EPSRC: Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges.




To support this challenge-led approach EPSRC invites applications for NetworkPlus proposals that seek to establish new research communities around one of the Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges.

The aims of the NetworkPlus awards are to:

  • Bring together experts from across all relevant research areas, with particular focus on those in engineering and physical sciences.
  • Bring focus to the relevant challenge area and identify new research strategies and opportunities for addressing the challenge.
  • Engage with interested users of research, including business, clinicians, patient groups and policy makers, to shape future research directions.
  • Identify and address the barriers to achieving the challenge.
  • Initiate preliminary or feasibility research to tackle the challenge.
  • To be collaborative rather than competitive in nature and work together where appropriate (e.g. joint events).

Networks are intended to be UK-wide and must have representation from several disciplines and institutions. It is essential that user engagement is considered in the wider network membership. Each proposal must explain the fit to the chosen challenge area and demonstrate evidence of how they will connect with on-going excellent research in the UK to grow and develop the network.

Peer review for this call will consist of a multi-stage process.

Applicants should submit an Intention to Submit by 08 September 2015; those who have not submitted an intention to submit will be ineligible for this call. The closing time and date for full proposals is 16:00 on 06 October 2015.


Healthcare technologies challenge awards

Logo of the EPSRC, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council invites outline proposals for its healthcare technologies challenge awards. These will enable early-career researchers to develop new research groups and capabilities that address long-term health challenges and will have the potential to become new centres of critical mass in multidisciplinary health technologies research.

Proposals must align with one of the following grand challenges:

  • developing future therapies
  • frontiers of physical intervention
  • optimising treatment
  • transforming community health and care.

In addition, proposals should further the following crosscutting research capabilities:

  • advanced materials
  • disruptive technologies for sensing and analysis
  • future manufacturing technologies
  • medical device design and innovation
  • novel computational and mathematical sciences
  • novel imaging technologies

Principal investigators should be academics working in and holding a permanent academic post for up to eight years at an HEI, a research council institute or an independent research organisation. Applications may include a limited number of co-investigators from a complimentary discipline, provided that their participation is crucial to the interdisciplinary nature of the work.

The total budget of £10 million will fund approximately 10 awards. Funding should enable the PI to devote 35 per cent of his/her time to the project. Other eligible costs include staff time, consumables and equipment, user engagement, impact and dissemination activities, and partner collaborations and exchanges.

For further information go to: https://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/healthcaretechchallengeawards/

Closing date: 14 May 15

EPSRC Autonomous Manufacturing research call



The EPSRC invites Expressions of Interest to bid into the call for research proposals in Autonomous Manufacturing. The aim of the call is to support research that addresses the research challenges that underpin autonomous manufacturing.

The expected outcome of this call is a diverse set of research programmes that span manufacturing applications, processes, and value sectors, that exploit novel and adventurous research for the advancement of autonomous production technologies and systems in the factory environment.

EPSRC are committing up to £10M for this call to support multidisciplinary research programmes of up to five years with flexible funding (similar to that provided through EPSRC platform and programme grants) that can be used for a mixture of multidisciplinary research projects, feasibility studies and networking and outreach activities.

This first stage of the call seeks expressions of interest to submit a full proposal. The submitted expressions of interests will be assessed at a short-listing panel in May 2015 and those that align appropriately with the scope for this call will be invited for the full proposal stage. The deadline for full proposals will be in July 2015 and funding decisions are expected to be made in November 2015.


This call invites Expressions of Interest (EoIs) which will be assessed at a short-listing panel. Short-listed applicants will then be invited to submit full proposals.

Activity Date/Time
Call launched on web (EoI stage) 02 February 2015
Closing date for EoIs 16:00, 16 April 2015
Short-listing panel Early May 2015
Call opens in J-eS (Full proposal stage) End May 2015
Closing date for full proposals End July 2015
Postal peer review Aug-Oct 2015
Assessment (interview) panel November 2015

NEW – EPSRC calls for proposals


Fresh Ideas Fund

The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices (MeDe Innovation), is inviting project proposals to their ‘Fresh Ideas Fund’, which identify key challenges in medical device manufacturing (Class III, musculoskeletal).

Issue date: 24 September 2014 / Closing date: 19 December 2014 at 17:30

Type: Invitation for proposals

Related themes: Engineering, Healthcare technologies, Manufacturing the future

LINK http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/freshideasfund/

 Future Manufacturing Research Hubs

EPSRC is inviting outline applications for a number of large-scale, multidisciplinary research Hubs to address major, long-term challenges facing manufacturing industries, as well as capture opportunities from emerging research areas.

Issue date: 23 September 2014 / Closing date: 11 November 2014 at 16:00

Type: Invitation for proposals

Related themes: Manufacturing the future

LINK http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/future-manufacturing-research-hubs/

Transforming approaches to improving hearing aid technology

This call is to encourage Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Physical and Mathematical Sciences researchers to develop disruptive technologies for use in hearing aid devices.

Issue date: 22 September 2014 / Closing date: 27 November 2014 at 16:00

Type: Invitation for proposals

Related themes: Engineering, Healthcare technologies, ICT, Manufacturing the future, Mathematical sciences, Physical sciences


New Materials for RF and Microwave Technologies Workshop: Call for Expressions of Interest

EPSRC invites expressions of interest to attend a workshop in the Birmingham area (venue TBA), to engage with the research communities in the area of RF and Microwave Devices.

