Bid Tender: Funding options for the NHS and Social Care in the UK


The Health Foundation is seeking a provider to undertake a programme of research to identify a range of feasible options for the future funding of health and social care in the UK in light of the anticipated gap between projected funding and demand for services.

The aim in commissioning this research is to provide an independent and robust evidence base that can be used to improve the quality of debate on the long term funding of health and social care in the UK.

Based on previous similar work commissioned by the Health Foundation, we anticipate bids up to a maximum of £300,000 (inclusive of VAT and expenses).

Deadline: 10am Monday 7 March 2016

If you are interested in the tender please contact




The Thompson Family Charitable Trust


Grants are available to UK registered charities for general charitable purposes.

Funding is provided at the discretion of the Trustees.

The Trust provides a range of grants from £250 up to an exceptional amount of £500,000. Most grants tend to be between £1,000 and £50,000 with a few grants of £100,000 and £200,000.

The Thompson Family Charitable Trust provides grants to registered charities for general charitable purposes.

Previous grants have been given in the following areas:

  • Health and social welfare.
  • Medical research.
  • Animal welfare.
  • The Arts.
  • Sports.
  • Education.

Applications may be submitted at any time, and UK registered charities are eligible to apply.

Examples of previously funded organisations include:

  • Animal Health Trust
  • Cancer Research UK
  • Cheer Trust
  • Injured Jockeys Fund
  • Katie Piper Foundation
  • Macmillan Cancer Support
  • North London Hospice
  • Parkinson’s UK
  • PCA Benevolent Fund
  • St Andrew’s Primary School
  • St Mary’s Church
  • Scene and Heard
  • Walk the Walk Worldwide
  • Walk with the Wounded

The Trust does not maintain a website or a formal application form.

Applications should be made in writing to the Trust.


Contact details:

Katie Woodward

The Thompson Family Charitable Trust
Hillsdown Court
15 Totteridge Common
N20 8LR

01608 676789

BBSRC Responsive mode research grants

BBSRC - Bioscience for the future

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council invites applications for its responsive mode scheme, on any topic within it’s portfolio.

Applications should be made to the appropriate committees according to the research topic:

  • research committee A evaluates proposals related to animal disease, health and welfare
  • research committee B evaluates proposals related to plants, microbes, food and sustainability
  • research committee C evaluates proposals related to genes, development, and science, technology, engineering and mathematics approaches to biology
  • research committee D evaluates proposals related to molecules, cells and industrial biotechnology

Grants may be used for research projects, technology development, equipment or use of existing facilities, new facilities or infrastructure provision, research networks and coordination and summer schools. Small pilot projects, proof-of-concept studies etc may also be supported.

Principal applicants must be resident in the UK and hold an academic staff appointment, lecturer level or equivalent, at a higher education institution, research council institute or a BBSRC approved research organisation.

Grants are tenable for up to five years.

Closing dates:  28 April 2015, 23 September 2015

For further information go to:

HEE/NIHR Invitation to Tender for Masters in Clinical Research Studentships

National Institute for Health Research

Health Education England (HEE) and The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) are pleased to announce HEE’s intention to fund 100 masters studentships per year for the academic years 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18.

English HEIs able to offer a masters in clinical research that requires its students to manage and deliver research in a clinical setting are invited to tender for up to 10 studentships per year for each of these academic years.

The masters studentships are an integral component of the clinical academic career pathway provided by the new HEE/ NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme. Only registered non-medical/dental healthcare professionals who deliver NHS services will be eligible to receive the studentships; and supported masters courses must be promoted to, accessible to, and relevant to all of the ICA Programme eligible healthcare professions.

The new HEE / NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme is replacing the previous Clinical Academic Training (CAT) and Healthcare Science Research Fellowships programmes and is open to all non-medical/dental healthcare professionals requiring statutory registration.

Tenders must be submitted by 1pm on Thursday 29th January 2015 and will be assessed in the spring by an expert review panel drawn from the pool of HEE/ NIHR ICA Programme Review Panel Members.

Funding is available to support 3 annual and consecutive cohorts of students, the first cohort being required to take up their studentships in autumn 2015.

For further information go to:

Invitation to Tender document.



Wellcome Trust: Sustaining Health awards


The Wellcome Trust Strategic Plan includes a specific challenge in the area of ‘connecting environment, nutrition and health’ – seeking deeper insights into the issues at stake and develop strategies to mitigate the risks to human health.  This embraces the research themes of

  • behaviour change
  • global nutrition
  • health impacts of climate change
  • ecological public health

Public health is seriously threatened by a lack of access to nutritious food, clean water and sanitation, by poor air quality, and by environmental (including climate) change. These interlinked dangers are developing in parallel with dietary choices and lifestyles that are contributing to an unprecedented burden of obesity and chronic diseases.

This call aims to stimulate the formation of creative partnerships that bring together the diversity of competences required to tackle these complex problems and inform the global response through multidisciplinary research.

