Students as Partners – research funding available


Higher Education Academy call for proposals –  The impact of pedagogies of partnership on the student learning experience in UK higher education

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) recognises ‘Students as Partners’ as a priority thematic area to enhance student learning through regarding students as active partners in their educational experiences. This theme explores student engagement in learning, teaching and research as well as quality enhancement and change. To support this work, the HEA have a call for proposals to commission research to:

  • increase understanding of pedagogical approaches that foster partnership and the impact on student learning
  • offer clear implications for teaching and learning practice

Proposals should be distinct from existing HEA and partner research in the area and can encompass qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches.  Funding of up to £20,000 is available, with a deadline for applications of 14th March 2014, with work to commence in May 2014.

Further information:

Call details

HEA information on Students as Partners theme

Funding to Enhance the Student Experience

This funding is a great opportunity for anyone who has an idea of something they wish to do to improve the student experience, something  Staffordshire University puts great emphasis on.

Funding Body: Higher Education Academy

Scheme: Individual Grants

Overview: The Individual grant scheme invites proposals from individual staff members to lead projects that enhance the student experience. The Higher Education Academy is keen to encourage evidence-based research which can lead to innovations in learning and teaching that have clear benefits beyond your own institution.

Applications are invited from any member of staff engaged in the student learning experience in HEA-subscribing institutions in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. -(Staffordshire University is a subscribing institution)

Deadline: 10 June 2013

Budget: Proposals submitted under the Individual scheme may request up to £7,000 from the Higher Education Academy. Projects will run for twelve months.


Please could anyone wishing to apply please send their ideas to the External Projects Team before bidding so we can ensure the University makes a strategic bid to this fund.

Funding for university cooperation and mobility

The European Commission have launched their latest round of funding to support the cooperation of higher education institutions across Europe.  Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme that aims to enhance the quality of European higher education and to promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through cooperation with third countries. In addition, it contributes to the development of human resources and the international cooperation capacity of higher education institutions in third countries by increasing mobility between the European Union and these countries. Priorities for this call are for the development of Erasmus Mundus partnerships for curriculum based exchanges of staff and students and the promotion of European Higher Education.


The call deadline is 15th April 2013.  Further information can be found here  Please contact the External Projects Team if you are interested (  Staffordshire University has prior experience of success in this funding stream and we are keen to support new applications.