Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professors


The Royal Academy of Engineering invites applications for its visiting professors scheme. This industry-into-academia initiative is intended to utilise the experience of senior industry practitioners from engineering disciplines to enhance student learning as well as the employability and skills of UK engineering graduates.

The visiting professor would deliver teaching and mentoring at the host university and contribute to postgraduate teaching, curriculum development and strategy development.

Applications must be made by UK host universities.

Funding is worth up to £10,000 per year over three years to support the visiting professor through honoraria and travel expenses.

Closing date 16 Jun 15

For further information go to:


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Using Crowdfunder for your crowdfunding campaign

Crowdfunding is a huge growth area, Nesta said that in 2014 crowdfunding grew by a massive 388%. Crowdfunder is the UK’s largest based crowdfunding platform. Crowdfunder helps community groups, charities and social enterprises raise funds from the community around them, helping people turn their ideas into reality. So far they have helped thousands of projects raise over £4 million.

Crowdfunding is a way of funding a specific project by raising donations from people through an online campaign.

You can crowdfund if you are starting your fundraising from scratch, want to set up a new project or have already received funding from other sources. In fact many organisations chose to use Crowdfunder as match funding to unlock much larger pots of money.

How does it work?

  • To start your project you’ll need to decide on the amount you need to raise and explain how you are going to use the money through an online video.
  • Once your project page is live you invite your community to back the project with pledges of cash. You can also ask people to donate time and skills towards projects.
  • In return for backing your project that person receives a ‘reward’ from you. Rewards are normally a product, service or experience that is produced by the project. When a person backs a project they get a ‘reward’ from the project. Rewards are normally a product, service or experience that is produced by the project. For example Leeds bread co-operative gave a loaf of bread every week for a year in return for a £100 pledge, this allowed them to setup their bakery and raise £8000 from 114 local people.
  • Supported by Crowdfunder, you promote your project using a mixture of social media, email, word of mouth and events.
  • You need to hit your fundraising target for the money to be released to their project.
  • Once you have raised the money, you then distribute their rewards to your backers – and make their great idea happen.

Many projects say they learn entrepreneurial and marketing skills in the process of crowdfunding and promote their project to new people who will help in many ways over the coming years. Start your project here:


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Healthcare technologies challenge awards

Logo of the EPSRC, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council invites outline proposals for its healthcare technologies challenge awards. These will enable early-career researchers to develop new research groups and capabilities that address long-term health challenges and will have the potential to become new centres of critical mass in multidisciplinary health technologies research.

Proposals must align with one of the following grand challenges:

  • developing future therapies
  • frontiers of physical intervention
  • optimising treatment
  • transforming community health and care.

In addition, proposals should further the following crosscutting research capabilities:

  • advanced materials
  • disruptive technologies for sensing and analysis
  • future manufacturing technologies
  • medical device design and innovation
  • novel computational and mathematical sciences
  • novel imaging technologies

Principal investigators should be academics working in and holding a permanent academic post for up to eight years at an HEI, a research council institute or an independent research organisation. Applications may include a limited number of co-investigators from a complimentary discipline, provided that their participation is crucial to the interdisciplinary nature of the work.

The total budget of £10 million will fund approximately 10 awards. Funding should enable the PI to devote 35 per cent of his/her time to the project. Other eligible costs include staff time, consumables and equipment, user engagement, impact and dissemination activities, and partner collaborations and exchanges.

For further information go to:

Closing date: 14 May 15

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Sofja Kovalevskaja award for early career researchers to set up a research group



The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation invites applications for the Sofja Kovalevskaja award. This enables young researchers from abroad to establish their own junior research groups at research institutions in Germany.

Scientists and scholars from all countries and disciplines who have completed their doctorates with distinction no more than six years ago may apply. Applications from young female researchers are particularly welcomed. Applicants must not have been in Germany for more than six months at the closing date for applications.

Scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully; scientists and engineers must have a good knowledge of German or English.

The award is worth a total of €1.65 million for a period of five years and may be used to cover all expenses relevant to their projects including living costs of the applicant.

Closing date: 31/07/2015

Further information:

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8th Edition of the BBVA Foundation frontiers of Knowledge awards

2015Nominacion_tcm270-493304World-class research and artistic creation of excellence will be awarded through the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, which will be prizing originality, theoretical significance and ability to push back the frontiers of the known world. Significant achievements are also sought in key challenges of the 21st century: climate change and development cooperation.

Prize categories: Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), Biomedicine, Ecology and Conservation Biology, Information and Communication Technologies, Economics, Finance and Management, Contemporary Music, Climate Change and Development Cooperation.