Closing date for initial outline: July 25th 2014

Diet and Health Research Industry Club (DRINC)

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, together with the Medical Research Council, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council, invites applications for its diet and health research industry club. The DRINC scheme supports UK universities and research institutes with innovative basic research that addresses the theme of improving the understanding of the relationship between diet and health. Proposals should seek to relate improved understanding to the challenges facing the food and drink industry and address one of the following research challenges:

  • understanding the relationship between food processing and nutrition
  • designing foods to maintain and improve health
  • understanding food choice and eating behaviour to improve health through diet

Principal applicants must be resident in the UK and hold an academic staff appointment, at the lecturer level or equivalent, at a higher education institution or research council institute. Research teams must include expertise for designing and running clinical trials. Collaborative applications bringing together groups with relevant expertise or experience to move research closer to application are encouraged.

A budget of approximately £3 million will support a portfolio of projects at 80 per cent full economic cost. Projects are typically three to four years in duration, but projects up to five years will be considered.

Outline application deadline: 9 July 2014, 4pm

A workshop for the call will be held on 3 June 2014 in London and will be an opportunity for applicants to:

  • understand the DRINC research challenges and assessment process
  • meet other potential applicants and form new collaborations
  • discuss proposals with representatives from the DRINC steering group, the Club’s company members and the Research Councils

For further information go to:

NIHR – Health services and delivery research programme – researcher-led workstream




The National Institute for Health Research invites proposals for the researcher-led workstream of its health services and delivery research programme. This workstream focuses on research into the quality, appropriateness, effectiveness, equity and patient experience of health services. Research should lead to improvements in health services that will be of greatest benefit to the NHS and to patients. This workstream has a continued interest in applications for research in areas highlighted as a priority in previous NIHR themed calls. Applicants may submit either a standard outline proposal or an evidence synthesis full proposal.

Large scale studies of national importance are particularly encouraged in this call, including primary research projects that:

•address an issue of major strategic importance to the NHS, with the cost in line with the significance of the problem to be investigated;

•are likely to lead to changes in practice that will have a significant impact on a large number of patients across the UK;

•aim to fill a clear evidence gap, and are likely to generate new knowledge of direct relevance to the NHS;

•have the potential for findings to be applied to other conditions or situations outside the immediate area of research;

•bring together a team with strong expertise and track record across the full range of relevant disciplines;

•will be carried out across more than one research site.

NHS organisations, universities and other organisations in England, Scotland and Wales are eligible to apply. NIHR will fund HEIs at a maximum of 80 per cent of full economic cost, and non-HEIs at 100 per cent of full economic cost.

For more information Click HERE

European Health Programme

The European Commission has approved funding for a new programme for health. This programme could be of interest to researchers in the University involved in health based research. The objectives of this fund are to:

  • strengthen action to promote health and prevent diseases;
  • be better prepared to protect citizens against health emergencies and to coordinate action at European level to address them;
  • increase the up-take of innovation in health; and
  • improve people’s access to medical expertise and information for specific conditions; and improve healthcare quality and patient safety.

It is expected that the first calls for proposals will come out by early May 2014. It is expected that they will launch an annual call for proposals.

The funders will cover between 60-80% of project costs, so projects will require a degree of match funding.

Universities are eligible to apply. The fund will include action grants that contribute to the cost of joint transnational projects; and plus tenders for public procurement contracts.

More details on this programme can be found here


Info Day:

Latest news on the Health for Growth Programme

With a proposed budget of €446m the general objective of the Health for Growth Programme is to:- ‘work with the Member States to encourage innovation in healthcare and increase the sustainability of health systems, to improve the health of EU citizens and protect them from cross-border health threats’.

It is proposed that the programme will focus on the links between economic growth and health, and will concentrate on finding and applying innovative solutions to improve the quality, efficiency and sustainability of health systems.  It will support actions aimed at developing human capital and exchanging good practices in the following areas:-

  • Contributing to innovative and sustainable health systems;
  • Increasing access to better and safer healthcare;
  • Promoting good health and preventing disease;
  • Protecting citizens from cross border health threats.

The Programme will be managed by the Directorate General for Health and Consumers.  It will be delivered according to priorities set out in annual work programmes.  Funds will be made available in the form of:-

  • Grants for joint actions (transnational partnerships)
  • Grant to projects
  • Operating grants
  • Direct grants to International Organisations
  • Public procurement

The opportunities available to apply for grants for joint actions and projects and public procurement tenders will be of interest to the university.  The Programme will offer opportunities for HEI involvement in activities aimed at increasing the uptake of results from FP7 (and its successor Programme Horizon 2020) research; to participate in expert networks; to undertake research and analysis and in providing some training and staff development for health workers.

Publication of the first calls for proposals is expected in April or early May 2014.


Mass Media for Public Health

As the NIHR are visiting the university on Wednesday we thought it would be interesting to look at one of their current open calls. This fund looks like it is made for partnership work between FACT and FHS.

Funding Body: NIHR
Scheme:13/163: Mass media for public health messages
Overview: mass media for public health messages – effective uses of mass media to communicate public health messages to local populations in the UK.

This call will commission secondary research to draw together evidence on effective use of mass-media to communicate public health messages as part of local initiatives, used alone or as part of national campaigns. Secondary research methods, which may include a review of reviews, are required to synthesize existing literature across relevant disciplines.

They are particularly interested in effective:

• components of messages

• delivery to different target populations

• use for different aims and outcomes towards changing behaviour to improve health

• fit with other strategies to improve public health

Budget: Costs are based on actual project costs. Staff are funded at 80%.
Deadlines: 22 April 2013
Further Information:
