Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project

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RCUK has requested that research council funded colleagues should be reminded about the Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project and their obligation to submit data on the outcomes of their research.

RCUK have a responsibility to demonstrate the value and impact of research supported through public funding. The seven research councils collect information that researchers provide on outputs, outcomes and impact to report to and engage with both the Government and the public. Responding to a drive from BIS, the RCUK Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project is an initiative designed to increase the uniformity of data collection and to improve analysis, reporting and communications.

From September 2014, all RCUK funded research outcomes must be recorded on Researchfish.

Using software originally developed for the MRC, Researchfish is currently used by 90+ funders to gather information from researchers about the outcomes of their work.

It is an online facility that enables research funders and research organisations to track the impacts of their investments and researchers to log the outputs, outcomes and impacts of their work.

In September, PIs holding awards from the Councils which used the previous system (AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC and NERC) were sent an email with a link to register with Researchfish.  New grant holders for MRC and STFC were also sent registration emails.  If PIs have lost this email they can request that it be resent by emailing

RCUK are now requesting that outstanding data be submitted as a matter of urgency.

Data should be uploaded to Researchfish by 4pm on 13th November 2014 at which point the system will not accept any more submissions.

For further information about the Research Outcomes Harmonisation Project go to:

Contact if you have any questions about the research outcomes collection process.

To register on Researchfish go to

External Projects Team can be contacted on

AHRC – Tell the world about your work – New Generation Thinkers 2015

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Tell the world about your work – New Generation Thinkers 2015—New-Generation-Thinkers-2015.aspx

On Monday 10th November the Arts and Humanities Research Council and BBC Radio 3 are opening a call for academics with a focus on arts and humanities topics to apply for the opportunity to develop a programme idea.

The New Generation Thinkers Scheme is intended to support up to sixty early career researchers with an opportunity to spend the day at the BBC to hear first-hand about the commissioning process and develop their programme ideas alongside experienced BBC producers. From these sixty researchers, ten will be selected to go on to develop their ideas as the 2015 New Generation Thinkers.

This is the fifth year of the scheme. Previous participants have presented documentaries, taken part in on air discussions on BBC Radio 3, made pilot films for TV and spoken at public festivals. You can also find out more about previous winners from 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.

For further information, contact Alex Pryce (AHRC),, 01793 41 6025

Building and Social Housing World Habitat Awards

BSHF Logo    WHA Home

The Building and Social Housing Foundation invites preliminary submissions for the World Habitat Awards. The awards were established in 1985 as part of its contribution to the United Nations International Year of Shelter for the Homeless. Two awards are given annually to projects that provide practical and innovative solutions to current housing needs and problems. Suggested areas for submission include:

  • provision of low-cost, affordable housing for low-income households
  • environmentally sustainable housing
  • restoration of existing housing
  • provision of housing designed to withstand natural disasters
  • housing provision for those with special needs
  • technical innovation
  • housing developed and managed on a cooperative or other socially sustainable basis
  • projects and processes that ensure the right to land and housing

Any individual, organisation or government with an innovative and practical solution to housing needs and problems may apply. Applications should relate to housing projects and processes that are either completed or in progress. Submissions may be made in English, Spanish or French.

Awards of £10,000 will be made to each of the two winning projects at the World Urban Forum (even years) and UN-Habitat Governing Council (odd years).

Closing date 30 Apr 15

For further information go to:


InfoDay announced: Knowledge and Sector Skills Alliances – November 12th



The Erasmus+ InfoDay: Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances will take place in Brussels on 12th November 2014.

Knowledge Alliances are between higher education institutions and enterprises and aim to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, employability, knowledge exchange and/or multidisciplinary teaching and learning;

Sector Skills Alliances support the design and delivery of joint vocational training curricula, programmes and teaching and training methodologies, drawing on evidence of trends in a specific economic sector and skills needed in order to perform in one or more professional fields

The aim of the event is to explain the funding opportunities available under Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances

Speakers will offer advice and tips on preparing and submitting proposals as well as provide support with the financial aspects of funding.

There will be the chance to follow the meeting online.

More information about the event and the agenda will be available shortly at the web link below.

Find the full programme document here:

H2020: ‘Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies’ 2016-2017

Europe in a changing world


The European Commission has published a report summarising external advice on the next work programme for the Societal Challenge 6 of the Horizon 2020. It presents the outcomes of consultations undertaken during conferences, participatory workshops and on line questionnaires.

