Enabling Cultures and Diversity in Research Management and Administration


The 21st annual conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) is taking place in Leiden (Belgium) 28th June – 1st July 2015.

EARMA represents the community of Research Managers and Administrators (RM&As) in Europe, with members from the industry, academia, the public and private sectors. EARMA works with the EU Commission, national and international funding agencies, and provides a networking forum, a learning platform, and a place to share experiences and best practice.

This year the theme for the conference is Global Outreach: Enabling Cultures and Diversity in Research Management and Administration.

This theme reflects the growing need and ambition to reach out and get connected and work together globally. Cooperating not only in the field of scientific research & innovation and higher education but also in the field of research management and administration.

Registrations are now open for early birds: http://www.earma.org/

Newton Fund: building science and innovation capacity in developing countries

The Newton Fund is part of the UK’s official development assistance. Its aim is to develop science and innovation partnerships that promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries.

The fund is £75 million each year from 2014 for 5 years. It will be administered by The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Activities under the fund will be managed by a core group of Delivery Partners, including: the Royal Society, Royal Society of Engineering, The Royal Society of Chemistry, British Academy and The Academy of Medical Sciences, The British Council (in collaboration with the UK Higher Education International Unit), Research Councils UK (RCUK), Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and the Met Office.

The funding will be allocated in varying proportions across 15 partner countries, all of which are emerging economies. All programmes must be match funded so that partnerships are on an equal basis and must also assist with the economic development of the partner country.

Partner countries are:  Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam.

The fund will cover 3 broad categories of activity:

  • people: improving science and innovation expertise (ie: ‘capacity building’), student and researcher fellowships, mobility schemes and joint centres
  • programmes: research collaborations on development topics
  • translation: innovation partnerships and challenge funds to develop innovative solutions on development topics

The Newton Fund should promote the long term economic development and welfare of people in partner countries and unlock new opportunities for HEIs to contribute and build partnerships. Challenges such as the alleviation of poverty, improvement of energy and water quality, as well as innumerable other social, environmental and cultural benefits which could ultimately lead to increasing the economic growth of partner countries as well as the UK should be addressed.

Calls are likely to be opened at different times according to the country and the programme area. For all current research calls go to:

Multi-country calls  No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for Brazil The joint Research Councils UK-CONFAP research partnerships call opened on 4 August. The application form and guidance for applicants will be available from 18 August 2014. The deadline for applications is 17 October at 16:00 UK time.

Calls for Chile Newton-Picarte fund No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for UK-China Research and Innovation Partnership Fund Ten calls now open with the Met Office as the delivery partner. Deadlines: 1 September 2014 & 27 February 2015.

Calls for Colombia Newton-Caldas Fund No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for Egypt No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for India Two calls for India’s Newton-Bhabha fund are now open, with more expected shortly.

  • DBT-MRC Joint Centre Partnerships (Deadline: 29 September at 16:00)
  • Joint Global Research Programme: Women’s and children’s health (Deadline: 21 October at 16:00)

Calls for Indonesia No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for Kazakhstan Newton-Al Farabi Partnership Programme No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for Malaysia No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for Mexico No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for Philippines No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for South Africa No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for Thailand No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for Turkey No calls are open at the moment.

Calls for Vietnam No calls are open at the moment.

Newton Fund programme descriptions

For regular updates on the fund visit the HE International Unit website

Full details can be found on the UK government website

For further information, contact the External Projects Team.

JPI Cultural Heritage – Heritage Plus call

JPI on Cultural Heritage and global change

A new funding opportunity has been announced by the Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage and Global Change for transnational proposals in the area of cultural heritage.

This Heritage Plus call is designed to generate new, research-based knowledge to promote the sustainable use and management of cultural heritage, thereby meeting societal challenges and contributing to the development of society.
The call aims to fund excellent collaborative, transnational, interdisciplinary, innovative R&D projects focussed mainly on tangible cultural heritage research, while not excluding the interlinked aspects of intangible and digital heritage.
                                                                                                                                      The call will support projects across three broad topics:
  • Safeguarding tangible cultural heritage and its associated intangible expressions
  • Sustainable strategies for protecting and managing cultural heritage
  • Use and re-use of all kinds of cultural heritage

Only researchers based in countries that have committed to the Heritage Plus call can apply for funding. These are:

Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France,  Israel,  Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,  Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Additional funding is being provided by the European Commission.

The Heritage Plus call will support well-defined, interdisciplinary and collaborative R&D projects that maximize the value of research outcomes.

The deadline for submission of the pre-proposals is 28 April 2014.

The total budget for the call is around 9 million EUROS

Duration of projects: up to 36 months

Each project must comprise of at least three research teams, each based in an eligible institution in a different country participating in the Heritage Plus call. The maximum number of teams in a project is five.

For further information go to: http://www.jpi-culturalheritage.eu/wp-content/uploads/Announcement-for-Heritage-Plus-post-3rd-March.pdf

The Calouste Gulbenkian Open Fund



The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation invites grant applications under its programme for art research and development. Applications must address projects or ideas under the foundation’s three main strategic aims:

  • Cultural Understanding

To help improve people’s perceptions of each other by providing opportunities through culture and between cultures.

