Information day on European Funding for Materials and Nanotechnology, Chemistry and Manufacturing Communities

This event will give you a chance to hear insights from the European Commission on the opportunities for funding under Horizon 2020 for materials and nanotechnology, chemistry and manufacturing organisations.It is free to attend and will be held in Birmingham on 3 October.

The event will focus on the nanotechnologies, materials and production ‘NMP’ programme including the public-private partnerships SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industries through Resource Efficiency) and Factories of the Future.  In addition, Innovate UK (the new name for the Technology Strategy Board) and the Knowledge Transfer Network will highlight opportunities for support.  As part of the event, you will have the opportunity to pitch your ideas for projects to the audience and profile the expertise you have to offer as well as network with other participants.

More details and registration are available here


H2020 Nanotech Brokerage Event : 19-20 November – Brussels

Description: Description: Description: cid:3404802233_179739

The ERRIN Network in collaboration with Saxony-Anhalt is organising a two day event on Nanotechnology.

Starting with a Policy event on Nanotech and synergies on 19th November, organized by Saxony-Anhalt, and followed by a joint networking cocktail;  this is an opportunity for  participants to meet and start the discussing project proposals.

On the following day 20th November, ERRIN is organising a brokerage event where participants will have the opportunity to develop project proposals and build consortia.

The aim of the two day event is to give the opportunity to participants of getting a Policy overview which can contribute to new ideas and projects on the second day.

The Venue for both days: Saxony-Anhalt EU Office: Boulevard St. Michel 80 1040 Brussels.

More Details:

– The event on 19th November focuses on nanotech-related policies, networking with European Commission staff and between ERRIN members;

– The event on 20th November will focus on the Call/Topics with a deadline in 2014. In attachment the latest draft of the Work Programme: a new version may become available before the meeting;

– Participants can prepare by identifying which topics they would like to participate in and which topics they may become involved in as a partner.

Please fill out this WEBFORM in order to Register by indicating which Event/Session and Topic are you interested in