European Energy Conference

The 3rd European Energy Conference (E2C 2013) will be held in Budapest, Hungary on 27-30 October 2013.
The topics will cover chemistry, physics and material sciences related to energy technologies. Examples of topics covered in the conference sessions include those on:

  • Harnessing the energy of the sun safely and efficiently, both directly and indirectly
  • Nuclear and thermonuclear power generation
  • Energy storage in chemical and other forms
  • Hydrogen infrastructure
  • Energy transfer by photosynthesis 

The aim of the conference is to lead to effective and fruitful communication between the research, government and industrial communities for a more sustainable and efficient European energy policy. Confirmed plenary speakers include Robert-Jan Smits, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, Romana Jordan, MEP and Pál Kovacs, Hungarian State Secretary.

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Call for ‘Researcher Links’ International Workshops

The British Council has launched a new initiative, ‘Researcher Links’, to link together early career researchers from the UK and selected partner countries through a series of workshops and travel grants.

The British Council is inviting leading, experienced researchers to propose themes for bilateral workshops between the UK and one of the 18 partner countries. 

The successful workshop coordinators will have the opportunity to shape the programme, identify contributors and select early career participants for the workshop, discuss their research, and build valuable international relationships.

The 18 countries involved are: Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Morocco, Egypt, Qatar, South Africa, Nigeria, Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, Vietnam and Bangladesh. However, other countries may be brought in subsequently.

The closing date for applications is 14 July 2013

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RAEng Enterprise Fellowships Call for applications announced

Royal Academy of Engineering logo

The Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowship scheme is now open for applications.

Enterprise Fellowships provide funding and support to entrepreneurial engineering researchers, working at a UK University, to enable them to develop the commercial potential of their research. The aim of Enterprise Fellowships is to encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to commercialise technology based business ideas from academic institutions into spin out companies. Enterprise Fellowships provide up to £85,000 seed funding and salary support for 12 months. In addition to the funding, training is provided to give each Enterprise Fellow the tools, contacts and confidence to transform their idea into a successful business project or venture. Business mentors (drawn mainly from The Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship) are allocated to each Enterprise Fellow to provide additional support and advice for the duration of the Enterprise Fellowship as well as access to business angels and venture capital networks.

The closing date for applications is Monday 9 September 2013.

For further information on how to apply, please see the website or contact


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NESTA: Mapping the Start up Acceleration Landscape

NESTA funding to look at the success of acceleration start ups. This has been sent out by email to the CABR ARC, but is on the blog in case there are any other academics who may be interested in the research area.

It is a short deadline, 1 July, and they ideally want to see some money brought to the project, so it is not a hot fund. But just in case the details are below

Funding body: NESTA

Scheme: Analysis and evaluation of startup acceleration in Europe.

Overview: Research will support Nesta in developing a series of projects, mapping the startup acceleration landscape, analysing methods and models of support and measuring their causal effect on startup performance, as well as on the local ecosystem in which they operate. Proposals may address one or more of the following topics:

•mapping the development of Startup Factories in Europe;

•a series of detailed case studies on state-of-the-art support methods and interventions employed by such accelerator programmes;

•measuring the effectiveness of accelerators;

•network analysis;

•corporate incubation and corporate venturing.

Deadlines: 01 July 2013

Budget: The overall budget for this call is £75,000. Nesta particularly welcomes projects that involve co-funding by other organisations and partnerships with other organisations providing access to valuable data sets, as well as those that aim to open up research and data publicly.


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Healthcare science, research for patient benefit competition

Doctoral and Post Doctoral Healthcare Science Fellowships and Senior Clinical Lectureships – Round 4 now open

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) in partnership with Health Education England (HEE) for the Department of Health recently launched round 4 of the NIHR/HEE Healthcare Science Research Fellowship Competition. The scheme supports the development of healthcare science research capacity and capability building, by providing funding to undertake research for patient benefit. These Fellowships also support members of the NHS healthcare science workforce who already have some research experience and wish to bridge clinical/service careers and research. 

