T-AP Digging into Data Challenge


The Trans-Atlantic Platform today announced that it will be launching its first international funding opportunity: the T-AP Digging into Data Challenge.

The T-AP Digging into Data Challenge will launch in March. The Challenge will support research projects that explore and apply new “big data” sources and methodologies to address questions in the social sciences and humanities.

The funding opportunity is open to projects that address any research question in humanities and/or social sciences disciplines by using new, large-scale, digital data analysis techniques. All projects must show how these techniques can lead to new theoretical insights. Proposed projects can use any data source.

About T-AP

The Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is an unprecedented collaboration between key humanities and social science funders and facilitators from South America, North America and Europe.

T-AP aims to enhance the ability of funders, research organizations and researchers to engage in transnational dialogue and collaboration. Among other activities, it works to identify common challenges and emerging priorities in social science and humanities research. T-AP also facilitates the formation of networks within the social sciences and humanities and helps connect them with other disciplines.

About the Digging into Data Challenge

The Digging into Data Challenge has been funding cutting-edge digital research in the humanities and social sciences since 2009. Now under the auspices of T-AP, the program will support collaborative research teams from three continents: Europe (Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal (to be confirmed) and the United Kingdom); North America (Canada, Mexico, the United States); and South America (Brazil and Argentina).

Further information about this transatlantic funding opportunity – including links to application details – will be made available on the Trans-Atlantic Platform website as of March 1, 2016.

If you are interested in this please contact N.Arblaster@staffs.ac.uk or




Bid Tender: Funding options for the NHS and Social Care in the UK


The Health Foundation is seeking a provider to undertake a programme of research to identify a range of feasible options for the future funding of health and social care in the UK in light of the anticipated gap between projected funding and demand for services.

The aim in commissioning this research is to provide an independent and robust evidence base that can be used to improve the quality of debate on the long term funding of health and social care in the UK.

Based on previous similar work commissioned by the Health Foundation, we anticipate bids up to a maximum of £300,000 (inclusive of VAT and expenses).

Deadline: 10am Monday 7 March 2016

If you are interested in the tender please contact N.Arblaster@staffs.ac.uk




Visit TAMK in Finland on Erasmus Funding

One of our key partners in the Business School is TAMK in Finland. The Business School has held staff and student exchanges with them. TAMK are currently a partner on an Erasmus+ Strategic partnership bid with Staffordshire University.

This year TAMK has 9 international themed weeks for academic and support staff, they have invited us to attend the workshops. As they are one of our Erasmus partners we already have an approved budget to attend, you just need to ask your faculty to use your Erasmus+ Key Action 1 budget for your travel and accommodation costs.

Sessions include:

  • International week on engineering
  • International week for business and services
  • International week for art, media and music
  • International week for social services and health care
  • International week for non-teaching staff

More details on the TAMK international weeks are here:

New Call: Schools Financial Health







The Department for Education (DfE) is responsible for education and children’s services in England. It works to achieve a highly educated society in which opportunity is equal for children and young people, no matter what their background or family circumstances. DfE is a ministerial department, supported by 9 agencies and public bodies.

Good financial health in all schools is critical to good business management and to good outcomes for pupils. The Government has protected funding for schools, which will rise as pupil numbers increase. However, as with other public services, schools will need to take action to improve value for money due to the costs pressures on their budgets. DfE want to identify a whole sector, long term, and sustainable approach so that schools can meet this challenge. Despite a wealth of information being available to schools, we know that not all schools have the capacity, and/ or skills to manage their finances as effectively as they could, and that there is currently a wide range in the amount and quality of engagement within school leadership teams.

Through this competition, DfE wants to find innovative and practical new ways to engage and enable schools to become more financially efficient, healthy and sustainable. We want to help schools to change the way that they think about and respond to financial health and efficiency, and find practical solutions to enable schools to become more efficient and sustainable.

A total of up to £200,000 (inc. VAT) is allocated to this Phase 2 only competition. The value of phase 2 development contracts will be for up to £100,000 (inc VAT) per application and for up to 12 months duration.

Briefing event – DfE intends holding a briefing event for potential applicants in February 2016.

Applicants and potential developers should be willing to participate fully at the event and as the competition progresses. For further information or to register for the briefing event please contact Ian Everett. Interested organisations should register their interest in attending the briefing event with DfE by email by no later than 25 January 2016.


Open date 11 January 2016
Registration date 24 February 2016 12.00 noon
Close date 3 March 201612.00 noon


Click here for further information https://interact.innovateuk.org/competition-display-page/-/asset_publisher/RqEt2AKmEBhi/content/schools-financial-health


If you are interested in this call please contact Naomi ARBLASTER: N.Arblaster@staffs.ac.uk





Latest funds on Research Professional 14/01/2016

Bi-weekly highlight of new funds posted on Research Professional.