  • Fulfilling Potential

To assist the most disadvantaged in society to fulfil their potential by building connections and developing opportunities.

  • Environment

To help in the development of a society which benefits from a more sustainable relationship with the natural world and understands the value of its resources.

Not-for -profit organisations based in the UK or Republic of Ireland may apply for funding, and projects must take place in these countries. Projects may involve international partners, or emulate good practice in other countries.

Grants average between £10,000 and £30,000.

There is no closing date.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is a charitable foundation established in Portugal in 1956 with cultural, educational, social and scientific interests. The Foundation’s Headquarters are in Lisbon with offices in London (the UK Branch) and Paris

For further information go to: http://gulbenkian.org.uk/open-fund/fund.html

Culture Programme Workshops

There will be 12 Briefing sessions on the new Creative Europe programme, held between 13-31 January, in 12 venues across England, Scotland and Wales. Sessions closest to Staffordshire University are in Birmingham, Bradford, Liverpool or Nottingham.  Each Briefing will run for 2 hours, and will provide background information on Creative Europe, as well as detailed information on the new Culture programme strands (projects, translation, platforms, networks) and some information on the new Media programme. Sessions cost £80.

There will also be workshops to help people prepare applications between 3-6 February. In Manchester, Cardiff, Edinburgh and London. They cost £100.

For more information on these Briefings and Workshops, or to make a booking, visit www.euclid.info

This document Creative Europe Culture provides an overview of the Culture funds of most interest to Staffordshire University.

The 2013 European Culture Forum: Call for Presenters

If you have an original and inspirational idea you would like to make about culture in front of over 1,200 European cultural stakeholders, this is your chance. The European Commission is looking for talented speakers to take part in the Culture Forum on 4-6 November 2013 in Brussels. You can make any point you like, so long as it is related to culture and Europe.

More information

The selected speakers will be given the opportunity to present their ideas in plenary or in breakout sessions. You will be expected to make your point in English or in French, without notes or power point support. Each speech will be five minutes long. Speakers will be automatically cut off if they do not keep to time.

If you would like to be considered, please explain your idea in simple terms and provide a link to a video in which you speak about your idea in 3 minutes maximum. The content of the video should focus on the expression of your idea with words, without special effects or visuals. It can be from any support (phone, camera), no high-quality image required.

The deadline to apply is 20 June 2013.

All applicants will be informed of the results of the selection by 30th August.

Capital Funding Call for Digital Transformations in Community research Co-Production in the Arts and Humanities

As part of the cross-Council Connected Communities Programme, the AHRC is inviting applications for Digital Community Research Co-Production Projects. The call aims to harness digital technologies to stimulate innovative engagements and research co-production between communities and researchers. £4m capital funding is available under this call.

A key focus of, and output from, the projects funded must be some form of new, or significantly enhanced, research-based asset of enduring value for communities and future research. These assets may take a variety of forms, such as open datasets, integrated search facilities, mash-ups, visualizations and mappings, enhanced gateways and portals, galleries, tools, hardware, interfaces, software, material artefacts, or other forms of innovative cultural and creative resource or asset.

Applications are invited for between £50,000 and £600,000 on a full economic cost basis and the AHRC will fund 80% of the full economic costs (with the exception that equipment costs may be included under this call). The closing date is Thursday 27th June 2013.

There are a series of launch events, the local event is Birmingham on 30th May. 

Please contact External Projects Team (externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk) if you are interested in this call. Further information is available at http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/Funding-Opportunities/Pages/Capital-Funding-Call-for-Digital-Transformations-in-Community-research-Co-Production-in-the-Arts-and-Humanities.aspx

Culture Programme – Cooperation with third countries (Australia and Canada)

European Commission logo 

Culture Programme – Cooperation with third countries (Australia and Canada) –

Deadline 3 May 2013.

The Culture Programme is the EU’s main funding Programme for cultural activities, its overall objective is to:”Enhance the cultural area shared by Europeans, which is based on a common cultural heritage, through the development of cooperation activities among cultural operators, with a view to encouraging the emergence of European citizenship’

The Programme has three specific objectives:-

  1. Promotion of the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector
  2. Support for the transnational circulation of cultural and artistic workers and products
  3. Promotion of intercultural dialogue

Purpose of this call for proposals

This call for proposal seeks transnational projects involving exchanges of artists and/or works or the promotion of intercultural dialogue between Europe and Australia; or Europe and Canada. At least 50% of the project activities are expected to take place in either Australia or Canada. It is open to a wide range of artistic, cultural and creative disciplines, including the following:-

  1. Cultural heritage
  2. Performing arts
  3. Architecture
  4. Multimedia technologies
  5. Visual arts
  6. Literature, books and reading
  7. Design, applied arts
  8. Interdisciplinary areas

The programme supports all cultural operators including: Universities, research centres, theatres, museums, professional associations, public authorities etc. The budget for this strand for 2013 is €2.65m, it is expected that approximately eight projects will be selected for support. Opportunities for UK HEIs:

  1. The production and maintenance of websites
  2. The production of magazines and newspapers
  3. The organisation of conferences and meetings
  4. The production of studies and reports

More info can be found Here