National teaching fellowship scheme









The Higher Education Academy invites applications for its national teaching fellowship scheme. This recognises, rewards and celebrates individuals who make an outstanding impact on the student learning experience.

Higher education institutions in the UK participating in the scheme are eligible to nominate up to three members of staff. Staff are eligible to be nominated under part-time, full-time and fixed-term contracts. There are no nationality requirements.

For more details see:

 Closing date : tbc – expected to be early 2016.


Students as Partners – research funding available


Higher Education Academy call for proposals –  The impact of pedagogies of partnership on the student learning experience in UK higher education

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) recognises ‘Students as Partners’ as a priority thematic area to enhance student learning through regarding students as active partners in their educational experiences. This theme explores student engagement in learning, teaching and research as well as quality enhancement and change. To support this work, the HEA have a call for proposals to commission research to:

  • increase understanding of pedagogical approaches that foster partnership and the impact on student learning
  • offer clear implications for teaching and learning practice

Proposals should be distinct from existing HEA and partner research in the area and can encompass qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches.  Funding of up to £20,000 is available, with a deadline for applications of 14th March 2014, with work to commence in May 2014.

Further information:

Call details

HEA information on Students as Partners theme

An audience with our National Teaching Fellows


The Higher Education Academy’s National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme is a fantastic way to recognize your excellence in learning and teaching. To provide you with successful candidates’ views, come and join our audience with Dr Liz Boath and Emeritus Prof. Bernard Moss to find out more about the scheme and most importantly the benefits of being an NTF – not just the £10,000 to be used for your own professional development

The first of these sessions will take place in Stoke on 14th January 2013 at 1.00 pm till 2.00 pm in BG46, Brindley Building. A few places are still available for Staffordshire University staff. So if your interest is sparked and you want to know learn more from Liz and Bernard, then contact Liz at to confirm your attendance.

If you would like to know more about the NTF scheme in general, then follow this link




Funding to Share Teaching and Learning Between Staff

Two calls which may be of interest to a broad range of academics have come out from the Higher Education Academy (HEA). The University submits a number of bids to the HEA each year with reasonable levels of success.

These calls are usually repeated each year.

Scheme: Workshops and seminars

Overview: Institutions to host and deliver a workshop or seminar and to produce an associated report for. The aims of the series are to disseminate research or evaluation work and share evidence-based policy or practice. Thematic call areas: •STEM •social sciences •arts and humanities •thematic-focused call.

Budget: Grants are worth up to £750.

Deadlines: 31 July 2013

Further Information:

Scheme: Departmental scheme grants

Overview: These support single departments in higher education institutions to encourage cooperation between colleagues in the enhancement of learning and teaching. Successful applications will demonstrate team impact across a department. See the website for this year’s key themes.

Budget: Applicants may request up to £30,000 for projects lasting up to 15 months.

Deadlines: 02 August 2013

Further Information:


Teaching Development Grant funding announced

The Higher Education Academy has an open call for Teaching Development Grants.  This funding is designed to support cooperation between colleagues to enhance teaching and learning activities. Up to £30,000 can be requested, match funding from us would also be expected.

Applications should relate to one on the main HEA themes: assessment and feedback, education for sustainability, employability, flexible learning, internationalisation, online learning, retention and success, reward and recognition, and students as partners.

The deadline for applications is noon on Friday 2 August. Further details: We expect this call to be of interest to a number of colleagues, therefore please inform us if you are considering to prevent internal competition.