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks

Fellowship and doctoral-level research in sport and exercise medicine bursary
British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine, GB
This supports population, community, primary care or hospital-based research that relates to the role of physical activity in preventing and managing disease. The bursary is worth up to £20,000 over a maximum period of two years. Funding covers research and study costs.
Maximum award: £20,000
Closing date: 31 Jan 16

John, Margaret, Alfred and Stewart Sim fellowship
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, GB
This supports research into the causes or treatment of depression, with the aim of fostering mental health research and the academic careers of early or intermediate researchers. The fellowship is worth up to £300,000 over a maximum period of three years.
Maximum award: £300,000
Closing date: 01 Feb 16 (recurring)

Jean Davies Award
Iolanthe Midwifery Trust, GB
This award is made available for midwives working to address the impact of social inequalities on the well-being of pregnant women, new mothers and their babies. Award is worth up to £5,000 per year.
Maximum award: £5,000
Closing date: 05 Feb 16 (recurring)

Research for understanding, mitigating and countering security threats
Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats, GB
Funding supports innovative and forward-looking economic, behavioural and social science research that will contribute to our understanding of contemporary security threats, or research that enhances the UK’s capacity to detect and mitigate such threats. The total budget is worth up to £1.25 million at 100 per cent full economic cost, of which 80 per cent is available to successful applicants.
Maximum award: Not known
Closing date: 05 Feb 16

International partnership and mobility scheme
British Academy, GB
This scheme aims to support the development of partnerships between the UK and other areas of the world where research excellence would be strengthened by new, innovative initiatives and links. Grants are worth up to £10,000 per year for a period of one or three years.
Maximum award: £30,000
Closing date: 10 Feb 16

Mid-career research fellowship
Independent Social Research Foundation, GB
These support original interdisciplinary research across the range of social sciences. Grants of up to £60,000 are available.
Maximum award: £60,000
Closing date: 19 Feb 16

International exchanges scheme – standard programme
Royal Society, GB
This stimulates new collaborations within the natural sciences between scientists in the UK and overseas. Grants are worth up to £12,000 over a maximum period of two years. Researchers may also receive the Colin Pillinger international exchanges award of £1,000 to communicate their research to the general public.
Maximum award: £13,000
Closing date: 23 Feb 16 (recurring)

Newton mobility grants – Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey
Royal Society, GB
These enable international researchers to undertake short-term visits to the UK and develop networks, research projects and research partnerships with UK scientists in order to develop their skills and knowledge. Grants are worth up to £12,000 each over two years.
Maximum award: £12,000
Closing date: 02 Mar 16

www.researchprofessional.com -The world’s leading provider of news and funding information for research professionals.

Partner Search for H2020: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies



The Polibienestar Research Institute from the University of Valencia are looking for partners to submit applications for any of the open calls related to Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies of Horizon 2020:


– Co-creation for growth and inclusion (CO-CREATION)
– Reversing inequalities and promoting fairness (REV-INEQUAL)
– Understanding Europe – Promoting the European Public and Cultural Space (CULT-COOP)

Polibienestar is part of the University of Valencia (Spain) and has extensive experience in cooperating with public administration and private institutions in the design, planning and implementation of social policies and in developing EU-funded R&D projects which have received funding from national and international bodies. Polibienestar has been a project partner in European projects such as:
– Innovative Social and Employment Policies for Inclusive and Resilient Labour Markets in Europe (INSPIRES)
– Collective Awareness Platforms for Improving Accessibility in European Cities Regions (CAP4Access)


For further information and contact information, please see the Polibienestar profile.

The team in Research Business & Employability Services (RBES) manage the H2020 proposal process for Staffordshire University, please let us know if you are interested in H2020 funding.

You can reach us at our email: researchservices@staffs.ac.uk

Annual UKRO event: Presentations available

Last Wednesday Dec 9th the Research Services team, from Research Business & Employability Services, hosted Blazej Thomas from the UK Research Office as part of our annual programme of events for research active academics.

Prof Allan Howells, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Enterprise and External Affairs) introduced the day.  The invitation only event was attended by over 30 academics from all faculties across the university – who engaged with selected topics form the upcoming H2020 calls. Blazej shared lessons learnt from the first H2020 call rounds, as well as exploring specific themes from the funding programme.

In the afternoon the focus was on the Marie Skladowska Curie programme –where Blazej was able to clarify the detail of the programme to those intending to bid.

Copies of the presentations are available on request from researchservices@staffs.ac.uk

Image – Sean Farrell, Development Manager RBES; Naomi Arblaster Development Manager RBES; Prof Allan Howells, Vice-Chancellor, Research, Enterprise and External Affairs; Blazej Thomas, European Advisor UKRO; Jose Beech, Development Manager RBES; Emma Davies, Head of Research Services RBES.