Three award levels of fellowship are available:

  • Doctoral: funding for individual doctoral level research and to undertake a PhD
  • Post-Doctoral: funding for individual postdoctoral research projects
  • Senior Clinical Lectureship: Funding for independent researchers with the potential to become research leaders

 Applications are invited from individuals working in England from one of the three main Healthcare Scientist areas:

  • Biology
  • Physiology
  • Physics and Engineering.

The deadline for Round 4 of the NIHR/HEE Healthcare Science Fellowships programme doctoral and post doctoral schemes is the 7th of August 2013. Additional information and application packs for all levels of the programme can be found by following this link:

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Funding opportunity for PhD students

The Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income countries (PEDL) programme has issued an Exploratory Grants Programme (EPG) call specifically for current PhD students.  The ERG programme supports research related to private enterprise development in low-income countries which should contribute at least in part to the student’s planned doctoral dissertation.  Applications in different aspects of private sector development will be encouraged.  For information PEDL’s priority areas include – The dynamics of SMEs: Informality and entrepreneurship; the role of export-oriented industries in driving growth; Gender; fragile and conflict affected states; climate, environment and social compliance.

The upper limit of funding for ERG proposals is £35,000 with a deadline date of 1st July 2013.  Further information is available at

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Do you make a difference to people with dementia?

The NHS Innovation Challenge is looking to identify best practice in health, care and support for people with dementia and their carers.  The Challenge is looking to identify partnerships across support sectors delivering positive increased patient and carer satisfaction. Winners and shortlisted applicants will receive local and national recognition, prize funds of up to £150k and good ideas spread.  Applications can be submitted until 4th September 2013 and further information is available from

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ARMA (Association of Research Manager Administrators) Annual Conference 2013

Jose Beech @ ARMA conference JUNE 2013

Jose Beech @ ARMA conference JUNE 2013


Jose Beech, External Grants Manager from the External Projects Team, led parallel session “505 The routes to funding success” on day 2 of this years National ARMA conference at Nottingham University. Margaret Bennett, External Projects Officer also attended to assist in facilitation. Over 55 people listened and participated in a interactive and insightful presentation on the barriers to successful funding and the strategies that can be implemented to encourage best practice.

The two day conference had a focus on “Strategies for Success” with 480 delegates attending daily plenary and parallel sessions. With over 2000 members ARMA has become an important voice for Research & Funding Managers, providing training, study tours and policy advice to HEFCE, BIS and RCUK.

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Winner of prize draw!

Following the recent closure of the Research and Funding Blog survey, respondents choosing to leave their name were entered into a prize drawer for up to £200 towards their professional development.  We are pleased to announce the winner is Dr Claire Gwinnett from Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Sciences. Simon Dyer from Youth Enterprise selected the winner from the draw at Wednesday’s Enterprise Exchange.  We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone responding to the survey and attending the focus group yesterday.  The team has had valuable feedback which we are now reviewing to inform our future blog developments.

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Secondment Project Grants

IT as a Utility Network+

IT as a Utility+ Network

Applications are invited from the IT as a Utility+ Network under the RCUK digital econopmy theme for its secondment project grants. Secondments are for up to six months and are for individuals in academia, industry or policy bodies and should be undertaken in a different professional environment concerned with IT as a utility. The priority areas are:

  • usability and user experience
  • ethics, education and skills in utility computing environments
  • social computing platforms
  • smart spaces – the internet of things
  • security, trust and governance
  • economics and sustainability of services

Applicants must either relocate to a different institution or to a different sector and industry and governmental involvement is strongly encouraged.

Higher education institutions, some research council institutes and independent research organisations are eligible to apply.

Grants are worth up t0 £50,000 for up to six months with £40,000 provided by the network and £10,000 required by the applicant’s own institution.

Closing date 31 Oct 13

For more information go to


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