Finding Partners for Projects

This short guide will give you ideas how you can find partners to work with on a project.

If you are just starting out on project work, it can be a good idea to find partners who are already writing project bids and team up with them.

If you have an idea and need more people to join it, use this guide to find them.

Finding partners for your research project

Factsheets on H2020

Following the launch of the new European Horizon 2020 funding programme last week, UKRO have made factsheets for each of the new strands. You can access these by logging onto their site

The diagram below outlines the funding areas which are covered by H2020. URKO has factsheets for each of these topics. You can click on the diagram to enlarge it.


To be able to access this information, you will need to sign up for an UKRO account if you do not have one already. Alternatively, you can contact the External Projects Team requesting which factsheets you require and we can send them out.

The University has a high level of success in applying for European funding. If you have not been involved with an EU project before a good place to start might be to look at small funds that can help you meet other European partners. If you already have potential European links, a good place to start is by being a partner on a project.

If you are interested in making an application to Horizon 2020, make the External Projects Team your first port of call.

And the Doctor Said….

Staff are being invited to the launch event of the ‘And the Doctor said…’ project exhibition. This is a creative research project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of their ‘Connected Communities’ programme.

The launch is taking place on Friday 6th December 2pm-4pm at Burslem School of Art.

It has involved a series of workshops run by creative writers, storytellers and actors, in which people have reflected upon and written about their experiences of healthcare in North Staffordshire.

As well as the wealth of writing from the project, we also have a number of films, photos and recordings, made by Unique Media Production, which will be included in the launch event.

Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate the achievements of the project and the people who have taken part in it.

For more information about the project



Horizon 2020 Condensed Factsheet

A new factsheet outlining the new European Research Programmes –Horizon 2020 has been launched by UKRO today.

The factsheet nicely condenses the programme to show what research areas will be covered by the funding, who should apply and what is funded.

The External Projects Team will be getting out lots of information on the new programme over the coming weeks in preparation for the launch in January 2014.  This document provides a good starting point to give an overview of the new scheme.

For a copy of this fact sheet contact

Dementia Project Suitable for Faculty of Health or FACT

This fund from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation is looking to change the way people think about dementia. There are a number of different angles the research could be looked at leaving it open for work from both the Faculty of Heath and the FACT. One of the themes they are interested in includes languages, images and stories around dementia.

Funding Body: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Scheme: Reframing dementia in the 21st century: challenging thinking and stimulating debate

Overview: This call supports one or two projects to influence how people think, talk, write about and portray dementia. Projects are for a duration of 18 to 22 months. The aim is to challenge attitudes, understanding and behaviours around dementia that reinforce stigma, isolation and exclusion. The foundation seeks to support the future development of policy, practice and research, and to improve societal attitudes and ultimately the quality of life of people with dementia.

Budget: Projects will be supported with a budget of up to £50,000

Deadlines: 06 Nov 13

Further Information:


Research Funding for British Art

This is a funding source for those working in FACT or other arts related areas.

Funding body Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Scheme Research Support Grants
Overview The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art invites applications for its research support grants. These support travel, subsistence and other research costs for scholars already engaged in research involving the study of British art or architectural history. Funding may be used to visit collections, libraries, archives or historic sites.
Deadlines 15/09/2013
Costs Up to £3,000

This funding application is not due in until September, but it is always useful to have plenty of time to consider and prepare a grant application. The Paul Mellon Centre funding tends to repeat each year, so even if you don’t have a project on the brew it is a fund source to keep in mind for the future.