The report is structured around the main topic of the Societal Challenge 6 the Horizon 2020 programme:

  • Inclusive societies;
  • Innovative societies;
  • Reflective societies – Cultural heritage and European identity.

The views of around 3000 stakeholders  from the research community, sector, public authorities, industry and non-governmental organisations will contribute to shaping the future priorities and topics of calls for proposals 2016-2017.

This external advice report complements the recommendations from the Advisory Group of the Societal Challenge 6 published in July 2014. Further debate among the Member States about the next work programme will be taking place in the Programme Committee.

The link below gives the full report.

Ths link takes you to the European commission’s site for this Societal challenge


ESRC – funding for future research leaders


The Economic and Social Research Council invites proposals for its future research leaders scheme. This scheme supports outstanding early-career researchers to carry out excellent research and to develop all aspects of their research and knowledge exchange skills. Proposals are welcome in any topic that falls within the ESRC’s remit.

The scheme is open to high-quality candidates from anywhere in the world who have a maximum of four years’ postdoctoral experience and the support of an eligible UK research organisation.

Grants will last a maximum of three years with an overall limit of £350,000 at 100 per cent full economic cost of which the ESRC will pay 80 per cent. Up to 40 grants will be funded. Closing date 20 Jan 15

Further details

Leverhulme research project grants – appications invited


The Leverhulme Trust invites proposals for its research project grants. These support innovative and original research projects on a topic of the applicant’s choice. The trust welcomes applications for research in any academic discipline.

Eligible applicants will already be employed by an institution or be an academic who has maintained close links with that institution following retirement. Institutions eligible to apply are universities, other institutions of higher education in the UK, and registered charities in the UK that have equivalent research capacity.

The scheme is also open to institutions or organisations of similar standing in countries where the provision of research funding is seriously limited. The award is paid directly to the institution at which the applicant is employed. Up to three co-applicants from the same institution or different institutions may apply.

Grants may be held for up to five years for a maximum sum of £500,000. Eligible costs include research staff, postgraduate students and the tuition fees and maintenance costs of one or more PhD studentships, as well as research-associated costs such as travel and subsistence, consumables and technical costs or services.


The trust does not support

  •  Research directly relevant to clinicians, medical professionals or the pharmaceutical industry, as well as policy-driven research where the principal objective is to assemble an evidence base for immediate policy initiatives.
  •  Research aimed principally at an immediate commercial application.
  • Principal investigators may not apply from institutions or organisations located in North America or elsewhere in the EU.

Application procedure

Research Project Grants are assessed via a two-stage process. There are no deadlines for Outline Applications, and their assessment is normally completed within three months. An invitation to progress to the second stage – preparation of a Detailed Application – will be sent to those whose Outline Application has been approved.

Scientists demand better place for humanities in Horizon 2020


Horizon 2020 has failed to fully integrate the humanities into its work programmes, according to Science Europe.

More than 90 per cent of the topics covered in the programmes do not include a humanities approach, says a report published by the Science Europe scientific committee for the Humanities on 4 September. The paper analyses the integration of the humanities in the 2014-2015 work programmes.

In the remaining 10 per cent of topics, the humanities expertise asked for is rather narrow and unnecessarily limited, says the report. The work programmes are not very concerned with the ‘human factor’ of research and innovation, such as attitudes or culturally embedded values, according to Science Europe, a group that represents research organisations.

The report also criticises the fact that the humanities are seen mostly as having a translational role between research and the market, but are not pursued to gain better understanding of wider social developments.

See full report:

Thematic partnerships with Indian Universities



The British Council’s UK-India education and research initiative and the Department of Science and Technology of India invite applications for their thematic partnerships. These facilitate collaborations between faculties and researchers and enable registered PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in India and the UK to undertake short-term visits to work on research projects. The key subject areas match well with Staffordshire University’s:

•climate change;

•computer science;

•public health and well-being;

•food water energy;

•sustainable cities;

•big data;

•high value manufacturing.

Multidisciplinary research is encouraged. These partnerships are intended for institution-based research teams, in the UK and India, of proven research ability. The project leaders should be faculty members or researchers in an institution or research laboratory in a UK university or institution. EU citizens may apply provided that they hold a permanent position in the UK, and non-EU citizens should have held a permanent position at a UK institution for at least three consecutive years. Indian project leaders should be based in an Indian university or institution and be resident in India.

Funds are available for partnerships of up to 15 months in duration and provide a maximum of £40,000 equivalent in Indian rupees.

Closing date 15th September