HEFCE catalyst fund

With £45m in funding to drive innovation the the higher education section, the HEFCE catalyst fund is one not to miss.

HEFCE are interested in collaborative approaches around:

•student engagement

•enhancement of teaching and learning

•student participation and success

•strategically important and vulnerable subjects


•knowledge exchange

•leadership, governance and management

Projects need to be collaborative, bringing together businesses, universities and colleges, and other public agencies.

There are no fixed application deadlines for this fund.

We have already been successful in securing funding through the police knowledge funding strand with Keele University, let’s see if we have any other exciting ideas to develop.



Funding for higher education in England for 2016-17: HEFCE grant letter from BIS






On March 4th the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Minister for Universities and Science have confirmed funding allocations to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) for financial year 2016-17.

The grant letter sets out government funding and priorities for HEFCE and for higher education for the coming year. It confirms funding of £3.7 billion, including capital funding of £478 million.




£10 million HEFCE fund to support collaborative research on policing and crime reduction

crime pic

On 28 January 2015, HEFCE announced a new £10 million Police knowledge Fund, administered via its Catalyst Fund and supported jointly with the Home Office.

Established in partnership with the College of Policing, the fund will encourage police forces to collaborate with experts from academic fields such as criminology, economics, neuroscience and computer analytics in order to better understand crimes, to develop innovative ways of policing and more responses to crime.

The call has not been released yet, however more information are expected in due course on the HEFCE website: please click here.

The Social Impact of Academic Research

The Westminster Higher Education Forum are hosting a seminar to discuss the challenges, opportunities and implications resulting from the inclusion of social and cultural impacts in the Research Excellence Framework (REF). In addition to discussing the implications on REF, the challenges of quantifying social research output and potential impact for Open Access policy will also be raised.

Dr David Halpern, Director, Behavioural Insight Team, Cabinet Office; Andrew Miller MP, Chair, House of Commons Science and Technology Committee and Dr Graeme Rosenberg, REF Manager, HEFCE will be delivering keynote addresses at this seminar. The seminar is on the 10th October and is £190 plus VAT to attend. Further details can be found at http://www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk/forums/event.php?eid=616.

HEFCE has announced funding allocations for 2013-14

The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) will allocate £4.47 billion to 129 universities and higher education colleges and 203 further education colleges for the academic year 2013-14.

This funding is allocated for the following key areas and activities:

  • £2.3 billion for teaching
  • £1.6 billion for research
  • £160 million for knowledge exchange
  • £280 million in capital grants
  • £149 million in special funding.

Further details are given in ‘Recurrent grants and student number controls for 2013-14’ (HEFCE 2013/05).  The ring-fenced settlement for science and research means that HEFCE can maintain overall levels for research and knowledge exchange funding until 2014-15.

HEFCE funding for 2013-2014 confirmed

The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has announced its high-level funding decisions, following the annual grant letter from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills on 14th January. Allocations to individual universities and colleges will be announced on 21 March.  The HEFCE Board agreed £4.47 billion for distribution for the 2013-14 academic year. This breaks down as follows:

  • £2.3 billion for teaching – reducing from £3.2 billion last year.  This will include widening participation activity (£105 million), student retention (£228 million) and funding for taught postgraduate students not eligible for government tuition fee loans.
  • £1.6 billion for research – retained for the third year running (including £1 billion for QR and £240million for research degrees).
  • £160 million for knowledge exchange – increasing by £10 million from last year.
  • £429 million in non-recurrent funds (capital grants, national programmes, Revolving Green Fund, Catalyst Fund).

The full press release and links to further information on student number allocations is available at http://www.hefce.ac.uk/news/newsarchive/2013/name,76482,en.html.

HEFCE consultation

HEFCE are currently undertaking a consultation on whether all higher education institutions (HEIs) eligible to receive public funding for research through HEFCE should comply with a research integrity concordat published earlier this year.  The research integrity concordat is designed to ensure that the UK research base maintains its high reputation for excellence, professionalism and rigour.  This consultation has been discussed at the Staffordshire University Research, Enterprise and Advanced Scholarship Committee and views are being sought to inform our institutional response.

Further information on the consultation is available at http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/year/2012/201232/. Please send through any comments to externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk.