Mid Career Fellowships for Arts and Social Sciences

For those of you around over the summer, this quiet time can provide a good opportunity to start developing research bids.

Staffordshire University subscribes to Research Professional. This is a great tool to help you find research funding and news. Below is a good example of an upcoming fund.

British Academy -mid-career fellowships. Support outstanding individual researchers with excellent research proposals, and promote public understanding and engagement with humanities and social sciences. The time bought by the scheme should be devoted to the completion of a major piece of research, and the Academy will also look for evidence of a clear commitment to a strategy of public engagement and communication of the results of the research during the period of the fellowship.

For scholars who have already published works of intellectual distinction or have established a significant track record as a communicator, and who are normally no more than 15 years from the award of their doctorate.

£160,000 from six to 12 months.

Deadline 14 September 2016



Attract an outstanding scientific researcher

Funding from the Royal Society to attract or keep an outstanding scientific researcher (including engineering) at the University for up to five years.

Funding Body: Royal Society

Scheme: Wolfson research merit awards

Overview: These enable universities to attract, or keep in the UK, researchers of outstanding achievement and potential. The award covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering.

Awards are made to the university and therefore researchers must remain at the university named on the application. Researchers may be of any nationality but must hold or have received a firm offer for a permanent post at a UK university.

Budget: Funding in the form of salary enhancements, usually worth £10,000 to £30,000 per year, will be provided for up to five years. Research expenses will be considered for overseas researchers to support integration into the UK research environment.

Deadlines: 08 July 2014 –This call repeats, we do not have exact dates available, but it is roughly an annual call.

Further Information: http://royalsociety.org/Wolfson-Research-Merit-Awards/


Travel overseas with Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill Memorial travel fellowships cover a range of research areas. The annual call has been launched this should be of interest to all faculties.

Funding Body: Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

Scheme: Travelling fellowships

Overview: Fellowships enable British citizens to travel overseas in order to bring back knowledge and best practice for the benefit of others in their UK professions and communities. Applications are invited in the following categories:

•the arts and older people;

•early years prevention and intervention;

•environment and sustainable living;

•prison and penal reform;

•young people 18-25;

•crafts and makers;



•medicine, health and patient care;

•science, technology and innovation;

•open category.

Applicants must be British citizens.

Grants usually support a stay of between four and eight weeks and cover return and internal travel, daily living costs and insurance.

Deadlines: 23 September 2014 –this call is made once a year.

Further Information: http://www.wcmt.org.uk/applications/apply-online-for-a-2015-winston-churchill-fellowship.html

Winston Churchill

A year off to work on design with a business

This fund gives a design researcher the chance to work in business for 6 months to a year and collaborate on projects. They are interested in three priorities:

  • The role of design in the innovation system
  • The role of design in service innovation
  • Evidence to demonstrate the impact and value of Design

Below is some more information.

Funding Body: AHRC and ESRC

Scheme: Design fellowships

Overview: These enable design researchers in UK universities to become embedded in business or public service organisations and work with them on collaborative projects.

Researchers should be keen to apply or test ideas about service innovation in business, public sector or similar context. They should apply in collaboration with a business or public sector organisation of their own choice.

Fellowships support a period between six months and one year on a full time or part time basis, with costs. Awards must start between 1 August and 31 December 2014.

Budget: AHRC meeting 80 per cent of full economic costs

Deadlines: 24 April 2014

Further Information: http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/Funding-Opportunities/Pages/AHRC-ESRC-Design-Fellowships.aspx

Design and innovation

Fund an international academic to work at Staffs Uni

If you know a star academic working abroad that you would like to work at Staffordshire University for two years, this fund from the Royal Society and British Academy should be of interest.

Researchers can work in a broad range of fields including natural and social sciences and humanities.

Funding Body: Royal Society and the British Academy

Scheme: Newton International Fellowship

Overview: The Royal Society and the British Academy invite applications for the Newton international fellowship. This enables early-stage postdoctoral researchers from all over the world to work in the fields of natural and social sciences and the humanities at UK research institutions. Contact between the applicants and their UK sponsor must have been established prior to application.

Applicants must have a PhD and up to seven years of active full time postdoctoral experience. They should be working outside the UK and be competent in oral and written English. UK citizens may not apply.

Budget: The fellowship lasts for two years and provides £24,000 per year for subsistence costs, up to £8,000 per year for research expenses and a one-off payment of up to £2,000 for relocation expenses. In addition, fellows may receive up to £6,000 per year for up to 10 years following the tenure to support networking activities with UK-based researchers.