REF2020 discussions identify staff needs

New upoads

The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the national quality assessment process to measure research in UK universities. The assessment is reviewed every six years, the next is expected to take place in 2020. The REF results determine how much research funding is allocated to UK institutions and is key to ranking research quality in Universities. This makes the REF an important source of income and status for Staffordshire University, so it is vital to prepare well for each submission.
Nachi Chockalingam recently led a seminar to discuss what staff at the University need to enhance their submissions on the next REF. The session included Professor Ian Kitchen from the University of Surrey. University of Surreys 2014 REF ranking of 36 makes them an interesting institution to learn from. Professor Dave Billington from Liverpool John Moores, was also present. Liverpool John Moores also had a highly successful 2014 REF rank of 62, meaning there were interesting lessons to learn from both institutions. Below is a summary of the points discussed.
The percentage of time devoted to research was looked at. Current allocation of time equates to ½ a day per week. It was felt this is insufficient to produce four outputs at 3* rating over 6 years. Ian Kitchen and Dave Billington shared this view. It was felt that it should be at least 1 day per week. There was a preference for staff to have flexibility in using research time, with some individuals wanting blocks of time rather than ring-fenced weekly time.
In terms of support needed to improve research quality, the advent of the Graduate School was viewed very positively. A need was identified for a better strategy to be delivered at institutional level. Suggestions included investment in staff completing PhDs, sabbaticals, networking opportunities, teaching only contracts, reducing the internal hurdles to make external grant applications and mentoring.
The importance of research to personal career aspirations was discussed. Staff identified that they had a passion for their work, research could assist with promotion, inform teaching and provide personal job satisfaction. It was noted that research is what professors do.

Anyone interested in further information should contact Richard Gorton, Research, Policy & Governance Manager

Next REF could be delayed beyond 2020

ref-logoNext REF could be delayed beyond 2020

The UK’s next Research Excellence Framework could be delayed beyond its original 2020 date, a conference on the REF was told.

Article based on Research Professional:

The delay to the second Research Excellence Framework is being attributed in part to uncertainty over who will administer the exercise, given planned changes to the role of the Higher Education Funding Council for England.

HEFCE has postponed a consultation for the next REF until after the spending review, due on 25 November. This is in response to a request from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, which is in the midst of a major reorganisation of the UK’s research and higher education system.

Although HEFCE has a draft consultation document ready, this needs to receive the approval of the four funding councils of the UK. HEFCE is expecting to publish the final document after Christmas, with consultation starting in the New Year. It could be delayed further if BIS reduces HEFCE’s quality-related funding remit or if it asks the council to consider using metrics in the REF, which is being actively discussed in the department. The next REF could potentially still take place in 2020, but only if the consultation does open in early January, and if the department doesn’t add further, or more complex questions to the consultation.

Staffordshire University’s response to the consultation will be led by Prof Nachi Chockalingam in his capacity as Chair of the REF Planning Group.

Research Fortnight has learnt that the consultation will examine:

  • the frequency of REF exercises,
  • the appropriate number of panels and
  • whether impact case studies that continue to deliver impact could be resubmitted.

HEFCE is also understood to be considering allowing existing case studies with added value to be submitted again. The council is believed to be going to allow institutions to submit materials dated from 1 January 2014.

The Russell Group of research-intensive universities has publicly advocated a decadal REF, saying that this would significantly reduce costs. However, some smaller institutions regard a longer gap as detrimental to their interests, as they may have to wait longer for increased funding.

New Call: China–UK research and innovation bridges competition



Innovate UK, the Research Councils UK (RCUK) and the Ministry for Science and Technology (MoST) China are to invest up to £16 million in collaborative research and development projects that propose new commercial solutions to critical challenges impacting the socio-economic growth and development of China in relation to energy, healthcare, urbanisation and agri-food.

The UK investment has been made possible through the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills-managed Newton Fund

The aim of the competition is to bring together companies (small to medium-sized companies and/or larger businesses), research organisations, academics and other collaborators from China and the UK for the joint research and development of new solutions to key socio-economic challenges, in the form of innovative products, processes or services. The principal market a project must consider is China.

Projects must be collaborative, involving both UK and Chinese participants, with both a UK lead partner and a Chinese lead partner. On the UK side, projects can be led by either a business or a research organisation. The lead partner should be able to demonstrate a clear route to commercialisation of the proposed product(s) or service(s), and should have a primary focus on the translation of research and/or knowledge.

We expect to fund mainly industrial research projects. For UK participants, small or micro businesses could receive up to 70% of their eligible project costs, medium-sized businesses 60% and large businesses 50%.

We expect total UK project costs to range in size from £800,000 to £1 million (although we may consider project costs outside this range), and for projects to last for up to 24 months.

The UK lead partner must submit an application on behalf of all UK participants in the project to Innovate UK. The Chinese lead partner will submit their application for the same project to MoST or MoST’s executing agency.

This is a 2-stage competition that opens for applicants on 16 November 2015. The deadline for stage 1 applications is at noon UK time on 30 March 2016. UK applicants must register by noon on 23 March 2016, one week before the application deadline.

Click here for further details