Issue date: 17 September 2014 / Closing date: 23 October 2014 at 16:00

Type: Expression of interest

Related themes: ICT, Physical sciences

LINK http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/newmaterialsrfmwworkshopeoi/


Fellowships are available in a number of priority areas

LINK http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/skills/fellows/areas/

Next Stage Digital Economy



Next Stage Digital Economy Call

  • Opening date:10 July 2014
  • Closing date:09 October 2014at 16:00
  • Status:Open
  • Type:Invitation for proposals

Working in close partnership with the Technology Strategy Board, the Connected Digital Economy Catapult and with support from Microsoft Research, the Research Councils UK Digital Economy (DE) Theme is seeking to promote the realisation of impact and enhanced exploitation of the outcomes arising from its investments in the research base. This call is designed to consolidate, harness and build upon existing DE knowledge and skills arising from DE Theme-funded and related funded awards to help accelerate the research outcomes and outputs to the next stage and create more real impact (be it economic, societal or cultural).

Prior to being invited to submit a full proposal, potential applicants will be required to demonstrate that they possess a valid ‘entry ticket’ to be eligible to apply against this call. The ‘entry ticket’ will be validated by the DE Theme on presentation of this information which will include details of the relevant DE Theme and related funding that assembled forms a substantial critical mass of coherent research and skills to build upon. The DE grant portfolio list (detailing funding body, grant reference/title, and value of DE relevant funding) should be accompanied by a coherence statement which sets out and justifies how this consolidated portfolio will enable the applicant(s) to deliver the overarching objective of this call as well as a summary statement of aims and future plans.

Please email your ‘entry ticket’ submission to DigitalEconomy@epsrc.ac.uk as soon as possible for consideration.

EPSRC Energy Programme

EPSRC, as part of its contribution to the RCUK Energy Programme, invites proposals for collaborative research projects to undertake fundamental research to tackle challenges in Conventional Power Generation. An indicative budget of up to £3M is available from EPSRC for this call. Cross-institutional bids are welcome, but there must be a single submission for each application, led by a single principal investigator, with only one proposal form.

The remit of this call is derived from the outputs of a scoping workshop which was held on 15 April 2014. We invite proposals in the areas of:

  • Step change technologies and materials for future plant design
  • Integration of conventional plants with future technologies

Anyone intending to submit a proposal to this call must register their interest by email to Laura Sewell by 16 June 2014.




EPSRC Manufacturing Advanced Functional Materials



EPSRC are inviting research proposals from consortia across the Engineering and Physical Sciences communities to address the manufacturing research challenges in developing applications, production technologies and future processes that incorporate advanced functional materials.


EPSRC are expecting to commit up to £10 Million on large, long term (up to five years), multidisciplinary programmes that capitalise on the UK’s growing research capability in functional materials and identify the most promising pathways for scale-up to applications and devices of these innovative materials. A two-stage process will be used to allocate the funding. This first stage of the call seeks expressions of interest to submit a full proposal. The submitted expressions of interests will be assessed at a short-listing panel in May 2014 and those that align appropriately with the scope for this call will be invited for the full proposal stage. The deadline for full proposals will be in July 2014 and these will be peer reviewed during the summer. Funding decisions are expected to be made in Autumn 2014


Closing date:15 April 2014

Type: Expression of interest


If you are interested in this call please email externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk


EPSRC Resource allocation panel: access to ARCHER


The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council invites applications for access to ARCHER through its resource allocation panel. This provides access to the council’s new national state-of-the-art high-performance computing facility for proposals of high scientific quality that would benefit from ARCHER.

A non-exclusive list of eligible projects include:

  • short computational projects that do not warrant a full grant application
  • UK led collaborative projects with international or industry partners
  • joint applications from students with high-performance computing experience and their principal investigators
  • projects that link consecutive standard grant applications or that aid the preparation of a grant or fellowship application
  • extended feasibility studies and trialling application developments at scale

Applications should lie primarily within the remit of EPSRC, although proposals in multidisciplinary areas will be accepted. Individuals eligible to hold a full EPSRC grant can apply to the resource allocation panel. Higher education institutions, some research council institutes and independent research organisations are eligible.

Closing date: ARCHER technical assessments due by 4pm, 16 December 2013; applications 4pm, 6 January 2014.

For further information go to: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/2013/Pages/archerrap.aspx

EPSRC-NIHR Healthcare Technology Call


The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) are inviting network proposals to enable collaborations between academia and the 8 National Institutes for Health Research (NIHR) funded Healthcare Technology Cooperatives (HTCs). Each network proposal must be led by an academic at an eligible institution and can be up to £150K (80% FEC) for a maximum duration of 3 years – an investment of up to £1.2M from EPSRC to fund up to 8 EPSRC – NIHR HTC partnership awards.

Each proposal must have support from at least one of the HTCs (but no more than 3). The closing date is the 7th January 2014.  The funding avaliable is £150k for a maximum of 3 years at 80% FEC.

For more information Click HERE

Discipline hopping in Information and Communication Technologies

ICT researchers are being encouraged by EPSRC to pursue “an immersive experience in other disciplines and user environments” by considering Discipline Hopping.

Discipline Hopping Awards will provide short-term support to allow researchers from core ICT fields to work outside their specialist area, bringing a multidisciplinary and user-driven focus to research.

Alternatively, non ICT specialists can apply for funds to bring a technological perspective to their home discipline.

The call is aimed at researchers who have a proven track record of research and will provide funding to develop skills and collaborations with other disciplines and end users.

EPSRC may signpost specific research areas for discipline hopping from time to time. Details of these areas may be found on the discipline hopping page.

For further information go to: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/open/Pages/disciplinehopping.aspx

No closing date