Mid Career Fellowships for Arts and Social Sciences

For those of you around over the summer, this quiet time can provide a good opportunity to start developing research bids.

Staffordshire University subscribes to Research Professional. This is a great tool to help you find research funding and news. Below is a good example of an upcoming fund.

British Academy -mid-career fellowships. Support outstanding individual researchers with excellent research proposals, and promote public understanding and engagement with humanities and social sciences. The time bought by the scheme should be devoted to the completion of a major piece of research, and the Academy will also look for evidence of a clear commitment to a strategy of public engagement and communication of the results of the research during the period of the fellowship.

For scholars who have already published works of intellectual distinction or have established a significant track record as a communicator, and who are normally no more than 15 years from the award of their doctorate.

£160,000 from six to 12 months.

Deadline 14 September 2016



Online funding systems needing Research Services approval

A number of external funding organisations use online sites to upload funding applications. Some of these sites require a bid to be signed off by Research Services as part of your application process.

This includes Je-S. This site provides electronic application forms for the following funds: AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC, NERC, STFC, the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)

To apply for funding on Je-S you need to set up an account. You can do this here: https://je-s.rcuk.ac.uk

Once you have requested an account Research Services must confirm you are a member of staff at Staffordshire University before you can get started.


In addition Research Services also acts as approver on the following:

Royal Society (E-GAP)

British Academy (E-GAP2)

Leverhulme Trust

European Commission (Participant Portal)

When you are submitting a bid to these funds you need to make sure you leave enough time for the Research Services to review and submit your project after you have pressed submit. We work to the same application deadline as you.

Up Coming Funding Events

Now that people are returning from summer breaks it seems a good time to send a reminder out for the three upcoming funding events being run by the External Projects Team.

Find Funding for your Research                        Wednesday 17 September 10:00-11:00

Workshop on using Research Professional to find the latest research funding in your field.


British Academy Visit to Staffordshire University     Thursday 2 October 13:00-16:00

Delegates will learn more about the scheme requirements, success rates, what assessors look for and how best to present applications.


Be a part of European funding    Thursday 20 November various times for each session

Four sessions on various European funding schemes. This year’s visit has a focus on partnering with businesses.


Visit the links above for full details on each event and how to book.


British Academy Visit to Staffordshire University

The British Academy provides funding for research in the humanities and social sciences. They have agreed to come to Staffordshire University to provide information on the variety of research funding opportunities they offer.

Delegates will learn more about the scheme requirements, success rates, what assessors look for and how best to present applications. Plus there will be some new funds opening in the next few months so this is a chance to find out about the new schemes.

This event is being held on Thursday 2 October 13:00-16:00 in LT114/116 Ashley Building, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent

Academics from a number of regional Universities will also be invited and a networking session will be held. Collaborative research projects are of great interest to funders, so this is a good opportunity to talk to other academics and find out how you can work together.  A member of staff from the British Academy will be on hand during the networking session to provide information on the viability of your project ideas.

There are limited numbers of spaces, and we expect them to go quickly, so book your place now!

To book a place email externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

Please include the following
Job title:
Email address
Add details of projects you are looking to develop and need partners to collaborate on. We will share this with all delegates before the event.

Event Schedule
The event will start at 1pm.
13:00 -14:30 –British Academy Presentation
14:00-14:30 –Q and A session
14:30 – 14:45 –break
14:45-15:45 –Networking to develop collaborative British Academy projects
15:45-16:00 –Close

More details on the British Academy: http://www.britac.ac.uk/funding/index.cfm

See our other events: http://blogs.staffs.ac.uk/research/category/events/up-coming-events/


£10k for research in arts and humanities

The University has had some success with these grants in the past, but there seems for have been fewer applications in recent rounds. We are keen to see the numbers increasing again as this is a great fund to launch new researchers or to get small projects off the ground

Funding Body:  British Academy and Leverhulme Trust

Scheme: Small Research Grants

Overview: Fund is available to support primary research in the humanities and social sciences.

Funds may be used to facilitate initial project planning and development, to support the direct costs of research and to enable the advancement of research through workshops or conferences, or visits by or to partner scholars.

Applications for individual and collaborative projects are equally welcome. International groups of scholars are eligible to apply, provided the lead applicant is a UK-based scholar.

Budget: Grants are tenable for up to 24 months and are worth between £500 and £10,000. Start dates may be between 1 September 2014 and 31 March 2015. The fund does not cover staff time for the principal investigator, but you can employ a researcher to do the leg work on the project and get their time covered. Institutional overheads are not covered.

Deadlines: 15 April 2014 –Bids are submitted online. All bids need final online approval from the External Projects Team as well as faculty approval. Please factor in time for this and let the team know in advance that you are submitting a bid.

Further Information: http://www.britac.ac.uk/funding/guide/srg.cfm


Fund an international academic to work at Staffs Uni

If you know a star academic working abroad that you would like to work at Staffordshire University for two years, this fund from the Royal Society and British Academy should be of interest.

Researchers can work in a broad range of fields including natural and social sciences and humanities.