Entry conditions: Candidates shall be one or more natural persons of any nationality, without limitation of number in the case of convergent contributions to a given advance. In categories 7 and 8 (climate change or development cooperation), entries are also open to public and not-for-profit organizations. Awards may not be granted posthumously.

A two stages selection process will involve technical evaluation committees and prize juries made up of internationally reputed experts.

Awards: €400,000, a diploma and a commemorative artwork in each prize category.

Deadline for applications: 30/06/2015.

For more information, please go to:

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BBSRC Responsive mode research grants

BBSRC - Bioscience for the future

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council invites applications for its responsive mode scheme, on any topic within it’s portfolio.

Applications should be made to the appropriate committees according to the research topic:

  • research committee A evaluates proposals related to animal disease, health and welfare
  • research committee B evaluates proposals related to plants, microbes, food and sustainability
  • research committee C evaluates proposals related to genes, development, and science, technology, engineering and mathematics approaches to biology
  • research committee D evaluates proposals related to molecules, cells and industrial biotechnology

Grants may be used for research projects, technology development, equipment or use of existing facilities, new facilities or infrastructure provision, research networks and coordination and summer schools. Small pilot projects, proof-of-concept studies etc may also be supported.

Principal applicants must be resident in the UK and hold an academic staff appointment, lecturer level or equivalent, at a higher education institution, research council institute or a BBSRC approved research organisation.

Grants are tenable for up to five years.

Closing dates:  28 April 2015, 23 September 2015

For further information go to:

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Travel Scholarships for the study of Nursing Practice






The RCN Foundation and the Florence Nightingale Foundation invite applications for their travel scholarships. These enable scholars to undertake a study on an aspect of practice or education in the UK or overseas in order to enhance patient care in the UK. Applications are accepted in all areas of care, however priority is given to projects that address the following fields:

•long term conditions, including dementia, across the whole care pathway;

•end of life care;

•projects that improve the patient experience, enhance dignity, health or wellbeing across the whole life course;

•enhance clinical leadership.

Projects should be connected to the applicant’s field of work, and should benefit their patients and the profession more widely.

Nurses and midwives who are registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, and who work and are resident in the UK, may apply. Applicants should have at least two years’ professional experience prior to application. Preference is given to applications from candidates at the developmental stage of their career.

Scholarships are worth up to £5,000 each, and studies should be at least three to four weeks long.

Further information:

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UK NCP Events on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships


Individual Fellowships event

In its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the UK Research Office is holding information events for researchers who are interested in applying for the 2015 MSCA Individual Fellowships, which opened on 12 March 2015 and has a deadline of 10 September 2015. The events are scheduled as follows:

  • Leeds Beckett University, Tuesday 5 May 2015
  • University of Westminster, London, Wednesday 6 May 2015
Aim of the MSCA Individual Fellowships

Individual Fellowships support the mobility of researchers within and beyond Europe – as well as helping to attract the best foreign researchers to work in the EU. The grant covers salary, research costs and overheads for the host institution. Individual researchers submit proposals for funding in liaison with their planned host organisation. Proposals are judged on their research quality, the researcher’s future career prospects, and the support offered by the host organisation. Fellows can also spend part of the fellowship elsewhere in Europe as a secondment if this would boost impact, and those planning to return to Europe or restarting their research career in Europe benefit from special eligibility conditions.

Who should attend?

The sessions will give a general overview of participation rules and the submission and evaluation processes. Therefore, the sessions are aimed at researchers based in, or moving to, the UK who are planning to submit a proposal to the Individual Fellowships call. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Programme outline

The event at Leeds Beckett University on 5 May will start at 11:00 and finish at 15:30 (with registration from 10:30).

The event at University of Westminster on 6 May will start at 9:30 and finish at 13:00 (with registration from 9:00).

Please note that lunch will not be provided at either session.







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Enabling Cultures and Diversity in Research Management and Administration


The 21st annual conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) is taking place in Leiden (Belgium) 28th June – 1st July 2015.

EARMA represents the community of Research Managers and Administrators (RM&As) in Europe, with members from the industry, academia, the public and private sectors. EARMA works with the EU Commission, national and international funding agencies, and provides a networking forum, a learning platform, and a place to share experiences and best practice.

This year the theme for the conference is Global Outreach: Enabling Cultures and Diversity in Research Management and Administration.

This theme reflects the growing need and ambition to reach out and get connected and work together globally. Cooperating not only in the field of scientific research & innovation and higher education but also in the field of research management and administration.

Registrations are now open for early birds:

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