EU Prize for Women Innovators 2014


The European Commission has launched the second edition of the EU Prize for Women Innovators. The competition is open until 15th October 2013 and aims to raise public awareness about the need for more innovation and more women innovators. It will reward three women who have developed outstanding innovations and brought them to market, with prizes ranging from €25,000 to €100,000.

Any woman innovator complying with the following criteria can apply:

  • Resides in an EU Member State or in a country associated to the Research Framework Programme.
  • Is a founder or co-founder of an existing and active company.
  • Your company must have been registered before 1st January 2011.
  • The annual turnover of the company must have been a minimum €100,000 in 2011 or 2012.
  • Either you or the company you founded/co-founded have received or is receiving funding from the European Union or the European Atomic Energy Community Research Framework Programme, or from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP).

If you would like to participate, please got to the contest website before the 15th October 2013.

Networking to Join Horizon 2020 Projects

With the new European research programme Horizon 2020 due to open in January now is the time to start networking and seeking out projects which you could become partners on. This is never an easy thing when time and budgets prevent you from getting to conferences in Europe. An alternative way to get a foot in the door can be through using groups on Linked In
There is a group called ” HORIZON 2020 ” : Framework Program for Research and Innovation which is a very good starting place. This group is a general discussion place for the H2020 programme, but also has subgroups linking to the H2020 themes. For example, environment, health, Marie Curie or ICT. The group is one of the largest and most active groups on LinkedIn and has surpassed 74,000+ members within just over 2 years and it is ranked within the top 200 out of 1.7 million LinkedIn groups.
The aim of this group is to become an international forum, where professionals working in all types of organizations from around the world could share ideas, knowledge & experiences, and explore new partnership and business opportunities.
Joining the groups can help you to find people who are working in similar areas to you and give you a chance to share ideas and possibly link up to work on a research project together.
Further details: Join group


Tender on Tourism Education in Europe

This tender looks like it could be interesting for the Business School as it is looking at the education offered on tourism across Europe.

Funding Body: European Commission
Scheme: Mapping and performance check of the supply side of tourism education and training
Overview: Tenders for its mapping and performance check of the supply side of tourism education and training. The tenderer will study the education and training offered for the tourism sector and assess its performance in delivering the qualitative skills needed on the labour market.
Transnational consortia are encouraged to submit tenders. A minimum number of partners is not specified.
The tourism occupations targeted primarily by this contract derive from the following

  • Accommodation
  • Food and beverage
  • Entertainment, recreation, attractions
  • Travel support services

Budget: Funding is worth an estimated €500,000 over a period of 13 months.
Deadlines: 24/10/13
Further Information: –Download the technical specifications document


European Environment Agency report published

 “Towards Green Economy” is a recent report which gives a detailed overview of the key objectives and targets in EU environmental policy and legislation for the period 2010-…2050.  It may provide a good reference point for environmentally based research or business support activities colleagues are involved in.
The report covers the following policy areas:
  • Energy
  • Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and ozone-depleting substances
  • Air quality and air pollution
  • Transport sector emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants
  • Waste
  • Water
  • Sustainable consumption and production (SCP)
  • Chemicals
  • Biodiversity and land use

The report identifies over 130 targets, with binding targets in the areas of energy, air pollution, transport emissions and waste. 

Further information:

Looking to collaborate with partners in Australia?


CAESIE is a new consortium established to promote partnerships between European and Australian Researchers and SMEs

CAESIE (Connecting Australian European Science and Innovation Excellence) is a bilateral partnership supported by the European Union and the Australian government.  It provides a range of support to foster bilateral SME research links including partner brokerage, funding to develop new collaborations and support to access mainstream international collaborative research funding.  We can therefore get assistance to develop links with SMEs in Australia through this scheme. CAESIE prioritises the following three areas:

  • clean energy
  • healthy ageing
  • sustainable cities

Further details:

How can we promote ourselves internationally?

 Symbolique 2006

The European Commission has published a Communication on ‘European higher education in the world’. This communication provides recommendations on how higher education institutions can work strategically to promote themselves outside Europe. This will document will also be a useful strategic reference point for future applications to the Erasmus+ funding stream, which will offer over €400 million per year for collaborations in education, training, youth and sport.

Further details at

Innovation, Internationalisation and Sustainable Growth

Join ECD and partners in sharing valuable lessons to influence and improve performance in areas of Innovation, Internationalisation and Sustainable Growth.

On 23rd April there is an event at Birmingham Science Park to mark the success of the District+ Programme and support delegates in making the most of ongoing funding and business opportunities in Europe.

Further information is available on the flyer here: Innovation Internationalisation Sustainable Growth.  The following link has registration information:

If you are interested in this event but unable to attend please contact who can provide feedback.

UK Research Office Visit – 13th Feb – Book your place now!


The External Projects Team are delighted to be hosting the Annual UKRO event on the Wednesday 13February 2013

The event is aimed both at colleagues who have experience of, and those who would like to know more about EU funding

This is an opportunity to hear about the new EU Funding Programmes (2014-2020) with UKRO European Advisor Jo Frost as well as first-hand experience of running EU partnerships and projects from Professor Nachi Chockalingam and Enterprise Reader Jon Fairburn

ProgrammeAll sessions are being held in BG21 Brindley Building, Leek Road, Stoke Campus

Session 1

9.00am Horizon 2020: the new EU research and innovation funding programme (2014-2020)

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

11.00 am Coffee/ networking

Session 2

11.30am Working with EU partners: Staffordshire University experience Nachi Chockalingam, Professor of Clinical Biomechanics, School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise; Faculty of Health Sciences

Session 3

12.00pm How to make the most of UKRO services (repeated at 3.00pm)

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

Session 4

2.00pm Erasmus for all: replacing the Lifelong Learning Programme, includes education funding and funding related to Sport  

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

Session 5

2.30pm Working with EU partners: Staffordshire University experience Jon Fairburn: Enterprise Reader, Business School – Research & Enterprise. Faculty of Business, Education and Law

Session 6

3.00pm How to make the most of UKRO services (repeat of 12.00pm)

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

Session 7

3.30pm-4.30pm Marie Curie Individual Fellowships: session for all or 1-2-1 individual slots.

Jo Frost, European Advisor, UKRO

Please register by 6 February via , specifying which sessions you wish to attend.

Health Programme: 2013 Annual Workplan

Health Programme: 2013 Annual Work Plan Published 

The Annual Work Plan for 2013 for the Health Programme has been adopted.

The Work Plan lists the main priorities for 2013 and details which call will be published under the Health Programme. The Health Programme in the remit of the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) and calls are managed by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC).

The main priorities for 2013 will be:

  • active and healthy ageing – focus on chronic diseases;
  • effective ways to invest in health – also health workforce;
  • patients’ rights and safety; and
  • advice and data, particularly on sustainable health systems.

The Work Plan will also support the implementation of legislation in the following areas:

  • safety and quality of tissues, cells and blood;
  • cross-border healthcare; and
  • pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Calls for proposals for projects, conferences and operating grants are due to be published by mid-December.

This is the last Work Plan under the current Health Programme, which is due to end in 2013. A new programme called “Health for Growth” is currently being developed and is due to run from 2014-2020.


If you are interested in this call please get in touch with the team at