Funding Body: Royal Society and the British Academy

Scheme: Newton International Fellowship

Overview: The Royal Society and the British Academy invite applications for the Newton international fellowship. This enables early-stage postdoctoral researchers from all over the world to work in the fields of natural and social sciences and the humanities at UK research institutions. Contact between the applicants and their UK sponsor must have been established prior to application.

Applicants must have a PhD and up to seven years of active full time postdoctoral experience. They should be working outside the UK and be competent in oral and written English. UK citizens may not apply.

Budget: The fellowship lasts for two years and provides £24,000 per year for subsistence costs, up to £8,000 per year for research expenses and a one-off payment of up to £2,000 for relocation expenses. In addition, fellows may receive up to £6,000 per year for up to 10 years following the tenure to support networking activities with UK-based researchers.

Deadlines: 10 March 2014 –This is an annual call

Further Information: http://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/newton-international/


Host a conference in humanities or social sciences

The British Academy has launched their annual call for people to hold conferences at the academies London base. The remit for conferences is that they fit around the theme of humanities and social sciences. Plus they are looking for proposals for conferences that will be pivotal events and of lasting significance in the field. This is a chance for leading and emerging scholars to examine current and future issues surrounding novel, dynamic, innovative and exciting subject areas.
Funding Body: British Academy
Scheme: Conference Programme
Overview: The British Academy invites proposals for its 2015 conference programme. This supports conferences on subjects in the humanities and social sciences held at the British Academy’s premises in central London. The academy will support up to six conferences in 2015, with up to 135 participants each.
Any UK-based scholar is eligible to submit a proposal.
Budget: The academy provides the venue, facilities and catering; contributes to travel and accommodation for convenors, speakers and chairs; and promotes and administers the conferences. Themed volumes of essays arising from the conferences may be published in the Proceedings of the British Academy series.
Deadlines: 21 February 2014 –annual call
Further Information: http://www.britac.ac.uk/events/events_proposals_conferences.cfm

Fund a One Year Partnership with China

This exchange fund from the British Academy will be of interest to academics working in humanities and social sciences and looking to develop a programme of work in China. The deadline is in February, so this leaves plenty of time to work up links with a Chinese partner.

Funding Body: British Academy

Scheme: International partnership and mobility scheme – UK-China one-year partnerships

Overview: The aim of this scheme is to support the development of partnerships between the UK and China, strengthening research excellence through new, innovative initiatives and links.

The scheme intends to strengthen research capacity and capability, with both partners gaining from the collaboration, and to initiate the development of long-term, vigorous links between the UK and Chinese scholars whilst also encouraging an intra-regional exchange of expertise and knowledge sharing. Awards cover any branch of the humanities or social sciences and are intended to focus on collaborative research on a specific theme of mutual interest. Workshops and seminars should form an integral part of the research programme. Partnerships including a training element and involving early-career scholars will be looked on favourably.

Both applicants must be of postdoctoral or equivalent status and based at a research-active institution.

Budget: Funding is worth up to £10,000 for one year

Deadlines: 5 February 2013

Further Information: http://www.britac.ac.uk/funding/guide/intl/International_Partnership_and_Mobility.cfm


Free time from Teaching with the British Academy

Many academics struggle to get the time to carry out research. This fund from the British Academy offers free time from teaching. British Academy funding if for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Applications must be made of their online system. Once submitted they need to be approved by the Universities External Projects Team by the deadline of 18/09/13, so make sure you let the team know you are applying in advance. externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

Funding Body: British Academy

Scheme: Mid-career Fellowships

Overview: Time freed from normal teaching and administrative commitments to devote to the completion of a major piece of research.

Through this scheme the academy intends to support individual researchers with excellent research proposals and to promote public understanding and engagement with the humanities and social sciences.

Individuals employed at UK universities or other higher education institutions are eligible to apply. Fellowships are intended primarily to provide opportunities for scholars who have already published works of intellectual distinction or have established a significant track record as an excellent communicator and a champion in their field, and who are normally no more than 15 years from the award of their doctorate.

Fellowships can be held over a minimum of six months and a maximum of 12 months, beginning in the autumn of 2014.

Budget: The total value of a fellowship is not expected to exceed £160,000.

Deadlines: 18 September 2013

Further Information: http://www.britac.ac.uk/funding/guide/midcareer.cfm

Free Time Logo


Funding to Share Teaching and Learning Between Staff

Two calls which may be of interest to a broad range of academics have come out from the Higher Education Academy (HEA). The University submits a number of bids to the HEA each year with reasonable levels of success.

These calls are usually repeated each year.

Scheme: Workshops and seminars

Overview: Institutions to host and deliver a workshop or seminar and to produce an associated report for. The aims of the series are to disseminate research or evaluation work and share evidence-based policy or practice. Thematic call areas: •STEM •social sciences •arts and humanities •thematic-focused call.

Budget: Grants are worth up to £750.

Deadlines: 31 July 2013

Further Information: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/seminar-series

Scheme: Departmental scheme grants

Overview: These support single departments in higher education institutions to encourage cooperation between colleagues in the enhancement of learning and teaching. Successful applications will demonstrate team impact across a department. See the website for this year’s key themes.

Budget: Applicants may request up to £30,000 for projects lasting up to 15 months.

Deadlines: 02 August 2013

Further Information: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/tdg/departmental