Deadlines: 10 March 2014 –This is an annual call

Further Information: http://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/newton-international/


An audience with our National Teaching Fellows


The Higher Education Academy’s National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme is a fantastic way to recognize your excellence in learning and teaching. To provide you with successful candidates’ views, come and join our audience with Dr Liz Boath and Emeritus Prof. Bernard Moss to find out more about the scheme and most importantly the benefits of being an NTF – not just the £10,000 to be used for your own professional development

The first of these sessions will take place in Stoke on 14th January 2013 at 1.00 pm till 2.00 pm in BG46, Brindley Building. A few places are still available for Staffordshire University staff. So if your interest is sparked and you want to know learn more from Liz and Bernard, then contact Liz at E.Boath@staffs.ac.uk to confirm your attendance.

If you would like to know more about the NTF scheme in general, then follow this link http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ntfs




Free time from Teaching with the British Academy

Many academics struggle to get the time to carry out research. This fund from the British Academy offers free time from teaching. British Academy funding if for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Applications must be made of their online system. Once submitted they need to be approved by the Universities External Projects Team by the deadline of 18/09/13, so make sure you let the team know you are applying in advance. externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk

Funding Body: British Academy

Scheme: Mid-career Fellowships

Overview: Time freed from normal teaching and administrative commitments to devote to the completion of a major piece of research.

Through this scheme the academy intends to support individual researchers with excellent research proposals and to promote public understanding and engagement with the humanities and social sciences.

Individuals employed at UK universities or other higher education institutions are eligible to apply. Fellowships are intended primarily to provide opportunities for scholars who have already published works of intellectual distinction or have established a significant track record as an excellent communicator and a champion in their field, and who are normally no more than 15 years from the award of their doctorate.

Fellowships can be held over a minimum of six months and a maximum of 12 months, beginning in the autumn of 2014.

Budget: The total value of a fellowship is not expected to exceed £160,000.

Deadlines: 18 September 2013

Further Information: http://www.britac.ac.uk/funding/guide/midcareer.cfm

Free Time Logo


Royal Society Industry Fellowships

The Royal Society, in collaboration with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Natural Environment Research Council, Rolls-Royce and BP, invites applications for its industry fellowships.

This scheme is for academic scientists who want to work on a collaborative project with industry and for scientists in industry who want to work on a collaborative project with an academic organisation with a university department or a not-for-profit research organisation.

It aims to enhance knowledge transfer in science and technology between those in industry and those in academia in the UK. It is anticipated that fellows will establish personal and corporate links between the two sectors in the UK as a foundation for their long-term future development.

The scheme provides the applicant’s basic salary while on secondment. The employing organisation continue to pay national insurance and pension contributions. Research expenses may be claimed up to the value of £2,000 per year.

All natural sciences, including agriculture, mathematics, biotechnology, environmental research, medical and engineering sciences, are eligible. Projects at any stage from fundamental science to industrial innovation will be supported.

Applications involving spin-offs or small companies are encouraged.

Awards can be for any period up to two years full time or four years pro rata.

Closing date 16 Oct 13 (Forecast)

For further information go to: http://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/industry-fellowship/

Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowships to work with Industry

The Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowships have announced their Industrial Secondment Scheme for this year, with a deadline of September 30th.  Projects must involve a secondment to an industrial host and focus on exchange of current industry working practices to inform teaching and curriculum development.  It is aimed that the projects will be tha start of a longer term cooperation.  The scheme supports salary costs for the period of the secondment and is open to all disciplines.

Further Information: http://www.raeng.org.uk/research/univ/secondment/default.htm


Social Leadership Fellowships

This fellow is for people working of volunteering in the wider social sector. There are general fellowships and a number of specialist. The specialists fellows include a focus on environment, finance, housing associations, aging population and other areas.

Fund: The Clore Social Leadership Programme

Overview: To be eligible, applicants must be working (or volunteering) in or closely with the wider social sector and will have demonstrated leadership potential in some of the work they have already undertaken. Applicants working internationally for UK-based organisations are now eligible.

Each Fellow benefits from a personalised leadership development programme.

Twenty fellowships are available. A number of these are Specialist Fellowships, which are funded by particular organisations to target specific groups or address particular needs, more details are on their website.

Deadlines: 10 June 2013

Website: http://www.cloresocialleadership.org.uk/