action Programme (EU) Funding Opportunity

Youth in Action Programme

Opportunities for UK HEIs

The call is specifically addressed to people working in the youth sector, youth workers and youth leaders, young people themselves (aged between fifteen and twenty-eight years old) and other actors involved in youth organisations and structures. Applicants to the Programme must be non-profit organisations, including NGOs, public bodies at regional or local level and youth councils. HEIs are therefore eligible applicants in so far as they are public bodies. The Youth in Action Programme will not support stand alone education programmes, indeed activities performed as part of formal educational programmes at any level are not eligible for support. It may, however, support extra-curricular activities, such as volunteering and work experience. The following indicative list of activities is included in the call documentation:

 Large-scale youth events, seminars, conferences

 Activities encouraging the development of partnerships and networks

 Activities encouraging the policy dialogue in the field of youth

 Information and awareness campaigns in favour of and by young people

 Training and capacity-building of youth workers, youth organisations and multipliers

 Job-shadowing and long-term mobility for youth workers

 Technical Features

Partners: Must involve partners from 4 different countries (including, at least 1 from the EU 27 Member States and 1 more from the EU 27 or the EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) or pre-accession countries (Croatia; Turkey); plus 2 other partner countries1.

Project Duration: 6 to 12 months

Projects Commence: between 1 October and 31 December 2013

Grant Rate: Up to 80%

Maximum Grant Size: €100,000


Deadline for submission of applications: 14 May 2013

Announcement of selection results: August 2013

Projects commence: Earliest 1 October 2013 

Link to guidelines:


Funding for Arts and Digital Technology

The Digital R&D fund for the Arts is a three way partnership between Arts Council England, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Nesta, running for three years from 2012-2015.  This scheme is funding projects up to £125,000.  It is a £7 million fund to support collaboration between organisations with arts projects, technology providers, and researchers to enhance audience reach and/or develop new business models for the arts sector. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, until 30th December 2013. Briefing sessions and collaborative workshops are provided for people looking to develop projects.
Further information can be found at  Please contact if you are interested.

Technology Strategy Board (TSB) – Technology Inpsired Innovation

 The Technology Strategy Board is to invest up to £10m in fast-track and collaborative research and development projects that stimulate innovation across the key enabling technology areas of advanced materials, biosciences, electronics, sensors and photonics and information and communications technology.

Additional funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) may be available for projects in line with the scope of this competition that contain a significant, high-quality academic research component and demonstrate added value by building on or being complementary to their existing research programmes and portfolios.

We are seeking innovative proposals that focus on projects that advance the development of a recent technological discovery or breakthrough in the context of significant and identifiable technological risk, which can be broadly applied across a wide range of market opportunities and needs.

Projects must be collaborative and business-led.

 For clarity please note that ESP stands for Electronics, Sensors and Photonics; ICT stands for Information & Communication Technologies.

 The competition has two strands:

Strand 1 is a single-stage fast-track process. Projects must be led by a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) and must last between six and 12 months.

Strand 2 is a two-stage competition. Consortia should include at least one SME partner and projects must last between 12 and 24 months.

The competition opens on 3 December 2012.

Open date: 03 December 2012

Registration close date: 23 January 2013

 Close date: 10 April 2013

For more Information please contact Naomi Arblaster on or call 01785 353519